Kenetrek Boots

2024 Sask WT adventures

And goofy is already screwed next year. He better watch every step
Hopefully he’s around next year. Haven’t got pictures in a week maybe he wandered north a mile and got about by an American or maybe he stayed on the farmland and got shot by a local
Ok here’s the story. Weatherman was calling for a north wind all day which would allow me to hunt the stand I wanted. It was NE when I got out there and stayed that way all day. Because I was waiting for the wind to switch I bumped from spot to spot glassing. The deer were moving really good. I think the storm eastern Sask is getting today combined with a doe or two who’s smelling right had stuff moving as I saw lots of does and several little bucks sniffing, chasing and cruising. Anyways after many hours of glassing various spots around 4 I drove on a road that separates the south edge of the land I can hunt from other stuff I can’t. While driving this road I could see his head sticking above the skyline watching me about 300 yards out. I continued past turned around and waited. After 10-15 minutes with no action I drove back and was able to see him better. I could see he was locked down with a doe next to a little willow bush on the skyline. With nothing to lose I went back to where I could hunt and set an ambush up hoping the doe would come my way to feed. They were about 300-400 yards away from two fields. One I can hunt one I can’t so I setup and hoped for the best. I figured they would come out in the far corner about 230 yards away so I got setup and waited. I was in position about 430 and around 5 I looked up and to my amazement the buck had just jumped into the field 80-100 yards away. I let him move into the field about 20 yards in case he spooked as I went to get on the gun so I could still have a chance without him getting back into the trees and across the property line. He started trotting more into the field so I made my move and got the gun up. He saw the movement stopped perfectly broadside and I let the 300 win mag bark. It hits with authority especially at 100 yards and he dropped in his tracks.

My fiancée wants me to keep the baits going so I will. Not sure if she will have time to hunt but we will see

Haven’t scored him yet but pretty sure he will gross my new PB. For 6 years now I have ran baits and hunted baits and still most of my deer come like this. Off a field edge or catching them locked down with a doe on the drive in or out. Still only shot one deer over an actual bait pile

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