Caribou Gear

MOGA, RMEF, and Randy Newberg

Looks to me like MOGA turning up the velocity on their spin cycle. Sounds like a 2 yr old having been caught at something, then trying to spin out of it. No matter how it sounds coming out - it just don't make much sense if you any ounce of brains.


This is EXACTLY correct! This apprears to be be a simple case of someone who feels they are upper end authority of an organization and without consulting his board or other members on their position, just speaks out very stupidly. There are some great guys that I'm sure are part of MOGA that are probably pretty damn embarrassed to be a part of the organization.

Like Buzz said, when you have organization leaders speaking out on their own blabber when likely, many in their organization may have felt much differently............Get rid of them!

Pretty chicken chit deal from the outfitters here, really giving the good ones a bad rap here...

Eric, I would be curious to know your stance or Bg Shooters explanation on how On Your Own Adventures somehow makes Randy, or the principle itself, "anti-outfitting".......I think i've watched every episode and interview since the beginning and I've never once heard reference to your (MOGA) accusation.....

Just because I like Football, and you like Baseball, doesn't mean I'm anti baseball------just putting in in as simple tems as possible....:)
The Idaho Outfiitters and Guide Association is the only western organization where on of their board members took the time to get the other side of the story when being asked to participate in the MOGA effort. From that call, it became apparent to me, that his organization was asked to partiicpate in the effort MOGA had undertaken, the same as WYOGA was asked.

One of their board members did call me, Joseph Peterson of Flying B Ranch. Me provided an email that he sent to all of his fellow Idaho outfitters, in his position as a board member of IDOGA.

He gave me permission to post this on our website. I am providing a link to his website and hope that if you ever are interested in a hunt in Idaho and you need the services of an outfitter, you would keep him in mind.

Here is his website -

............... I contacted Mr. Newberg myself to hear his side of the story. He said I was the only person who called for his side of the story- from Montana, Wyoming or Idaho. That is quite telling about his oppositions motivations........

.............. I read his blog spot, Facebook page and website and do not see a reason he would be a detriment to the Elk Foundation Board. As a matter of fact, having some one who holds a perspective from the DIY viewpoint, I think it is important to the Foundation to have members with a wide scope of elk issues. Mr. Newberg has been on outfitted and guided hunts and knows the value of our business to the hunting community.

I am disappointed to hear of the attacks on Mr. Newberg for this position on the RMEF board and then to hear no one called him to visit about the issues.................................... I would encourage you to make contact with those mentioned below in support of Randy Newberg for a position on the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation board of directors.

Here is a link to the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association -

Not sure how the MOGA spin machine can say they were just passing information to folks, when so many other state organizations were asked to participate. Good news is, they were foolish enough to put this in writing.

I suspect MOGA and Mac Minard thought they were taking a drink from a sippy cup, only to find out that they glued their lips to a fire hose.

Still pissed that I have had to spend the better part of a week defending myself and the self-guided hunters advocacy of our platform as a result of the petty agendas of a few MOGA board members who are willing to split the hunting community as part of their efforts, and in the process, drag the entire Montana outfitting industry into a big pile of stink.

Time to get some tax returns done.
There is no doubt that this will only be a black eye for MOGA. Stay positive and I hope they have the decency for a public apology...maybe it's too mature of a thought for them.
I would be curious after hearing all the RMEF memberships that are filling in, just how many new members they gained??

I became a life Member last year after they stepped up to the plate to try and help me find access to anyplace I could for a terminally ill young man to shoot an elk. And yes Eric, I was one person who was not real thrilled and was not a member of RMEF for a few years not becasue of 161 but because of the original lack of involvment in the wolf issue. However, organizations change views and scopes and thats how they gain members back.....I know 8 people who became members just for their help with Dan.

And to add to the reason MOGA had negative light in my eyes prior to this. When I was working my tail off trying to find places to get Dan to shoot his last elk, I figured contacting a MOGA member for help would be huge as they would certainly be able to help with all the connections they would have.........wrong...

Guess what the response was to a kid who would never shoot an elk again after that season..........and I quote " I''m sorry, I sypathize with the situation, but I JUST CAN"T HELP you. I'm having to work extra just to get my paying clients animals". By the way, with 4 hours of that comment, there was a pile of heads brought to the taxidermist from his outfit to the tune of 12-15 nice bulls.

As I was walking out, he did mention that he had a spot I could take him if I cut him a check for $2,500 but when I went out there, it was two little raghorn 5 pts.

Not that he was obligated to help but when you have the resources and contacts he did for MOGA, sure exected a bit different response, given the situation.....
As I was walking out, he did mention that he had a spot I could take him if I cut him a check for $2,500 but when I went out there, it was two little raghorn 5 pts.


And outfitters wonder why people hate them. I know some very good ones that I consider friends. I hope they are ashamed of what MOGA is trying to pull here.

Keep the faith Randy.
Way to go Randy. Finally, it seems as though one of the associations has used common sense. Heck, he brought up the point that I was thinking, why not have at least one advocate for DIY hunters on the board? There should be a variety of representation not just one paradigm

And outfitters wonder why people hate them. I know some very good ones that I consider friends. I hope they are ashamed of what MOGA is trying to pull here.

Keep the faith Randy.

And let me be clear, that I know for a fact not every MOGA member would respond the same, there are some great people out there that are part of MOGA. Just like every organization, seems to be the bad apples that run their mouth the most.

There seems to be a far different attitude and personality between the mom and pop (smaller) guides and outfitters as compared to the high dollar, huge ranches, big name guys........just my experience.
And let me be clear, that I know for a fact not every MOGA member would respond the same, there are some great people out there that are part of MOGA. Just like every organization, seems to be the bad apples that run their mouth the most.

There seems to be a far different attitude and personality between the mom and pop (smaller) guides and outfitters as compared to the high dollar, huge ranches, big name guys........just my experience.

That's been my experience as well. I know personally one who guided a guy with a Super tag for an elk. The guy shot a bull on the last day of his hunt and it was the biggest they had seen. It was a shot in some trees and was really hard to judge the bull. Long story short he shoots one the last day. It's bigger than anything he's ever killed but not a monster. He gets home shows some people and then gets mad that he shot an "ok" bull and not a monster. Calls the outfitter and rants about how he was wronged and never should of shot it blah blah. The outfitter just says I'm sorry it was the best we'd seen as you know and you ultimately pulled the trigger but I'd rather give you back your money than have you blaming me. He refunds the guy his money. Pretty sure I'd told the guy to pound sand but because this outfitter doesn't live and die to make the money he took the high road.
Well, interesting. So many thoughts running through my head I can't nail em down. Seems they have taken some lessons from the Fed. Do, then blame someone else. Guess I am just too slow to process all this, but I call it the way I see it.
This is nuts. Doesn't seem like they care as much about conservation as they do about having another organization that can promote their business, and apparenlty Randy threatens their advertising.
From the RMEF Blogspot -


RMEF is an organization comprised of hunters and non-hunters who all have a deep passion for wildlife conservation. Recently an issue has arisen regarding the election one of our new Board members. The following will state our position on this issue.

RMEF is a diverse enough organization to allow for opinions/beliefs of all hunters and those non-hunters who support hunting as part of our conservation toolbox in this country. We support and work with private landowners, outfitters and do-it-yourself hunters alike; RMEF’s history speaks for itself on this issue. We intend to continue with these relationships.

Relative to the recent issue of Randy Newberg being selected for a RMEF Board seat, the leadership of the RMEF Board has notified Mr. Newberg that we welcome him to the Board beginning March 3.

RMEF strongly believes that hunter vs. hunter confrontation is non-productive for the future of hunting and wildlife conservation.


John Caid M David Allen
Chairman, RMEF Board President & CEO
Well - Amen to this conversation.

MOGA and WYOGA have some crow to digest. Both organizations lost a lot of face in the way a few individual members chose to handle this. Those members chose to use the MOGA and WYOGA letterheads so those organizations deserve the backlash.

Be kind of interesting to see how they respond. Spin cycle not done yet, you can bet on that.
Randy - I don't have cable TV and have never seen your show, but seeing you work so hard yesterday was inspiring. Please let me know if I can help you.

Carrion, make sure you join your local sportsman's club. Where ever that is.

You can also sign up at and become a member of that group. It's free, so what do you have to loose?

Then you will get notifications on bills, and issues that affect Montana resident hunters and fisherman.
Is what's really crazy, is Randy was not in favor of I-161 and in fact vocalized that he voted against this initiative. This was the only issue, that in 7 years of Hunt Talk conversations with Randy, that he and I weren't on the same page.

If those Morons from MOGA had half a firing brain cell they would have came out with a huge endorsement for him.

You can't fix STUPID is a truism.
"let's get back to the table and get to work."

you guys in montana may want to buy stock in prep H. someone's got a hurt butt over this one.

congrats Randy. from the newest(?)RMEF member.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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