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MOGA, RMEF, and Randy Newberg

Randy - you've got to be humbled by the support of not only a large community of outdoorsmen but also the support of RMEF.

Anyone that has met you, worked with you or even followed you knows what you bring to the table. Impossible to please everyone and this slander is one example.

Take it as a compliment. When you have influence, passion and actually make a difference people notice. Thanks for everything you do for all of us. You will be an incredible asset to this board.

Time to renew...I've got enough address labels for 13 years.
If any of the supposeded threats by any of the OGA from the various States choose to pull back RMEF support, which is their right, I would hope they have the nuggets to list their names right here.

No sense in threatening if you're not going to carry through.

As many hits as this thread has had - any said outfitter could get a lot of quick acknowledgement :).

List your outfit boys that are against RMEF now that they have called your bluff.

I'll start the count down for you:
1. -
2. -
my apologies to "newberg"... for mispelling his last least "newburg" is pronounced the same.

and it was not done intentionally...and I do not hide behind an anonymous internet moniker, just in case you hadn't noticed....

BRI...I have been told by a good number of outfitters that they feel Randy "Newberg"(got it right this time) is anti-outfitter. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and taking him at his word that he is not, and am willing to reserve judgement 'til proven otherwise. IF I feel that Randy is I will be the first to tell him so, to his face, not thru some anonymous blog site. So I will not be told by someone like you, hiding behind and anonymous moniker(internet name) that I "know better".
BRI...I have been told by a good number of outfitters that they feel Randy "Newberg"(got it right this time) is anti-outfitter.

Seems like a good time to ask what the basis is? Guess you didn't ask or discuss? Seems like a strange conversation?
Still think you knew better Eric. I also think this was done in a lowly chicken chit manner and I have Never been afraid to shy away from what I believe either.

Brian Robbins.
The day I start believing anything an outfitter the day I sell all my hunting stuff, buy golf clubs, and join PETA.

Eric, dont you think if Randy was so anti-outfitter...wouldnt all your outfitter buddies be on here posting up all their "evidence"?

Why are you "reserving judgement"? Like my friend BRI said you've been on this forum for a long time...if Randy was anti-outfitter you'd know by now.

Its a pack of fuggin' lies. Randy isnt anti-outfitter..he's pro DIY. His message, along with his website and hunting show, have sent shock waves through the outfitting community for a couple reasons.

1. He's empowered hunters to do things on their own. If hunters choose to ditch their outfitters with the new knowledge and confidence they find in public land DIY be it. In the long run, hunting will only survive for the average guy if theres urgency in protecting public lands, public wildlife, and the hunters that want to maintain that heritage. Not those that would further privatize and commercialize the sport.

2. The outfitters and guides can no longer run rough-shod over the average DIY hunter any more. For decades land owners and outfitters attempted to control everything in regard to hunting, the MTFWP, the Legislature, and even infiltrated the boards of many hunting organizations.

The arrogance displayed by MOGA/WYOGA on this issue is a classic example of how the group(s) work. When they feel threatened, they lash out with distortions, lies, and threats.

Your judgement reserving only confirms your alliance with the rest of the pack...and the pack mentality.

What a joke.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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