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Deer - lets see em

My Minnesota buck and my girlfriends Arizona buck
First time hunting coues and now i definitely understand how people get addicted to hunting these little desert deer. Did see a few bigger bucks but couldn’t get close enough and this guy gave a shot opportunity on the last day.


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Screwed up the night before opener and left the rifles at home, three hours away. Left my son at the cabin and my wife was kind enough to meet me half-way late that night so we didn't need to borrow guns. Four hours of sleep wasn't ideal, but I had a feeling it might result in good luck for my son. At 830 opening morning he made the shot.

Another happy customer for the pink rifle. 93 yards and he dropped him in his tracks. "This is the happiest i've been in my entire life!!"

The next day this doe was a little too curious about the gut pile, so I had a second one to cut up.


Good memories for both of us!
Got this funky horned buck a few weeks ago back in Bow Season here in Mississippi. Only deer i saw that morning. Was coming across our foodplot and making his way right into bow range. Came all the way within 20 yards but was standing behind some limbs i was using to hide behind, so i was ready to go just waiting on him to take a few more steps and i was going to let him have it. But just as i went to draw back a squirrel ran across the ground behind me and spooked the deer as the buck hadn't seen the squirrel lol. He ran back across the field where he came out at and just stood there. Ranged him and he was just standing there at 50 yards looking around confused on what just happened. As he stood there for well over 5 minutes in the sun just looking around, i tossed back in forth on shooting at him as i try not to shoot at deer over 40 yards. I can easily shoot out to 60 and am comfortable doing so, but just not always a fan of doing so as we all know when shooting that far at a deer the situation has to be just right. But if i was to ever do it, that was the time to do so as he was not at all concerned with me and just standing in the sun at 50 yards looking the other way. Talked myself into it and drew back and let it fly. Surpassingly got a full pass through at 50 and he only ran about 75 yards and piled up. Only negative to the shot was actually right as i let my arrow fly he stepped forward and i hit him slightly farther back than i wanted to... but still a lethal shot and got the job done.

Still have yet to figure out if this is how his horns have always grown, or if he damaged it in velvet and this is just how it grew this year. As we have no prior pictures of this deer on any of our camera's.


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