Alabama deer 2024

Not going to lie…things are looking real good. I just had six does feed out into the open. A little but very interested 8 came out and chased them all over the place. He was not a shooter but it was fun. They eventually all ran back into the trees. Three more does plus the original six are now feeding back out. I am really hoping his big brother or daddy shows up. They were definitely in range of the 350 legend. Fingers crossed.
Good Luck! The rut should be on down there, especially with that big front that just came through.
Just watched the shooter that I have seen in the area chasing a doe about 350 yards away. This group of seven does is now just 80 yards away. I am pinned down. I hope the live bait works.
Two little bucks, a spike and the little four are in the field now. Three more does have started feeding out from where they all originally came from. The does keep looking into the trees. I have about 1 hour of shooting light left.
No deer were harmed tonight. I saw 5 more does and two more small bucks. One small 8 had almost his entire left side broken off. Great night and lots of fun. I also saw that little four chasing two does but I am sure they were some from the original group.
I will be back out next weekend. I know there are a lot of really experienced whitetail hunters but this was the first time I actually saw and heard a buck grunting. What can I say…I am a simple elk hunter from the intermountain region who has been displaced by work, (less then 3 years until I retire) who is having a blast hunting south eastern whitetail.
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