Kenetrek Boots

Moosie's 2008 Adventure in Africa...

Moosie. Hope you didn't have a lay over in IAD as I am only about 25 minutes from the airport. Could of picked you up for a burger and shake.
He told me what he shot and I think it's pretty cool. I won't steal his thunder but he came upon a deal that would be pretty hard to pass up. Congrats dude I can't wait for the pics.

I hope you didn't fall for one of the "We found this big cat raising hell with the locals and someone needs to shoot him" kinda deals.

I know a couple guys who shot cats, based on that premise. They thought they were doing the good deed and the price seemed like a screaming deal, so they bought into it.

Turns out, one shot a tame lion. He was told it was ravaging the local herders cattle and terrorizing the village. I was not aware of this, but in RSA lions are bred in captivity for such situations. They are turned loose at night and usually hunted over bait. The hunter cannot really tell that they are tame, as even tame lions roar and look intimidating at night. Still costs a big chunk of change.

The other guy shot a leopard that was already dead. The leopard was talked about all week. Finally, the PH supposedly had permission to shoot the leopard and stop it from raising a ruckus. For a large fee, the hunter was given the option to shoot it and be the village hero.

Story goes like this. They are hunting in the dark with flashlights shining around looking for eyes. Leopard is spotted in the tree, almost in a sleeping position. Hunter shoots it and it falls from the limbs. PH says they must leave, as the leopard has moved off and it is too dangerous to follow in the dark. Only later does hunter find out the leopard was dead when he shot it, and that is why PH didn't want to go look at it right away. Supposedly, the leopard was frozen in a position and then placed in the tree. Hunter claims the leopards eyes glowed in the dark and noise was being made.

Anyhow, these are two of the funniest stories I have heard from guys who have hunted Africa.

Hard to beleive a PH would do that, but I suppose there are dishonest guys in all parts of the world. Supposedly they are counting on people being too ashamed to say what really happened, even if/when the hunter eventually realizes he was taken for a ride.

Can't wait to hear the story Oscar.

I hope you didn't fall for one of the "We found this big cat raising hell with the locals and someone needs to shoot him" kinda deals.

I know a couple guys who shot cats, based on that premise. They thought they were doing the good deed and the price seemed like a screaming deal, so they bought into it.

Turns out, one shot a tame lion. He was told it was ravaging the local herders cattle and terrorizing the village. I was not aware of this, but in RSA lions are bred in captivity for such situations. They are turned loose at night and usually hunted over bait. The hunter cannot really tell that they are tame, as even tame lions roar and look intimidating at night. Still costs a big chunk of change.

The other guy shot a leopard that was already dead. The leopard was talked about all week. Finally, the PH supposedly had permission to shoot the leopard and stop it from raising a ruckus. For a large fee, the hunter was given the option to shoot it and be the village hero.

Story goes like this. They are hunting in the dark with flashlights shining around looking for eyes. Leopard is spotted in the tree, almost in a sleeping position. Hunter shoots it and it falls from the limbs. PH says they must leave, as the leopard has moved off and it is too dangerous to follow in the dark. Only later does hunter find out the leopard was dead when he shot it, and that is why PH didn't want to go look at it right away. Supposedly, the leopard was frozen in a position and then placed in the tree. Hunter claims the leopards eyes glowed in the dark and noise was being made.

Anyhow, these are two of the funniest stories I have heard from guys who have hunted Africa.

Hard to beleive a PH would do that, but I suppose there are dishonest guys in all parts of the world. Supposedly they are counting on people being too ashamed to say what really happened, even if/when the hunter eventually realizes he was taken for a ride.

Can't wait to hear the story Oscar.
Nope he didn't fall for that one but I'm sure he would have if that was told to him. I think he's probably wishing the black Mamba got him about right now instead of having to explain to his wife what he just bought. I'm just curious on where he's going to put it. :)

I've heard the leopard story from at least 4 diffrent PH's, and a couple diffrent hunters from 3 differnt countries. Did it actually happen to your friend or just a story he related? If so who did your buddy hunt with?

Pretty unlikely story if you you ask me.
HAHAHA.. No, No fake stories. I did almost go after a Lioness. But I left that for another day. Give me this afternoon and I'll get some pictures and stories up.

I've heard the leopard story from at least 4 diffrent PH's, and a couple diffrent hunters from 3 differnt countries. Did it actually happen to your friend or just a story he related? If so who did your buddy hunt with?

Pretty unlikely story if you you ask me.


The lion story was one of my friends. The leopard story is one he (lion shooter) told me of a person I know of. Whether or not it is true, I am not sure. Sounds like BS to me, and I wonder if the lion shooting guy didn't just tell me this so he sounded like less of a sucker. Don't know the PH or operation they hunted with, but can find out.

I found both stories to be funny. :D
I thought the leopard story was pretty funny, but probalby one of those african bush legends... kind of like that 12' bear that killed the ranger and then it took 15 shots from a 338 at point blank range to finally bring him down. :)

Can't trust those South Africans... they're always up to something.
Moosie, you are draggin 08 hunts like 07 hunts... Someone needs an ass whoopin in a few months so your ass wakes up and quits leaving us in suspense!

Bugler, you live by him. Kick him in the nutz for the rest of us.
Moosie doesn't have nuts. His wife removed them when we got back on Monday.
Biznaches I tell you... All of ya :)

Ladd, don't you need to wash your hands with Purell and get back to work ;)

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