Wyoming Corner Crossing Bill

Corner crossing would significantly reduce the value of many properties. This makes simple debate on topic unpalatable to any politician. Many we can find an alternative solution?
I could care less if they lose value, they didn't buy the public lands, they don't pay taxes on it, and their grievance is not with the public or 4 hunters from Missouri that used public land that some d-bag "thought" he owned.

I also don't believe for one split second that property values will decline...I heard that same shit when stream access passed in Montana. Same garbage spewed by landowners and real estate agents and guess what, land value's on streams/rivers in Montana didn't drop a bit.

Go find me some reduced priced land on the Yellowstone, Bitterroot, Clark Fork, Blackfoot, Clearwater, Gallatin, Jefferson, Madison...I'm in the market but want to pay about $400 and acre. You know, since stream access killed the value.
I could care less if they lose value, they didn't buy the public lands, they don't pay taxes on it, and their grievance is not with the public or 4 hunters from Missouri that used public land that some d-bag "thought" he owned.

I also don't believe for one split second that property values will decline...I heard that same shit when stream access passed in Montana. Same garbage spewed by landowners and real estate agents and guess what, land value's on streams/rivers in Montana didn't drop a bit.

Go find me some reduced priced land on the Yellowstone, Bitterroot, Clark Fork, Blackfoot, Clearwater, Gallatin, Jefferson, Madison...I'm in the market but want to pay about $400 and acre. You know, since stream access killed the value.

I should have been more clear. I can't say for sure if values will decline, but politicians will certainly hear that from a lot of voices with a financial interest. That is why they sidestep the debate. Easiest to just not bring it to the table.
You thought there were major problems with it as it was constructed. What were they?
I really hope this has 0 chance of passing... but who knows anymore...
We're on this, @JM77 made the first giant step, we have an action plan in place and will post it at the appropriate time.

This is horrible legislation and is going to get people hurt, killed, and may result in civil suits where people lose their assets.

We don't need to be deputizing landowners, we have a sheriff's department for a reason.
I get the intent of what they're saying, but it lends itself (in my eyes) to people being able to go right across a 40 acre parcel of private to get more public because they're traveling from one parcel to another. It doesn't seem to give any sort of real restrictions as to what "touching" means.
that shares a common corner with or is immediately connected to the first parcel and that the person is authorized to access.”

How can you remotely suggest this language gives you license to cross a 40 acre parcel?

Shares a common corner
Immediately connected
"Rep. Crago said the request for a law came from a single person in Buffalo who teaches self-defense and church-security classes. That person asked whether one could take action “if we think somebody is about to do something really bad.”

This self-defense and church-security instructor, who chose not to be named, also needs to add psychic to his job description.
Yeah, I'm going to go right out on the hairy, ragged edge, and say that Crago is a big fan of Yellowstone...
The bill verbiage should have included the term “train station.”
Range wars in the 21st Century. What’s next, the rebirth of the Pinkertons and Stock Detectives riding property boundaries?
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