Montana Deer Management Survey Results

I know a lot people that hunt a mixture of public and private . The percentage satisfied that I talk to is nowhere near the percentage from the survey . Wonder how this was dispersed ? 80% of the surveys went to western MT folk that hunt eastern MT and 20% to the people living year round where a majority of the mule deer hunting is done ?

Edit: thinking about it more, that would make a lot of sense considering more than 80% of Montana residents probably live in regions 1-5.
If it was done correctly, they were chosen at random. I wouldn't say there is a sampling problem, at least at face value (see Background section). But some of the answers are of little use, like equally wanting solitude and to spend times with family and friends. Maybe they should have put the definition of solitude in the survey. But i'm the moron, so...
If it was done correctly, they were chosen at random. I wouldn't say there is a sampling problem, at least at face value (see Background section). But some of the answers are of little use, like equally wanting solitude and to spend times with family and friends. Maybe they should have put the definition of solitude in the survey. But i'm the moron, so...
Agreed. It might be time for sportsman groups to come up with their own survey. Maybe mule deer foundation will help. 😂
Agreed. It might be time for sportsman groups to come up with their own survey.
It’s true. I almost quit reading after I read how high the percentage was with acceptance. Then I went on to read that the major upset was with crowding in the field.. killing a mature animal isn’t a concern just opportunity. I never realized how much this really plays into tag allocations. That’s sad!

Less will always be more smh 😞
This thread kills about as many braincells as huffing on 91 octane for 5 minutes. Some strange fukkers on here.....
One of my coworkers had a generator sitting in his back seat for a few hours. A little gas obviously leaked. Riding around with him for about 20 minutes and I was pretty well stoned for the afternoon.
Agreed. It might be time for sportsman groups to come up with their own survey. Maybe mule deer foundation will help. 😂
Have you heard of MDF doing anything in Montana for mule deer? I know they’ve done some in NoDak.
The MDF is our only hope! They hold banquets and I'm guessing funnel the money to Utah because I haven't seen any of it put to use in Montana. They certainly don't weigh in on management in MT.
Billions of dollars could be put into mule deer in Montana with almost zero positive outcome when fwp is determined to drive the mule deer into the dirt. But hey at least they are doing what the people want.
In light of @Elky Welky post about fwp cooking the books on their management survey on elk. What does it take to get your hands on the actual survey results where they add in neutral responses as positive responses. I know they are very protective of their actual counts and there is no reason for me to believe they aren’t manipulating game check surveys counts etc etc to put a positive spin on a declining resource. That would support my anecdotal evidence of mule deer and antelope decline over the last 27+ years of hunting. It’s time to quit treating mule deer like coyotes in Montana.
In light of @Elky Welky post about fwp cooking the books on their management survey on elk. What does it take to get your hands on the actual survey results where they add in neutral responses as positive responses. I know they are very protective of their actual counts and there is no reason for me to believe they aren’t manipulating game check surveys counts etc etc to put a positive spin on a declining resource. That would support my anecdotal evidence of mule deer and antelope decline over the last 27+ years of hunting. It’s time to quit treating mule deer like coyotes in Montana.
FWP asked different questions on the mule deer survey @DougStickney, attached here, which is noteworthy as well. The questions were more targeted towards satisfaction with the regulations and opportunity, as opposed to satisfaction with "management" wholistically.


  • mule-deer-resident-deer-hunter-survey-2023.pdf
    1.7 MB · Views: 21
Well I guess we can see where the BHA agenda is at. I was so close to getting BHA license plates too, guess they will stay local.
Well I guess we can see where the BHA agenda is at. I was so close to getting BHA license plates too, guess they will stay local.
I've been pretty explicit on here before that I only speak for myself on HT. That said, you are right, looking closer at this FWP reports 75% satisfaction, when in reality only 41% are satisfied, 34% are neutral, and 25% are dissatisfied (I predict 5-10% of that is all you @DougStickney ;) ) The dpt should be held just as accountable for this one as for the elk one. Maybe you could write an op-ed too?

You did ask how to get ahold of those numbers, and I provided you with the full survey results. Not sure what more you want?
I've been pretty explicit on here before that I only speak for myself on HT. That said, you are right, looking closer at this FWP reports 75% satisfaction, when in reality only 41% are satisfied, 34% are neutral, and 25% are dissatisfied (I predict 5-10% of that is all you @DougStickney ;) ) The dpt should be held just as accountable for this one as for the elk one. Maybe you could write an op-ed too?

You did ask how to get ahold of those numbers, and I provided you with the full survey results. Not sure what more you want?

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