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MOGA, RMEF, and Randy Newberg

The complete arrogance shown by MOGA is embodied in the personality, and actions of one MAC MINARD.

My suggestions to you Eric, is to rein in this menace to your profession before "WE THE PEOPLE" who control the ballot box take a harder line against your profession.

MOGA never looked at what went on with I-161, they just plotted how to get revenge, and over turn the law. That's a big mistake, IMO. You should have been asking yourselves how to heal the relationships with us.

You haven't and now your group is looking for a scape Goat. That being Randy Newberg. Randy was against I-161, and has openly supported a landowners right to lease lands.

You never have admitted that Outfitters are utilizing a public resource for your paycheck. Do you guys feel it's your right to use that resource freely, without any regulations? Until you accept that this resource isn't yours for the taking, things are only going to get worse.

Everything MOGA gains will be under scrutiny, and anything you gain at this legislature is not going to be open for attack at the ballot box.

Right now, MOGA is in the cross hairs of the resident sportsman.
my apologies to "newberg"... for mispelling his last least "newburg" is pronounced the same.

BRI...I have been told by a good number of outfitters that they feel Randy "Newberg"(got it right this time) is anti-outfitter.

My name is often spelled with plenty of colorful an descriptive adjectives not printable for public reading. Not a big worry on that one.

Eric - You have my contact information, phone, email, etc. Feel free to share it with that "good number" of outfitters, however many that is. I suspect most of them already have my information.

If they want to talk to me, you know I will talk to them, just as you and I have talked. If they have information where they want to show me what they find to be "anti-outfitter" or "anti-landowner" I would love to see it or hear it.

There are no secrets with me. It comes with the territory I operate in.

I have yet to hear from Mr. Minard. I know he has all my contact information, as he has called and emailed me in the past. I have yet to hear from your President or President-elect. They have all my contact information from previous meetings/calls/emails with them. I have yet to hear from one single Wyoming outfitter or the leadership of their association.

For all this evidence and supposedly so many members who are concerned, not very many have acted on the requests of MOGA/WYOGA. Since they all were provided the contact information of where to send their concerns, hardly any did.

So, how many is this "good number" you speak of? Hundreds, tens, two or three?

Was the "good number" too small for those wanting to exercise their personal vendettas, so the effort was taken to enlist more help to build the "good number?"

If the "good number" is the number of concerned outfitters who have contacted me before I reached out to them, the "good number" is zero.

To count the number of outfitters who contacted me to tell me they support my nomination, it would take more than both hands to count them all. That may not be a "good number," but it is a number of good outfitters.

I would ask you, since you have a relationship with them; have them contact me. Or, have them come and post their examples here, or on some other website where they feel more comfortable. I have never backed away from anything I have said/done/wrote, and I am willing to discuss any and all of it with any and all of them. If they want a private meeting somewhere, let me know, and I will be there.

As one former Air Force pilot emailed me yesterday - "When you are taking a lot of flak, you know you are directly over the target."
I think after hearing Randy speak on SB 151 supporting sportmen in Montana and calling out the three guys that keep bringing this up year after year. MOGAs lies made them just look dumb. I was going to cancel my sportmens channel. Then I saw Randys show for the first time. What a breath of fresh air.Heres a guy that I had never met that seamed to be like a long lost friend. And meeting him in person is the same. The RMEF is lucky to have a guy like Randy on there board. A guy that everyone likes that meets him. If you guys want to see him in action pull up SB 151 and watch the video. and see MOGA and Randy in action.
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Thank you MOGA for convincing me to renew my RMEF membership.

Also, thanks for giving me one more reason to be disgusted with the outfitting industry. I know a couple of really good outfitters but I have also had some pretty nasty run ins with others as well as temporarily worked for a couple that were some of biggest liars and cheats I have ever encountered. MOGA leadership must think they are all powerful, but if I was them I would be a little more careful about pissing off the resident hunters of this state. We are starting to pay attention and there are more of us then there are of are shooting yourselves in the foot.
To give some perspective that not all MOGA members are engaged in this effort, I am providing an email from about ten minutes ago. Seems only a few on the fringe are making this the issue they have.

A good friend of mine, who is a guide, and shall remain nameless. This is one of many emails and phone calls I have received.

I want to make sure people realize that this group within MOGA does not speak for all outfitters and guides, when there are many good guys in their ranks. Last thing I want is for the good guys among them to take a beating for something they did not ask for.

In some respects, they are in the same positioin I am in. Neither I, nor they, asked for this, yet it is what we are left to deal with.

I have a bunch of these sitting in my inbox. Probably a larger number than the "good number" referred to in previous posts.


XXXXXXXX just sent me an article about MOGA taking exception to your RMEF board position. As someone who made their living for years as a guide I'm embarrassed about their stance. Incredibly short sighted and elitist. There is so much in the news lately about the reduction in future generations in hunting, outdoor, and firearm sports and they want to exclude the general public population and make it about exclusivity.

Don't even consider stepping down.
The time and effort Randy spends standing up for us as hunters, for conservation and ethics is commendable and I appreciate everything he does. I also thank everyone else on this site for taking their time.

Hopefully MOGA realizes soon it is a bad business decision to alienate themselves from the majority and the RMEF and reverses course. Maybe the good outfitters and guides should replace the few who are on a personal vendetta and we can all stand together.
MOGA/WYOGA members need to keep their leadership on a leash.

Roll of duct tape for their pie-holes wouldnt be a bad idea either.
I called to two WYOGA board members this afternoon, including the President, in an effort to find out what the WYOGA official position is with regards to my nomination of the RMEF Board of Directors.

Both have stated that WYOGA has not taken an official position on my nomination. The President informed me that WYOGA will be issuing a release tomorrow to that affect.

The told me that the email that was sent by the WYOGA office, and posted here, with the statement of "The email explains in detail why he should not be appointed and also who to contact with your comments." was not an official position of WYOGA Board.

It was explained that there position does not preclude individual Wyoming outfitters from personally opposing my nomination.
So has the wyoming guides come back with there stand on this? I sent my email to the RMEF when I sent my dues in. This has got to be a good fund raiser for them
I think it is sad and very telling that you have not rec'd official apologies form MOGA and WYOGA as well as every legit honest outfitter in the state. MOGA obviously will continue on with Minard and let their image go down the drain.
I guess most of us knew the character of Mac and this group. Sad indeed for Montana.
So has the wyoming guides come back with there stand on this? I sent my email to the RMEF when I sent my dues in. This has got to be a good fund raiser for them
I also sent an email to the RMEF people listed on the MOGA letter with my membership.

The Bozeman Chronicle article that I posted said 150 people contacted RMEF but only 10 of them were negative. The OGAs don't seem to be speaking for their constituents.
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As one DIY guy to another - Thanks Randy.

I've was pissed when RMEF supported the "roadless bill", but this puts them back in my good column, so I will be re-joining.

Never concerned myself with outfitters before and don't want to take anything away from private landowners. Nobody likes a bully.
“Anti outfitter” ? “Reserving judgment” ?
What a load of BS !

Mr. Newberg’s opinions are a matter of public record, as much as any, and much more than most.
A web site, a T.V. show and numerous published articles and public testimony. Can anyone find anything that is “anti outfitter”. Please provide a link, some evidence.
Any honest outfitter should see that Mr. Newbergs efforts will help them and their industry in the long run.
He is certainly pro DYI.
He has spoken out against the few, monopolizing public resources for their own gain. That’s not anti outfitter, that’s anti slim ball.
The MGOA advocates on their own behalf, as everyone should have the right to do. But they (the MGOA) also benefit greatly from conservation funds provided by DYI hunters through license sales and donations. Now, with Mr. Newberg on the RMEF broad, they (the MGOA) see a powerful voice for these same DYI hunters, and they are using underhanded and deceitful tactics to undermine that voice.
They (the MGOA) have been caught with their hands in the preverbal cookie jar, they should be ashamed and make a public apology.

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