Alabama deer hunt.

That’s not your off the shelf muzzy! Care to share a little more?
You noticed that huh? I wonder about some of the weapons used to hunt as muzzle loaders and even bows. Custer probably got killed with a long bow! Not a compound! Davy Crockett never had a muzzle loader with a plastic stock and I suspect Indians in 1850 rarely used compound bows! :)
Was able to get a quick scout in on a new area.

I found a couple fun tracks…
I also found a new rub line and a few new scrapes. I will be back out tomorrow morning.
Looking forward to the story. Meanwhile, I second the question about your muzzleloader setup.
I grew up in the Black Belt region of Alabama and go home to hunt every year in Pickens and Perry Counties. I'll retire in a few years and head back that way. Love the land down there to hunt everything from rabbit to deer.
My lease is in Greenville AL. I just got back last week from my 12 day holiday hunt. Heading back up for our rut on the 17th. I will be there at least 14 days this trip. Maybe longer depending on whats going on. It is odd to see most hunters getting the post season blues when we are just cranking it up. We mostly shoot does from a week before Thanksgiving up to first week of January. With freezers pretty well full the focus be on bucks 3 years or older.
My lease is in Greenville AL. I just got back last week from my 12 day holiday hunt. Heading back up for our rut on the 17th. I will be there at least 14 days this trip. Maybe longer depending on whats going on. It is odd to see most hunters getting the post season blues when we are just cranking it up. We mostly shoot does from a week before Thanksgiving up to first week of January. With freezers pretty well full the focus be on bucks 3 years or older.
Ever hit up BBQ65? Some of the best bread pudding I’ve had.
Ok guys…back in the stand. Major (for Alabama Major) snow storm coming in the morning. I am back in the tree with perfect wind. Almost got into a fist fight with a knuckle head. As I was walking n for the night, a guy starts scream that I ruined his hunt. He was 100 plus yards away as I was sneaking in. I set up 1/2 mile away. The area I am hunting is almost 600 acres. I could barely see him with binos. He kept yelling said he was coming down to kick my ass. I just kept walking.

Now to the hunt. image.jpgimage.jpgIn this spot, the deer come from a no hunting area to the north. I usually see a ton of deer in here and this is where the 160 buck was last year. He came off the closed area.

This is this afternoons weather.

No shots fired yesterday. Hunting area is unfortunately closed today because of storm. The shooter never came back by but I did see another group of does. In total I saw 14 deer with two being bucks. One small and one shooter. Rut should be really crazy around February 1st.
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Hopefully @utah400elk won't mind me piggybacking off his thread, but I got back to the Cotton State for my annual deer camp with some friends from school last weekend. The camp patriarch has a cool tradition of using this hunt to introduce a new hunter to the outdoors each year. This year, the guest of honor was the middle school grandson of one of his former colleagues.

Overall, four hunters tagged seven deer over the long weekend including this buck below that I took Saturday morning with my new .257 Ackley. Depending on how you count points, he was anywhere between an 8-10 pointer and weighed 165 on the hoof. The camp patriarch knocked over an 8 point that crossed 200lbs on the skinning shed scale. Most happy to report, though, that our guest of honor successfully took his first deer-- a healthy 95lb. doe. We were hunting during a rare severe cold snap in south-central Alabama, with windchills into single digits and the swamps covered in a layer of ice, but a great time was had by all.
Hopefully @utah400elk won't mind me piggybacking off his thread, but I got back to the Cotton State for my annual deer camp with some friends from school last weekend. The camp patriarch has a cool tradition of using this hunt to introduce a new hunter to the outdoors each year. This year, the guest of honor was the middle school grandson of one of his former colleagues.

Overall, four hunters tagged seven deer over the long weekend including this buck below that I took Saturday morning with my new .257 Ackley. Depending on how you count points, he was anywhere between an 8-10 pointer and weighed 165 on the hoof. The camp patriarch knocked over an 8 point that crossed 200lbs on the skinning shed scale. Most happy to report, though, that our guest of honor successfully took his first deer-- a healthy 95lb. doe. We were hunting during a rare severe cold snap in south-central Alabama, with windchills into single digits and the swamps covered in a layer of ice, but a great time was had by all.
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Congrats! What county?
Congrats on a great hunt. The last snow storm crippled northern Alabama/Huntsville. We were locked down for about a week. Sorry to report no hunting. The snow here is different. I lived and worked at Snowbird Ski Resort in Utah for three years and we had more than a few storms that left over 70 inches of snow (Record was almost 100 inches in a three day storm). We only got 5 inches here but within an hour of the snow falling it was solid ice. I went out to shovel the snow within an hour of it stopping and I could walk on the snow and I did not leave any tracks. To add to the frozen snow. I literally think the entire Huntsville area has two snow plows.

We are back at it this week and I hope to get out Thursday-Sunday.
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