Moosie's 2008 Adventure in Africa...

G-sus.. I'm trying to work here...

Willa Picture of Me and an Ostrich egg work ?!?!??

Now Cali... While I was there, I did a little hunting.... but Mostly Hung Out :D


Being south of the Equator I felt like I was upside down sometimes though ....


Sometimes I just sat around thinking .......

Warren Ladd and Me... LEft to right :


Here is the 2nd Camp we stayed at... Not to bad for a camp :

Here was my First Impala.....


It was around the 20" mark. the one Above in the thinking pose was a great one at just over 25".

Not to be Out done, Jason came in at shooting one 26 6/8" A true stud !!


Look at the ground. It was Red. But not only the ground was red. So was this Red Hartebeest.

Not to leave out the Others... Some Good animals were taken. Here is Warren with his Gemsbok :


And Jason with his :

I would like to put a Story together on the trip and put all the pictures in place, but I'm sorting out over 2000 pictures that were taken. I will also have to regroup and figure out what says we did what. We have over 5 hours of video as well. It will take awhile.

We have some typical Moosie Video taken.... Even makes me giggle. ;)

All in all it was a Great time and no matter how many pictures I put up or try to tell the story it won't do justice to the great time I shared with the other 4 guys and the time I had. Sitting over a fire in Africa without a bit of worry is truly fantastic. I'm trying to get through the day and answering work emails and stuff but I figured I'd share a few of the pics to keep you guys off my back ;)

More real soon !!!!!
alright, real soon has come and gone. lets hear the story. BTW, some nice looking critters there Moosie. Congrats.

and after seeing some of your other videos, the wife wants to see these real soon. and believe me when I tell you, she is not a patient woman.:BLEEP:;)
I think Everyone shot a Blesbok.





My shot on my Blesbok wasn't the best. Matter of fact, My first 2 shooting experiences were a little harder then I thought. The Hartebeest was probably my wost shot :eek: Those guys must have thought I just bought the gun from Walmart and never been hunting before. I'm not sure if it was the Jet lag, the worry of wounding an animal, or not getting it or what. But, of all 4 hunters and all the animals shot, we only lost one. Although never fun to have wounded an animal and not find it, it is the part of hunting that happens.
That gemsbok pic looks familiar, you weren't hunting the "Rigor Mortis Ranch" were you? Nice pics, good job. 25 & 26 inch impalas-awesome. Nice Gemsboks also
Those are a couple of great impala rams! I'm jealous of the gemsbok, as that is the animal I wanted the most - even more than a kudu. I passed on my hartebeest once, as I think they are ugly...but he was a good one and made the mistake of showing up in front of my rifle a second day.

I can't wait to go back again. It is very difficult to describe to folks who haven't been there.

Jorge is heading back next week to a different part of RSA for the trophies that were not available where we were at last year. I wish I could have swung it to go with him!

I still want a gemsbok and I "need" a black wildebeest to go with my blue.... ;)

Congrats to all on some terrific trophies!