Moosie's 2008 Adventure in Africa...

Dang, I was just about to shoot you a PM asking "what ever happened to that Africa trip you were going to take?".
Have fun and kill stuff, don't bring home anything that will cause you doctor to have to order exotic antibiotics.
Africa is pretty far, I'm thinking it will be a while. Especially, since you need internet and all to post. Will the phone work there? Probably $5/min or something, even it it does. I didn't see the gun on the bed there, but the hat was, he's getting ready for sure.
i'm back... in IAD airport.... they say go big or go home. I went "big". :) more when i'm on a computer and not from my phone.......
Well, welcome back, looking forward to the pictures and stories. Wow, way to go, you went big! When you fill in the details, I probably will take a while to read it, so congratulations now! Glad you're back from there, how was the trip?
Dulles International, just outside Washington, DC...

Welcome back. I'm guessing you're going to have a couch made from the hide? :)
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