MOGA, RMEF, and Randy Newberg

"Montana based Outfitters, many of whom provide significant donations to RMEF that sustain the organization, are questioning the wisdom in this appointment. They have indicated they may withdraw donations to RMEF if the appointment goes through".

That is not opposition or a threat?

dink...that is a statement of fact, not a threat...the contact info is there for all to use as they see fit... and I know that a few will use it to support Randy....personally I have no bias one way or the other, but can see the hypocrisy when RMEF supported the Montana Outfitting industry on 161 they were evil, now suddenly they are wonderful....not that the hipocrisy can not run both the eyes of some outfitters RMEF is now the evil organization for appointing someone who is percieved as "anti-outfitter/landowner" now they are going to withold donations to an organization who fought for the outfitters during 161? I don't get it, but then I don't tend to think this way...but I am certain some of you comprehend it well.
"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it might just be a duck." but in this case the letter is made of wood, which weighs the same as Randy, so Randy must be a witch. Burn him!!

Flawed logic Eric!
Thanks Randy...

I just rejoined RMEF in support of Randy and his support of sportsman from MT and through out the U.S. I have not always seen eye to eye with RMEF but will be a member as long as they support Randy and his common sense views that help us all. I urge others to do so. Thanks again Randy!! MTG
"they may withdraw donations"

"that is a statement of fact, not a threat." no, by using the word MAY, it's a threat.
...that is a statement of fact, not a threat..
Eric although I don't agree with you on this subject I due respect that you're here and keep a level head with your thoughts...I'll be your internet friend (since I can't afford to pay you to be my guide/good real life friend)sorry if that I offends you I just always find that comical when they say it on tv
Funny, outfitters didn't seem to complain when Big Fin took on the wolf issue? So, Randy can try to help with wolf management but not elk???? I let my RMEF membership lapse also. Time to renew.
"Montana based Outfitters, many of whom provide significant donations to RMEF that sustain the organization, are questioning the wisdom in this appointment. They have indicated they may withdraw donations to RMEF if the appointment goes through".

That is not opposition or a threat?

dink...that is a statement of fact, not a threat...the contact info is there for all to use as they see fit... and I know that a few will use it to support Randy....personally I have no bias one way or the other, but can see the hypocrisy when RMEF supported the Montana Outfitting industry on 161 they were evil, now suddenly they are wonderful....not that the hipocrisy can not run both the eyes of some outfitters RMEF is now the evil organization for appointing someone who is percieved as "anti-outfitter/landowner" now they are going to withold donations to an organization who fought for the outfitters during 161? I don't get it, but then I don't tend to think this way...but I am certain some of you comprehend it well.

Anyway we can get who ever wrote the first letter to write another “non-threatening” letter to RMEF? The letter was a fantastic way to increase enrollment. In fact, maybe RMEF should hire him as their membership coordinator………………….
back-ped·al/ˈbækˌpɛdl/ Show Spelled [bak-ped-l] Show IPA
verb (used without object), back-ped·aled, back-ped·al·ing or ( especially British ) back-ped·alled, back-ped·al·ling.
1. to retard the forward motion by pressing backward on the pedal, especially of a bicycle with coaster brakes.
2. to retreat from or reverse one's previous stand on any matter; shift ground: to back-pedal after severe criticism.
3. Boxing. to retreat from an opponent, especially by stepping rapidly backward.

All I got out if this was the 'retard' reference. apropos
Its funny how bigshooter hasnt come on to defend his statements...what a coward.

Its funny that many in the outfitting industry live in the delusional world somewhere between la-la-land and make-believe that they "lived up to their end of the bargain on the OSL's"


How about the promise of never leasing more acres than was enrolled in Block? How about providing the total acreages leased prior to and after implementation of the OSL's?

The bottom line, is that both MOGA and WYOGA have acted irresponsibly on this current issue, clearly sent threatening letters to the RMEF, and have made absolute fools of themselves. They've isolated themselves as sniveling cry-babies and have lost what little credibility they previously had.

If I were an outfitter that belonged to either MOGA or WYOGA, I'd be doing a couple things:

1. I'd be demanding to know why the boards and leadership are so threatened by Randy Newberg.

2. I'd want to know who decided to threaten one of the most well established and known conservation groups in the West.

If all I received were the lies and truth distortion found in the obvious threatening letters...I'd be asking the "leadership" of WYOGA and MOGA step down. If they didnt agree to step down, I'd immediately pull my membership of either association. I would not want to be affiliated with any groups that would pull this kind of lowly move.

Theres just times you have to cut people loose when they stop thinking and seeing the big picture. In particular when the wrongful, childish, and threatening messages threaten to make their groups insignificant.

Where is bigmouth...I mean bigshooter?
Eric brought up the point that many jumped ship from RMEF when they have made other stands throughout the years and how it's ironic that now they are back on board with this decision. While I can see his thought process the big difference is that those who got mad at them in the past for certain decisions are merely individuals. Eric what is happening now is not just some individuals but an organization taking a stand. Maybe you aren't all on board with their stance but regardless they seem to be speaking for the group (MOGA) and this is what is getting them in trouble.
A few disgruntled outfitters is understandable but spreading emails with the heading of MOGA is going to be bad for business.

The other thing that is stupid is that they feel so threatened by one person. The board is big with many individuals. It's not going to be steered by just one person. So what's the big threat? Any organization that represents a diverse group of members should have a board that is as diverse as it's membership to get a better unified understanding and vote. I'm sure there are more than 1 outfitter on the board no? If this is the case then shouldn't we be sending out emails demanding removal of such?

Just my thoughts and for the record if you are telling the truth about your stance I appreciate your open mindedness.
Lawnboy is right on it. How can they be so threatened by just one person? Is Fin going to take over the RMEF board and replace all of the members with people from this message board?

Well, he has done some crazy things over the years, but really? .....
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I'm an RMEF member and proud of it. There is a clear line that has been drawn in the sand and that line will continue to be more distinct as the smoke clears across the west. Randy, thanks for all you do.
C'mon Eric

"Montana based Outfitters, many of whom provide significant donations to RMEF that sustain the organization, are questioning the wisdom in this appointment. They have indicated they may withdraw donations to RMEF if the appointment goes through".

That is not opposition or a threat?

dink...that is a statement of fact, not a threat...the contact info is there for all to use as they see fit... and I know that a few will use it to support Randy....personally I have no bias one way or the other, but can see the hypocrisy when RMEF supported the Montana Outfitting industry on 161 they were evil, now suddenly they are wonderful....not that the hipocrisy can not run both the eyes of some outfitters RMEF is now the evil organization for appointing someone who is percieved as "anti-outfitter/landowner" now they are going to withold donations to an organization who fought for the outfitters during 161? I don't get it, but then I don't tend to think this way...but I am certain some of you comprehend it well.

Eric, I don't know you and you don't know me. But even from Iowa I can see the threat implied. Get off the fence, grow a pair and truthfully tell us where YOU stand.
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"Montana based Outfitters, many of whom provide significant donations to RMEF that sustain the organization, are questioning the wisdom in this appointment. They have indicated they may withdraw donations to RMEF if the appointment goes through".

That is not opposition or a threat?

dink...that is a statement of fact, not a threat...

Eric - I, too, respect that you're on here in the face of serious opposition. Whether it is spin or just a differing opinion - with all due respect, I'm not buying one ounce of what you posted, bolded.

Quick story: Attended a rivalry football game - a game that often brings out some serious degrees of nastiness between fans in 'enemy territory' last fall. While my rival team was winning, a guy I don't know from the home team fanbase, put his hands on me in a familiar way so I gave him a look that should have warned him. Then he did it again. I then turned to this guy and explained that if he put his hands on me again, I'd return the favor but that he wouldn't like it one bit when I did. That was a statement of fact, too. And taken, correctly, as a threat.

Sending the RMEF leadership contact info to MOGA members who had already expressed concern might (most liberal interpretation of that word, please) be construed as reasonable on Mac's part. Sending a letter to all members - many who probably hadn't considered the idea of withholding donations to RMEF, or even to be angered about Randy's appointment to the board - 'just in case' that's what they decided to do? Really? Is that the story?

It needs a lot of work.
Funny how in the gazette it states Minard had been getting contacted by WY and ID yet emails were sent from MOGA to those states. Good way to say you are just passing on information and back pedal when the heat gets put on. RMEF just gained a lot more support.
Hmmm, dare I say they are scared of Randy's ability to communicate to the general public and get his point across? I feel there is no one out there that cares more for what the RMEF does and can do for us, and the outfitters. Course if they had their way we would all be paying them to hunt at home, let alone the nonresidents. I may be wrong, but I think if they pull donations and support, they are cutting their own throats. Lets face it, MOGA with its power hasn't made the brightest decisions in the past. And now they have someone who can reach out of staters and show they don't need to hire an outfitter to be successfull on a hunt. They just don't get that Randy is a fair thinker and will conduct buisness for the RMEF without damaging the outfitters. They do have their place after all. Just not for a person like me. Just my opinion for what its worth. Do what you need to do Randy, you have alot more insight in this than I. But I hope you continue your journey into the RMEF Directors. A good man is needed and appreciated! Thank You.
Intelligence and backbone.

It seems some feel threatened.

You would be a huge asset to the RMEF board. Keep it up Randy

Good luck with whatever you decide is best.
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Thank you for all that you do for the average joe, DIY hunter. When we were battling with SFW here in Utah, you did not hesitate to step into the fray and stand up for what is right. You garner huge amounts of respect and credibility among sportsmen in our neck of the woods. Keep up the good work. We have got your back!

Jason Hawkins
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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