More bear bait questions

Not a spring bear that's been hitting that bait for a week or two. I personally only use rotting meat (beaver carcasses) to attract them and normally run cheap dog food mixed with frying oil. Delicious tasting bear every time!

Fall bears are an other story.
I wish I could use beaver in Wisconsin. I have seen that stuff work on Manitoba hunts. It is some secret sauce.
Pretty tough baiting bears with berries from a natural source.

Me and a buddy baited for years in Idaho’s spring season. Fish worked great, we hung them in burlap bags up in a tree. We also did a mix of sugar, barley and water. Grease from the local burger joint and cheap dog food also.

I was talking about what I do. I'd never use bait to hunt but it's illegal here anyway. We also don't have a spring hunt for the one who mentioned that. We have 3 choices. Spot and stalk which is useless for me because I hunt the timber. Still hunt into natural food sources. Call them.
I was talking about what I do. I'd never use bait to hunt but it's illegal here anyway. We also don't have a spring hunt for the one who mentioned that. We have 3 choices. Spot and stalk which is useless for me because I hunt the timber. Still hunt into natural food sources. Call them.

I'll be the a-hole that asks. So why in the world are you commenting on a thread titled more bear bait questions?
I'll be the a-hole that asks. So why in the world are you commenting on a thread titled more bear bait questions?

Because i'm interested in the meat and I didn't think using a bait that would make the meat taste bad was a good idea.

Do I need your permission to post in a thread?
My favorite baits mixture is a 55 gallon drum full of bread and donuts. If I have more bread than donuts I pour powdered sugar, pancake syrup, sweetened Kool aid powder on bread. I bought a pallet load of outdated Peeps and candy corn last year. That absolutely hammered my baits. They love the Peeps and candy corn. Once my barrel is full I open and hang 4 or 5 cans of sardines in the trees above and around the barrel. (The bears will usually go to the sardines first like an appetizer before they got the sweet stuff in the barrell). Top of the sight by sloshing used fryer grease on and around everything at bait sight. Also spray Gold Rush from Northwoods bear products in trees, warning it is very potent. Kinda smells like butterscotch.
For added info I hunt oak and pine hardwoods in se Oklahoma. We have to compete against the acorns falling in the fall. When white oak acorns start falling they can literally dump your baits overnight. On a bumper crop year of acorns it can be tought by the Oct. 1 opener. On a poor year of acorns mast it's usually money.
I wouldn't use fish unless the bears are eating fish.
Our baits must be in an enclosed container as well.
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