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MOGA, RMEF, and Randy Newberg

mudranger...I am cheap and easy...I would be your real-life buddy for a six-pack....and your post was humorous.

thecrittergitter..i do not know if Randy is anti-outfitting...I will reserve judgement until I know him and his politics well enough to pass that judgement myself. Trust me, if I think that he is, I will be the first to tell him. That said, there are those in the outfitting community(like the ones who emailed Mac, and are considering withdrawing donations) who feel that Randy is anti-outfitter/landowner.

buzz...I don't think that coward is an adjective that I would use to describe bigshooter.

kevinw...if you knew me you would know better than to tell me "grow a set", and make accusations of fence riding... if you would think first, and look back in the posts you would see where I stand. I do not have any bias one way of the other for Newburg's appointment, as I do not know him, and have never seen his tv how can I pass judgement on someone whose political leanings I have no knowledge of?
One thing that I am glad to see, David Allen standing by the appointment. Shows character.
And you accepted? Congrats Randy. Looks like you just got real busy. I think you will be a great asset to the RMEF. Nice to see they can't be bullied!
Re: RMEF blogspot

The statement they came out with regarding Randy made me get off the fence and join up.

Sorry TLC, I am a newer newbie than you. Just waiting on my email confirmation.
"Some members had opinions" so we put them on our letterhead and sent them to all of the organizations we thought would help us influence RMEF's decision.
Re: RMEF blogspot

The statement they came out with regarding Randy made me get off the fence and join up.

Sorry TLC, I am a newer newbie than you. Just waiting on my email confirmation.

I agree. This was a great statement and prompted me to also join up. I like an organization that will stand firm for what they believe in, and not be bullied. I'm curious how many new members over the past few days that the RMEF has gotten because of this fiasco.

Sorry idnative...I'm the newest newbie on the block.

Congrats on the appointment Randy.
buzz...I don't think that coward is an adjective that I would use to describe bigshooter.

Eric, well, even though I'm not offended by the more colorful/appropriate adjectives I'd of preferred to use to describe bigshooter and his behavior, out of respect for Randy's sight, I refrained.

If bigshooter would have pulled that chit on the guys I grew up hunting and fishing with, he'd of been eating soup for the month it took to fit him with a brand new set of dentures.

If you choose to think that a guy like bigshooter is such a may want to ask him why his letter contained a bunch of lies? I'd also be asking him why he chose to drag down the MOGA and WYOGA over the same lies?

Then again, maybe bigshooter was being truthful about the political gerry-mandering and lack of concern that WYOGA and MOGA really do represent in regard to DIY/PUBLIC land hunters...

I think its real possible that the leadership of both groups really dont care about the average hunter, public lands access, or the wildlife that lives there.

A group is judged by its individual members and actions...I guess MOGA/WYOGA must have forgotten that along the way.
buzz...where do you come off claiming that I think bigshooter is a "hero"?....I know the man, and respect him, but I would not elevate him to "hero status"....I bet if you ask Newburg about him you will find a respect as well...just because someone does not agree w/ me, or sees an issue in a different light does not give me right to disrespect him/her. to knocking bigshooters teeth out...don't think that I would want to be the one who undertakes that endevour, let me know how it turns out.
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With the spin doctoring going on, I got to talk to many reporters and was asked to respond to the MOGA statement that they merely wanted to provide RMEF contact information to those manners who voiced concern.

My reply - Seems that if you only wanted to give contact information to those who inquired, you would email that contact information to those who inquired.

If you had bigger intentions, you would email it to every person on your email just.

If you had even bigger intentions, you would email it to all your other state outfitter associations and ask them to email their members.

Maybe the best way to reach those few concerned members is a blanket email to every outfitter and every state outfitter association in the Northern Rockies.

Yeah, that probably is a better way.
I know the man, and respect him

You must be very easily impressed...

Pretty amazing he'd burn down two OGA's in a lame attempt to get his way...and also attempt to strong arm the RMEF.

Not sure I can respect anyone that uses political back-stabbing, border-line libel/slander, and outright lies to further a vendetta.

Your mileage obviously varies.

Oh, and I'd say Randy and RMEF have administered the "kick in the teeth" he had coming...if only obviously.
Hey buddy,

I hate to say this, and this is the first time it really hit home for me... but back when you had your huge health scare and you reacted by changing your whole priority list in life and your goals... it turned out to a really good result for all of us.

Proud of ya, man.
You could have been a very comfortable, well to do, accountant, and just called it good, and it would have been good, too.
But you took the opportunity to take up the cause for us regular, average guys who love to hunt.
You go guy...
and Thanks!
thecrittergitter..i do not know if Randy is anti-outfitting...I will reserve judgement until I know him and his politics well enough to pass that judgement myself. Trust me, if I think that he is, I will be the first to tell him. That said, there are those in the outfitting community(like the ones who emailed Mac, and are considering withdrawing donations) who feel that Randy is anti-outfitter/landowner.

I'm not buying into this. You've been a member for a while now and I'd venture a guess you have been lurking for some time before that. I believe you know Randy is not anti-outfitter or anti-landowner you're just trying to save face and it's really making you look bad. Personally I'd be willing to bet the ONLY other members who emailed MOGA to express their concern did so at the personal request of bigshooter. I'd doubt they even knew what they were really getting themselves into.
In testimony today, Fred Thomas, (R) Bitterroot Senator, made a statement close to this:

"I don't understand the resentment to outfitters today, in the 80's we created a industry and everyone was happy, I don't understand it."

I think Fred's going to get some info shortly.

This was in testimony to statutorily give non resident hunters 35% of large predator permits. So who takes it up the poop shoot for that 25% increase in tags? Maybe the people who have had it?

Of course this is just the first step to giving them the same percentage in the other draws too. More subsidies for this special interest group.

Wonder why we hold animosity towards them?
I agree with BRI on this one...theres not much of a question that the leadership of MOGA knew exactly what they were doing.

Funny that bigshooter, (Rod Paschke), is hiding in the shadows...

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