FWP embarks on mule deer monitoring, research, and outreach initiatives

As long as there’s does and spike elk to kill, 90% of MT hunters are plumb happy.
I don’t know about that, I didn’t get a survey but I did get my hands on one, the questions are set up for a predetermined answer. Hindsight I don’t even know if I answered them correctly to oppose the status quo. The hunters I know might not agree on how to fix it but they will admit it’s not good.
It's astounding the degradation in mule deer herds that has happened where I hunt out east. I cannot fathom seeing such a decline and thinking the status quo is acceptable... I understand much of wildlife management in today's world is heavily influenced by social science. I just don't understand where the biological backbone went when things are getting this bad.
No Einstein. Shooting coyotes in November.

True, but think about how good hunters could feel about themselves. Might take their minds off not hunting mule deer through Thanksgiving weekend.

I like most of you on here would like to see more restrictions on mule deer hunting. I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that Hunt talk is simply an echo chamber and at the end of the day the majority/ average Montana resident hunter probably does just care about getting opportunity over anything else... Its generational tradition ingrained into all the people who hunted mule deer in November with their dad and they want to do the same with their kid. Its hard to fault them for that. As many of you have said, I really do believe it will take hitting absolute rock bottom before the public will demand action. This is where its supposed to be the job of the FWP to do what is needed to protect the resource.... unfortunately the MT FWP doesn't have any integrity to stand on and wont step in to intervine.
Similar wants to what hunters wanted when the last survey was taken. Completely different quality and quantity of on the ground reality when it comes to Montana’s mule deer herd than when the last survey was taken.

You would think that a responsible FWP would manage according to the needs of the resource rather than continue over exploiting that resource just because 60 percent of hunters want season length and structure to stay the same.
I like most of you on here would like to see more restrictions on mule deer hunting. I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that Hunt talk is simply an echo chamber and at the end of the day the majority/ average Montana resident hunter probably does just care about getting opportunity over anything else... Its generational tradition ingrained into all the people who hunted mule deer in November with their dad and they want to do the same with their kid. Its hard to fault them for that. As many of you have said, I really do believe it will take hitting absolute rock bottom before the public will demand action. This is where its supposed to be the job of the FWP to do what is needed to protect the resource.... unfortunately the MT FWP doesn't have any integrity to stand on and wont step in to intervine.
Its going to take someone with a set of brass cajones to go against this grain in favor of the deer. Given the FWP director is an appointed yes man, its going to require a governor who has a different vision for our wildlife than the person we have now.
I like most of you on here would like to see more restrictions on mule deer hunting. I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that Hunt talk is simply an echo chamber and at the end of the day the majority/ average Montana resident hunter probably does just care about getting opportunity over anything else... Its generational tradition ingrained into all the people who hunted mule deer in November with their dad and they want to do the same with their kid. Its hard to fault them for that. As many of you have said, I really do believe it will take hitting absolute rock bottom before the public will demand action. This is where its supposed to be the job of the FWP to do what is needed to protect the resource.... unfortunately the MT FWP doesn't have any integrity to stand on and wont step in to intervine.
Well said luke