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Moosie's 2008 Adventure in Africa...

Awesome. Can't wait to see some videos. I would have loved to heard that phone call home.

What's gonna cost more, the trip, the taxidermist or the payback from the wife???????? :D:D:D
Seat covers for the Suburban?

What size is the vital zone on a giraffe? About a commercial washing machine or the average refrigerator??? ;)
What range did you shoot it at?

Just funning with ya, Oscar. I know you had mentioned shooting a giraffe before. I am not sure that I would have passed up kudu and gemsbok for a giraffe, though. The ones we saw where we hunted were not very challenging - they pretty much just stood there and looked at us.

BUT - I don't know personally anyone else who has one! :D :D IT must have made a big 'thud' when it hit the dirt...

Congratulations on "going big!"
I am not sure that I would have passed up kudu and gemsbok for a giraffe, though. The ones we saw where we hunted were not very challenging - they pretty much just stood there and looked at us.
Isn't that how a lot of hunting is in Africa. I've never been but it doesn't seem like it would be the hardest place to hunt. You never here of people going to Africa and getting skunked. :D
Isn't that how a lot of hunting is in Africa. I've never been but it doesn't seem like it would be the hardest place to hunt. You never here of people going to Africa and getting skunked.

No - it is not too demanding in most cases. Like anywhere, there are easy places to hunt and difficult areas. It would be difficult to get skunked only because game is everywhere. You cannot walk or travel very far without seeing something you could shoot. I often saw herds of zebra, wildebeest, impala, wart hogs, etc. all at the same time. Probably like what Lewis and Clark experienced before this continent was settled and migration routes were disrupted, huge herds of game shot, etc.
Are you thinking a full body mount???;);)

I'm planning on doing a neck mount. I have a picture I'll upload later on the Idea that I'm thinking. Basically the Head is about 3' off the ground and the Neck goes back in the air. It is a pedistal mount and just after the headthere will be a African bush holding up the mount fron the neck. I want a monkey hanging from the tree and the other mounts under the neck mixed in. Hard to explain but I have the Idea in my head.

Nice job on the critters Oscar. What camera did you end up going with? Pictures look really good.

So, let's assume money isn't a factor. Between Alaska, New Zealand and Africa, which one would you go back to first?

ovis, I've been asked that question alot since I've been back. All three are different. AK is vast and hunting like no other. new Zealand I hunted from Choppers and do want to go back but it's alot of money and since I've taken thar and chamois I'd only have Stag left and That's not really high on my list. Although chopper hunting is alot of fun. Africa, well, It's fairly Lazy hunting. I can't lie about that. Alot of truck riding and driving. that being said It took us hours to find the Giraffe and once we found it we lost it and took about another 1/2 hour to find it again. I have no CLUE how a 20' G-raf can hide but it did, and well.

My guess is I'll go back to Africa first. It's nice being treated like a king every day and seeing a dozen different types of animals each day.

would have paid good money to see the look on his wifes face when he told her about that giraffe being mounted and put in the living room.........PRICELESS!!!

All the guys on the trip wanted to be a fly on the wall. My wife knows me by now and Although she didn't ike it, She still didn't kick me to the curb. Although she has put in a few Money stabs since I've been back.

WOW so what kind of price tag did that long neck have??? where on the body did you shoot it ans how many times ??

3k was the Price tag. it sounds like alot maybe but a Kudu has a 2.5k tag on it. The issue on a Gifaffe is the Shipping and mounting cost. It's a Couple of big bills toship it and every bit of the cost of the tag to mount it. A fullbody mount would have run about 17-18K. And I'd have no place to put it anyways... (Like I have a place for the neck ;) )

What did ya shot the big beast with?

I borrowed a 375HH . After seeing the downed animal and the 1.5" thick skin I was really glad I used a bigger gun.

Moosie shoots a gigantic giraffe because he's trying to compensate for something....

Pound for Pound a giraffe is the cheapest animal to shoot in Africa. It weighed over 2,500 #'s after it was gutted. I have a Picture of a kid holding it's heart next to me. It's the size of a basket ball. there was 18 guys working on that giraffe at one time. They used 2 trucks and winches. If anything can compensate for size, it is a G-raff.

Frickin' hillarious. Leave it to Moosie.

I hope the fact that we are all jealous makes it easier to tolerate the certain thrashing Mrs. Moosie is currently administering.

Very cool.

My wife did ask if I shot it jsut to post pictures and make people shake their head. i can't say that it wass the only reason but I do like the reactions ;)

That's going big for sure. I guess you can recarpet the house or something like that.

It was that Giraffe or another cow like you got. It was truely a tossup.

Awesome. Can't wait to see some videos. I would have loved to heard that phone call home.

Video;s are coming. My wife asked on every call what I got and I dodged the questions till I got home.

I hope you shot a bunch of those little monkeys. How could a vacation be any more fun??

I didn't shoot any becasue we all had Super big guns. I will go back and get a couple though. they were everywere !!!

What size is the vital zone on a giraffe?
What range did you shoot it at?

I know you had mentioned shooting a giraffe before.

BUT - I don't know personally anyone else who has one! :D :D IT must have made a big 'thud' when it hit the dirt...

Here is the Shot placement :


I did mention a Giraffe before. I've always liked them. Funny thing was in the airport going there I told security we were gonig to shoot giraffe's becasue the epidemic they are causing on tree tops. Story later on that :D A thud is an Understantement !!

Did you shoot the giraffe in the neck?

Nope, In the heart. Or as close as I could. I actually shot it twice before it fell.

Isn't that how a lot of hunting is in Africa. I've never been but it doesn't seem like it would be the hardest place to hunt. You never here of people going to Africa and getting skunked. :D

No one get's skunked in Africa. Thats for sure. But we did try getting a Zebra and never could get it done. We also tried for a specific Impala for several days and out ofthe 3 of us in different rides we saw it 4 times over the couple of days but never got a shot. Most of the time we could never find it and the 20 does it was with. the place we hunted was thick and alot of thorns !!!
If I were to ever shoot a giraffe, I'd shoot the thing in the neck about halfway between the head and the body...I've always wondered if the neck would break at a 90 degree angle????

I mean thats a long neck on them bastards...I just cant believe with a broken neck that it wouldnt snap where you shot it.

Maybe not, but it would be fun to try.
Dude. That video cracked me up. Next time you go pencil me in. I can't wait for the rest of the pics and vids.
Some funny stuff... I'm sure the video clips are going to be great.

That giraffe is friggn cool! I'd like to render one into a couch one day.

I would agree on the 'lazy' part, but I've never been on any other kind of outfitted hunt. So I'm not sure how it really compares. I would rate it similar to pronghorn hunting. Fun but easy, and you don't have to get bloody, and pack crap off the hill. I really like the later...

I've put off Alaska twice for Africa, and its not looking good for 2010 either. Have to see what the wife thinks. She's got an itch to whack a caribou, and I really want to get up there soon. You have to look at that way... just be glad you don't have to 'afford' your wifes hunting addiction too.

Man $2500 for a kudu? Did they have a shortage or what?
Dude, you dominated a giraffe!!!!! FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

"we have nearly 3 verticle feet"... LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
Damn.....a Giraffe?? No wonder you didn't come home with a Kudu or Gemsbok. I was thinking maybe a Cape or you "darted" a Rhino or something, but a Giraffe....

Cool pics so far....definitaly brings back memories for me. Look forward to more.
It was a good time. In addition to seeing some new Animals.. I did see a couple that reminded me of Here was One such animal :


Although you guys think everything we was had a Price tag, No mater how much I asked. Not eveything was for sale :


This next picture shows how cold it was. I mean driving around in the back of the truck with the temps in the low 30's is hard hunting. But the smiles showed that it was still fun :


At least when we got back to camp we had a little warmth...


Some people..... not to mention any names cough*LADD*cough never warmed up :


The one animal I really liked but we never got, was the Zebra. We had several chances at them but one thing or another led us not to get one. I guess there is always next time :

Ok, Picture this...It's a quiet evening in Idaho and somewhere a man is sitting on his Patio wearing an Orange hat and Fuzzy slippers. When a fly buzzs by to land on his Moob, SMACK! Squashed by a Giraffe's Tail! He pauses, reflexs on his life and sucks on a Choc Shake. Life is Good! John;)

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