Moosie's 2008 Adventure in Africa...

The Heart..... Who could miss a target this this ?!?!?!


you need to add a caption that says, "if you touch me with that thing I'll kick your ass".....

with you making a fist, it looks like you are waiting to swing that kid a beating....
The mount idea with all the animals around the neck of the girafe sounds really neat. It sounds like the head is pointed down, is that right? Will you be able to get the rest of the hide, wow? 2500 lbs, its the cheapest per pound eh? After its gutted, 18 guys, two trucks, winches, whew, what a job? What happened to the gut pile, like any hayenas or anything like that?

What does girafe taste like? You look happy wearing the hair piece. Looks like it warmed up by midday, eh?
Tom, even with Puncuation it's hard to understand what you're really saying or asking ;)

On the mount, the head will be flat looking into the room and the neck will go up to the Right at about a 25deg angle. As far as the other animals, I plan to mix them all in somehow. I'm not sure yet. The ideas will come :D

As far as the guts, I'm not sure. We went to another place for the day to get this giraffe. We never went back. I do know there is alot of Jackles around. I'm sure something cleaned up the mess.

On the temperature, It usually warmed up pretty good. High 60's I think. 2 days it was probably in the 70's. Not to hot but felt good to UnLax for awhile.
And sometimes we did just that :


Other times we hung out before dinner. I think I was 0 for 5 in pool. it was just not my sport :


That being said, the food..... well, it didn't suck one bit !~!~!! And there was pleanty to go around :

Approved for the Crazy house..... yes :)

Remember all the Animals in the Plains ?



And the other thing that made you appreciate your home was views like this :

Not to speak for moosie but if it was like my safari they ate the guts.

By "THEY" I think you mean the trackers ? YAh, They dumped the stomach content and then kept the Stomach liner and cooked it... for them, not us :D :D

Town was a bit scarey for sure. I would take my chances in the wild V's town any day. We have video of Cheeta's. Maybe I can get Ladd to upload it tonight ?
Where were you guys hunting? Looks like the Free State?

I'll see if I can find a 'guts' picture for ya.
I'll have to ask again. It was South Africa and we went to 3 different Concessions. One was up north by the Botswanna border.
WOW those are cool pics, How the heck can one go up there and not hold back on shooting everything and not even think about the check book.

Hey oscar is that giraffe going to be mounted in the house? maybe you can modify the fireplace head should just stick through the chimney ;)
Your mount idea sounds cool. I saw a similar mount at the Sportsmens Show here in Portland. I thought it looked awesome.

3 grand for a giraffe seems like a bargain. Now that's money well spent in my book. Hope you got some good video of him. Can't wait to see.
We didn't have any plains like those pictures with the big herds. The country we hunted was pretty brushy, and we didn't go to other locations.

Did you see any waterbuck, or were they not in that area?

One of the neatest things for me was finding a recent leopard kill early one morning. We were tracking my kudu from the night before - I hit him a little too far forward. but luckily Jacob was able to track him for a couple of miles and we finished him off. It was a sleepless night for me, though.

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