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MOGA, RMEF, and Randy Newberg

This thread is quite upsetting. It pretty much ruined my otherwise chipper mood.

I understand Outiftters wanting to protect their profession, but has Randy ever spoken directly against guides and outfitters?

I'm especially upset to learn of Arnaud's involvement in SFW. Guess it goes to show you never know someone until you KNOW. If Corner Crossing ever makes it through I'll be targeting his leases to kill big bulls otherwise reserved for Will Primos.
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Greenhorn, my comment about him being your "buddy" was meant to be sarcasm as I'm fairly sure you realized. I just recalled some of the go'rounds you guys had on several threads. I also remembered that same quoted statement that he made to Randy in another thread. So I hope I haven't sullied your good name by my lack of quotation marks around the term "buddy". :)

Like you, I know several outfitters that I have a lot of respect for. There are many who do a great job for their clients and respect other hunters in the process. I've also run into a few of the other kind and don't have a lot of sympathy or desire to protect their interests, especially if it directly is against the interests of anyone who is not their client.
Its going to be interesting to wait and see if the chickenshit outfitters/moga/woga that sent the emails to the RMEF have the stones to defend their comments here.

I doubt it, since that would require a spine.
Its going to be interesting to wait and see if the chickenshit outfitters/moga/woga that sent the emails to the RMEF have the stones to defend their comments here.

I doubt it, since that would require a spine.

I've yet to see somebody with the stones to oppose corner crossing here either Buzz.

Yep, you're right about that, they arent exactly putting up a fight about corner crossing either.

Going to be funny to watch MOGA/WYOGA try to spin their way out of this one.

They have taken stepping on their own junk to a whole new level...wow!
I will follow Buzz,Top Gun, and the rest of the supporters. I have never even thought about joining the RMEF but I will now. Keep up the good work Fin.
Its time we go after HB 274 We need to kill it. I have got to see MOGA in action in front of the Senate F&G committee in the last few years. The one's I see there are just pimps. Trying to push Ranching for wildlife. Mabe Randy needs to set up a service to get Hunters and landowners together with the hunters paying traspass fees to the land owners. And taking outfitters out of the mix. And mabe its time to get another ballot to outlaw outfitting on Public land. I have some frends that are good outfitters and its to bad they have to take the heat from Bad guys in Moga. I let my membership in RMEF expire but I'n going to send mine in in Randys name. When I get my SS check. Thanks for what you do Randy
Montana & Wyoming outfitting & RMEF

I have had the fortune of living and hunting in Wyoming for the past 3 years. My family has hunted Eastern Montana for almost 30 years. We have always hunted a combination of public and private lands. We have rarely paid more than a thank you gift to many generous land owners over the years for permission to hunt their property. We are truly grateful for the ability to gain access to their lands and for all of the private lands open to public hunting through a variety of programs like block management and hunter management areas.

Recently, outfitters have made obtaining access to areas of Eastern Montana, especially the Milk River valley, more difficult for the average hunter. Outfitters have blocked off thousands of acres of public land (BLM, state, etc) in Wyoming so that they can profit from lands paid for by the public money.

I am not against outfitters making an honest living and helping the people achieve their goals, but threatening conservation organizations that work to help them to earn their livings is just lacking in common sense. Its like biting the hand that feeds you.

I am glad to see RMEF is backing its decision to appoint Randy. I will continue to support RMEF if they continue to support the common sportsmen and people, like Randy, who are willing to fight for the good of the sport.
RMEF definitely turned me off when they backed Rehberg's anti-roadless bill, but after they decided to put Randy on the board I thought I'd give them a second chance. Now that I see this with MOGA I'll have to include a little extra with my membership.
First thing first...I did not know about the letter to RMEF....2nd thing 2nd...if you read the letter carefully it does not say that MOGA is against Randy's appointment. The letter states that outfitters have contacted Mac to voice their concern over Randy, and are planning on dropping their support of RMEF, perhaps all of you would have liked it better for RMEF to lose thousands of dollars in donations with no explanation?

Eric - No offense, but you might be hard of reading if you don't see the letter as a clear 'rally the troops' to leverage donations to force RMEF to kick Randy to the curb. RMEF already gets my annual dues, but they get a bonus for doing the right thing in this case.
About two weeks ago I joined the RMEF for the first time......I'm glad I did! They'll continue to have my support as will Randy!
Already a member and will continue to be.

There is one thing that we need to do. Listed on the first post of this thread, in "the Letter", are email addresses of key people in the RMEF organization. I will use this against them by sending an email to RMEF in SUPPORT of Randy's appointment.

Furthermore, we should send an email to the MOGA organization saying that as a hunter who may use an outfitter in the future at some point, I will be not be utilizing the services of any outfitter that is a member of their organization unless they make a public apology and support statement of Randy's appointment.
shoots, I understand perfectly the animosity and hatred toward the outfitting industry. It is you who fail to understand in this case I merely pointed out a fact that you choose to call BS on... when the outfitting industry did not go forward w/ one bill during the tenure of the OSL...holding up our end of the bargain that was struck in order to have the priviledge of the OSL....we lost it, perhaps by our own doing, and perhaps some of it due to perception and misinformation. This is the point I made...you can call it BS if you like.

As I emailed Randy personally...I have no opinion one way or the other about him being appointed to the RMEF board...I do not know if it will be good or bad. I am one of the rare folks who prefer to get to know someone before passing judgement on them....as I can see from the posts on here, there are few who are like that.
Time to thank RMEF

It's time to stick up for Randy and thank RMEF for putting them on their board. 1 800 CALL ELK.
As an RMEF supporter and member for nearly thirty years and as a Gallatin Chapter volunteer for fifteen years, I have seen Randy Newberg stand up continuously and consistently loudly advocating for wildlife, wildlife habitat acquisition, and the legacy of hunting. Randy is highly deserving and it is only right that RMEF has his back and continues to embrace his strong value as a board member.

I applaud RMEF for holding fast. I encourage the organization to continue to work closely with those reputable outfitters who truly value wildlife and hunting, but to reject those who are clearly only in the game for the money and for their ideology which I view as adverse to best interests of wildlife and hunting.