More selling of public lands - Sorry

And, if you were to ever take a Poli Sci class, you would know that many of the Democrats in Calif are representing, wait for this, their CONSTITUENTS who happen to live in big cities. It is a pretty simple concept, people elect people to represent their issues, urban people vote to elect people that have similar mindsets and backgrounds.

Im a poli sci major so im pretty sure i know what a constituent is...didnt know they teach that kinda stuff in 5th grade cuz clearly thats as far as you got
Please. He's not Harry Truman. But that's not what we're talking about. What we're talking about is President Obama's birth certificate or some other irrefutable fact.

I am not into the Birther stuff or any of the Fairy Tales that come as Irrefutable E-Mails. I am also not into a man or woman promising lower gas prices, that is a Fairy Tale. But I was talking about Carter in the first part. John
Jose, BIG difference in giving breaks to corporations that EMPLOY people and democrats who give hand out so people can remain unemployable.Oh yeah,and those welfare ranchers that help feed my family.I'm ALL for tax breaks to big companies that employ a certain amount of people.Just think ,we wouldn't have to sell public land if more Americans were working and paying tax to pay down the debt.Unfortunately, the Dems. would just run the debt further then
I don't walk in an vote Republican down the board.I decide who has the countries and my best interest in mind.Obama,to me, has proven to be worthless and I do have my wife,daughters and sons futures in mind;not just an abortion issue.
Dems don't want us to drill more because then when we fight overseas,their "its and oil war" will fall on deaf ears.I guess most of them have forgotten about 9/11.Anyway, I'm all for the drilling,and prosperity of my country.Gas prices wouldn't go up if we put a higher export tax on it.More people working high wage jobs,and paying tax.Just think how much that will help your food alottment each month,lol
Damn, and I was hoping we could get to post #20 before it turned into the normal defend/criticize the D/R contest. I do think we got pretty far on this one before it went downhill.

I hang out on a lot of hunting websites and it strikes me that I never see threads about selling public lands on those sites. Got me wondering -

Are we just a bunch of "black helicopter" folks worried they are coming to take our public lands?

Or, do the other sites really not see it as much of a issue?

Or, do we just enjoy arguing with each other about this topic?

Or ....... ?
Democrats suck!

No!, Republicans suck!

You guys bicker like school girls. Neither party has a monopoly on lunacy or good intent. Ditch the party affiliation and vote for the person. Better yet, get involved yourself. Learn the issues and talk to your representatives. Believe it or not you can make a difference.
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Im a poli sci major so im pretty sure i know what a constituent is...didnt know they teach that kinda stuff in 5th grade cuz clearly thats as far as you got

U ever listen to any Charlie Musclewhite tunes.

Vote you had another choice.:cool:
Both parties have people with bad ideas and the two parties just argue with each other while they let our country fall into ruin. What a bunch of idiots we have running our country. I think we need to get rid of both parties and just vote for each individual. Running our country should not be a team sport.

And who would the individual be? There isnt anyone worth a damn running.
Damn, and I was hoping we could get to post #20 before it turned into the normal defend/criticize the D/R contest. I do think we got pretty far on this one before it went downhill.

I hang out on a lot of hunting websites and it strikes me that I never see threads about selling public lands on those sites. Got me wondering -

Are we just a bunch of "black helicopter" folks worried they are coming to take our public lands?

Or, do the other sites really not see it as much of a issue?

Or, do we just enjoy arguing with each other about this topic?

Or ....... ?

The interesting thing is to get people to try and realise what is happening and how there are issues that affect them every day (or at least every Fall) that they don't hear about on AM Radio.

There is one political affiliation that truly does worry about "black helicopters" and believe that there is a conspiracy theory around every corner. And, groups like the NRA feed on this paranoia to raise money for "future boogey men" like Supreme Court Justice nominations while supporting Ass-Clowns like Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and Rick Santorum that want to sell My Public Lands today!!!

I loved the Santorum thread where people truly believed that Obama will take all their guns away in the next 4 years, DESPITE making no efforts to do so the previous 4 years. And, conversely, these same "black helicopter" victims are completely confident that Romney and Santorum will NOT sell My Public Lands despite promises that they WILL sell them. It is a complete suspension of reality and logic that allows the sounds of the black helicopters to ring so loudly to some.
Jose, BIG difference in giving breaks to corporations that EMPLOY people and democrats who give hand out so people can remain unemployable.Oh yeah,and those welfare ranchers that help feed my family.
Please enlighten us.... How do Welfare Ranchers feed your family? Do you have any idea of the amount of this nation's beef supply that runs on My Public Lands? And, why should a Welfare Rancher have a source of $1.35 per month food for his cow and calf, while some Freedom Loving, Free Market, Capitalist Rancher who runs their cattle on private, deeded lands has to pay $15-25 per month for food for his cows and calves?

Do you always support federal government control of the inputs to the food system and the federal government allocating resources for the economy?

I'm ALL for tax breaks to big companies that employ a certain amount of people.
Could you explain how this would work and why on earth anyone would want to provide tax breaks for the largest companies? That seems completely counter to everything the GOP has been telling us about "not taxing the Job Creators (millionaires and billionaires) and how "small business is the engine that will drive the economy" and your own comments about how "it is impossible for job creators to create jobs".

Just think ,we wouldn't have to sell public land if more Americans were working and paying tax to pay down the debt.Unfortunately, the Dems. would just run the debt further then
I don't walk in an vote Republican down the board.I decide who has the countries and my best interest in mind.Obama,to me, has proven to be worthless and I do have my wife,daughters and sons futures in mind;not just an abortion issue.
Do you think your wife, and, when your daughters are of an age and married, will they be smart enough to know the difference between rape and consensual sex in a marriage, or will they need to have the State direct their medical providers to determine if they were raped or if they were merely having sex with their husbands?

Dems don't want us to drill more because then when we fight overseas,their "its and oil war" will fall on deaf ears.I guess most of them have forgotten about 9/11.Anyway, I'm all for the drilling,and prosperity of my country.Gas prices wouldn't go up if we put a higher export tax on it.More people working high wage jobs,and paying tax.Just think how much that will help your food alottment each month,lol
Let me get this right, you want to INCREASE taxes on exports? And then, you want to INCREASE inflation with higher costs on labor? And, somehow, you think there will be "prosperity"? Could you please explain this novel economic theory??

There is no need to sell My Public Lands, and, if ass-clowns like Romney, Paul Ryan, and Santorum had a friggin' clue what they were talking about, they would figure that out. Do you actually think that Welfare Ranchers are going to pay millions for land they have been using for $1.35 for the last 8 generations of their family?
An election year lured Jose back from the shadows, now if elhchaser and bighornram would show we could get the band back together.

Carry on.
Reading the Ryan budget it appears to me that there are a lot of markers he is laying down that could be dealt away in committee. It is a meaningless document because of the fact that the Senate would have to go along with it. It is too bad I can't go compare his document to the Senate budget as they have not been able to produce a budget.

If that language of selling off public lands remains in his budget then all of us should swamp his and the Houses email, phone and mail systems with howls of protest and get all of our friends to do the same.

I wish we could move forward without putting stupid ideas on the table but that appears that is all these guys are able to come up with.

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A couple of thoughts,
I do not support the sale of public lands, by anybody except the state of Alaska. (from whom I recently purchased 8 acres of forest on a small stream near Denali national park) I am a hypocrit(for Jose).
On the daughter, mom, wife issue. My opinion on the intent of the law would be; If a woman has consensual sex with her husband on a weekly basis and is later raped by another, some time SHOULD be taken and some measures SHOULD be used to determine ancestry.
Reading the Ryan budget it appears to me that there are a lot of markers he is laying down that could be dealt away in committee. It is a meaningless document because of the fact that the Senate would have to go along with it. It is too bad I can't go compare his document to the Senate budget as they have not been able to produce a budget.

If that language of selling off public lands remains in his budget then all of us should swamp his and the Houses email, phone and mail systems with howls of protest and get all of our friends to do the same.

I wish we could move forward without putting stupid ideas on the table but that appears that is all these guys are able to come up with.


It wasn't a serious budget, it was just political grandstanding by Ryan. Hell, it wasn't until 2040 that he got rid of the deficit. Nothing like kicking the can down the road.

Great ideas in it though, take away money from students, poor people, old people and give it to Millionaires and Billionaires....
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