Montana season structure proposal 2.0

It’s been studied for mule deer. I believe in utah or Wyoming. Bumps up buck to doe for about a year than trends back where you started. I will see if I can dig up the studies.

Edit: jeff short studied this

That was a great podcast episode about all sorts of seasons and social aspects.
That was a great podcast episode about all sorts of seasons and social aspects.
The whole series of podcast that Robby did with biologists from Idaho, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado should be mandatory listening for every hunter before they comment on or push for change to season structures. A lot of old myths and bad ideas are discussed and debunked in those podcasts.

Here is some more reading on Antler-point-restrictions for anyone interested:
The whole series of podcast that Robby did with biologists from Idaho, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado should be mandatory listening for every hunter before they comment on or push for change to season structures. A lot of old myths and bad ideas are discussed and debunked in those podcasts.

Here is some more reading on Antler-point-restrictions for anyone interested:
I totally agree but also always have your eyes wide open. Robbie is a big buck hunter that likes to hunt so he isn’t agenda-less. I listen to every podcast with scientists and have learned a lot
Buck harvest has little to no appreciable effect on population, doe harvest does that. Maybe you mean buck to doe ratio? Or more bucks in general?
I totally agree about the doe harvest. FWP allowed the does to get absolutely slaughtered for years, 6 otc md B tags in addition to an A tag definitely didn’t help sustain numbers, throw in a couple of nasty winters into the mix and you have a visually noticeable numbers decline in just a couple seasons. All I was saying is that we are finally discouraging excessive doe harvest, what would it hurt to let the younger bucks have a chance at a couple years of helping them does put fawns on the ground.
This ^

Then try to account for the unaccountable, how many buck deer left 6&7 with doe tags or no tags at 2:30 in the morning.
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I received a phone call from a NR yesterday who came to R6 to hunt mule deer, and he asked, “where can I find one? There were lots of deer in 2021, whats the deal?”
I replied, call R6 headquarters and ask.
2021 is about the time I noticed the huge influx in NE region 6 as well. There are bma’s and state land I’ve been hunting for 16 years where I’d see 15-30+ deer each time hiking until 3-4 years ago. Average now is 1-5 deer with maybe one small buck on those same spots.
@cgasner1 and others that are working on this project, perhaps you can include hunter reports as part of your suggestions. I know it’s been talked about plenty already. This is the post card ID sends out as well as email reminders. Makes it way easy to get the MANDATORY report taken care of. I think it’s interesting that the card says Better Data=Better Hunting. I’ve already made my opinion known as to how important good data is.
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@cgasner1 and others that are working on this project, perhaps you can include hunter reports as part of your suggestions. I know it’s been talked about plenty already. This is the post card ID sends out as well as email reminders. Makes it way easy to get the MANDATORY report taken care of. I think it’s interesting that the card says Better Data=Better Hunting. I’ve already made my opinion known as to how important good da
It’s a big party of this is also for mandatory reporting. I can’t think of any reason a game agency wouldn’t want that.
I brought it up and they say that their cold calling is accurate enough
My ID deer survey is below. Not exactly a cornucopia of data.
Statistically speaking, the answer MT gave you is generally correct. I can speculate if my answer was YES to the ID harvest ? , ID would have given me more ?'s to answer. Maybe someone else can help on that. Mostly I think these things are an additional data point, not the end-all, be-all of data. But I also agree it should just be made online. I like that it was sent right after my season ended so I didn't have to think back and try to remember anything. That alone is a benefit. But also, they gave me a tag for a specific area, not half the state. Maybe that is something Montana should think about?

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We found a small forky in region 6 to bring back to Washington! Wait make that region 2 and not a forky. He was with 3 does on November 5th. Great way to spend Election Day.
Did you pull teeth on that buck to age him?