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Moosie's 2008 Adventure in Africa...

We hunted 3 places. The first place was the Open country. The Highveld. Then we moved to the Bushveld. Here is what we saw most of the time :


It wasn't hard hunting, but getting a shot was the hard part. They moved 5 feet and you couldn't see them. With the herds they bunched up in there were alot of noses to smell you and eyes to see ya.

Waterbok ? Yah, We saw alot of them. They were pretty. Never seen a huger one but there were some good ones :


An animal that looks liek a Waterbok... but only bigger, blacker and with a 9k tag on it's head was the Sable.....


We were able to get real close to these guys. They would jsut stand there in the open with no cares in the world. Wish all the others were like that :)

Another critter we saw alot was this Fella :

WOW those are cool pics, How the heck can one go up there and not hold back on shooting everything and not even think about the check book.

Hey oscar is that giraffe going to be mounted in the house? maybe you can modify the fireplace head should just stick through the chimney ;)

Trust me. the " $ " is always on your mind.There are guys that go there and wack 150 animals in 7-10 days. I have no clue how they do it. I seen a picture of guys wil piles of Critters. I had a rough budget and still went over. It is sheaper to pull the trigger whie you're over there then to think about buying another trip and plane ticket. thats the justification for alot of guys :p

I plan to build an addition on my house. I wanted to buy another lot and build but with the job change it will be awhile till I can do that. I'll hopefully have something figured out in the next couple years :D :D
Well, if you let the base of the giraffe neck sit on the floor, you might not need such a tall ceiling. Is there a stair well to put it in? I'm thinking its still like 10 ft plus, a girafe head distance from the base of the neck. I guess a twisting neck could cut it a little shorter to not need so much height?
By "THEY" I think you mean the trackers ? YAh, They dumped the stomach content and then kept the Stomach liner and cooked it... for them, not us :D :D

Town was a bit scarey for sure. I would take my chances in the wild V's town any day. We have video of Cheeta's. Maybe I can get Ladd to upload it tonight ?

Umm, did you eat any sausage over there?

I saw a few Afrikaner landowners cleaning guts also.

I think they eat everything but the squeal over there (or whatever noise the critters make).

The gemsbok was shot near the Botswanna border? Look alot like where we hunted. Great pics, they bring back memories.

What is the "wild V's town"?
Sable are neat, but not worth the $$$ in my opinion. I can shoot several wildebeest, impala and kudu for $9000. Nyala are expensive, too - or at least they were where we hunted last year.
Very cool Moosie.

I know a guy from Rapid City (not T-Bone:D) who has a neck pedastal of a giraffe next to his fireplace. The neck was essentially erect on his mount and it looked wicked cool. Since everyone's got an opinion, I'll give you mine. I think it would look awesome to have the neck mounted high on the wall with the head coming to the floor as if drinking...perhaps even with the toungue sticking out. That would give you a scene/habitat to put the other animals in as well.
We truely had a good time. there was lots of joking and funning around. Here was me sending my SHOCKA love out to IdahoBugler. Notice the right hand little Pinkey Nuckle not in the right spot... I might should have not taken off the cast early :eek::eek: :


In Hunting. I was always prepared. Sometimes when the gun didn't work I had the knife ready. You never know when you'll need it :


And 1 week was a long time without hugging and Kissing... So we made due :D

You know... one thing about the Giraffe that I have always heard and did personally confirm is the thinkness of the hide. 1.5"-2". Thats crazy thick !!!

Just back home last night from Kazakhstan and had to pop in ... Way to go Moosie. Looks like a great time was had by all.
I know what Cali is saying about the Sable. My dream too, but that is almost the same a mabogo...
Man, I was crossing my fiongers that you would gets one of them buffs.
I was a bit "sticker shocked" to see the trophy fees as high as they are.. Man, Things have changed in the past few.
Check back later have some home work... hump to catch up on..
If You Would Shoot A Girafee You Must Be From Texas,,,or is it because they are elusive?
He said they saw these. Did anyone shoot one?

My buddy there got him, it was the first head shot with a rifle I've ever seen on a bird.


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Congrats Oscar!

You know if this Warren guy had little round specticales on...he coulsd pass for Cali's twin brother. :D



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