It's basically the offseason, which means when the snow shovels come out, the Corner Crossing machine gets fired up as well.
I stumbled into FWP's 2021/2022 FAQ document ( which states that "Corner crossing, such as at section corners, in checkerboard land patterns (mix of public and private land) is illegal without permission from the adjacent landowner(s)."

The last time I had even bothered to look into it (2016?) FWP was about as non-committal as you would imagine on the issue, since it's the seemingly grayest area of the West:

Did I miss something at a legislative session? What changed other than FWP Leadership and Government heads? I know CC gets beaten down more frequently than a 2 year old Muley buck on public, and I am aware how the vast majority of us feel about it. My intent in posing this was more to figure out if I missed something all together, or if FWP is using this as a paper dragon to dissuade the general public from causing headaches for them.
I stumbled into FWP's 2021/2022 FAQ document ( which states that "Corner crossing, such as at section corners, in checkerboard land patterns (mix of public and private land) is illegal without permission from the adjacent landowner(s)."

The last time I had even bothered to look into it (2016?) FWP was about as non-committal as you would imagine on the issue, since it's the seemingly grayest area of the West:

Did I miss something at a legislative session? What changed other than FWP Leadership and Government heads? I know CC gets beaten down more frequently than a 2 year old Muley buck on public, and I am aware how the vast majority of us feel about it. My intent in posing this was more to figure out if I missed something all together, or if FWP is using this as a paper dragon to dissuade the general public from causing headaches for them.