Caribou Gear Tarp

MOGA, RMEF, and Randy Newberg

First thing first...I did not know about the letter to RMEF....2nd thing 2nd...if you read the letter carefully it does not say that MOGA is against Randy's appointment. The letter states that outfitters have contacted Mac to voice their concern over Randy, and are planning on dropping their support of RMEF, perhaps all of you would have liked it better for RMEF to lose thousands of dollars in donations with no explanation? would that have been better?
As I emailed in response to an email sent to me by Randy, I do not know if he is anti-outfitter, but when you keep company w/ folks who are do not be surprised if you are percieved the same.

Eric. I do appreciate your reply to my email that was sent to the entire MOGA board this afternoon.

I have read the letter carefully, and I see what it says. If you listen to the phone calls the MGOA Executive Director made, you will know what was said. If you read the WYOGA letter, you will know what they said. If you took the phone call from IDOGA, you would know what request MOGA asked of them.

All of the MOGA communications make it very clear. They are exerting pressure on RMEF to force RMEF to act in the way MOGA wants. Appears MOGA wants the hunting world split into the guided and self-guided and they fully expect RMEF to come their way.

I am surprised that you did not know about the letter, being you are on the Board of Directors. Mr. Minard stated he was tasked to engage in this effort by his board. Further surprising that one of your non-board members emailed me and told me that he believed every MOGA member got a copy of the email. He is not on the board, but he got a copy of it. Some of my landowner friends had seen a copy.

Why the MOGA ED did not make sure his board members got a copy, when he is telling everyone he was acting at the request of his board, is rather peculiar.
Give them hell Randy! I never supported MOGA but I never had anything bad to say either. Now I don't have anything good to say.
My name is Nick Clegg Sr. and I support Randy Newberg's message/appointment 100%!

You're not alone. MOGA calls the Montana Wildlife Federation a "fringe" group on its website. It seems that 78 years of standing up for wildlife, habitat and hunting and fishing opportunity makes us radical. And of course, we welcome non-resident hunters to our state, but also support reasonable limits on their numbers. We've struck a nice balance that creates opportunity while maintaining quality.

The reality is some people have a sharply different view of what wildlife is. It's always seen with dollar signs and a sense of entitlement that it owes someone a living. We've worked well with public land outfitters in the past -- the ones who realize they're providing a service and experience and not selling a product.

Nick Gevock
Randy, you and the RMEF both have my support. I appreciate your commitment to conservation and public lands!
First thing first...I did not know about the letter to RMEF....2nd thing 2nd...if you read the letter carefully it does not say that MOGA is against Randy's appointment. The letter states that outfitters have contacted Mac to voice their concern over Randy, and are planning on dropping their support of RMEF, perhaps all of you would have liked it better for RMEF to lose thousands of dollars in donations with no explanation? would that have been better?
As I emailed in response to an email sent to me by Randy, I do not know if he is anti-outfitter, but when you keep company w/ folks who are do not be surprised if you are percieved the same.

Ben, give me a expect the outfitting community to stand back and not put up a fight after 161? Part of the condition of the OSL was that the MOGA not go foward w/ any legislation...and we held our end of the bargain, until the trust was broken w/ passage of 161...we reap what we sow... which runs both ways, as evidenced w/ 161.

Eric, the biggest part of BS in your post is that last paragraph. You fail to understand the I-161 was supported by roughly 70% of Montana voters. You want to make things harder on yourselves just keep this crap up. We will fight back too, the same way we did before.

Resident sportsman are sick and tired of the privatization MOGA perpetuates.
You people seem to forget that the wildlife are a PUBLIC resource. The public will have a say in who makes a buck off of it.

All industries will try to grow, that's the nature of the beast. The Outfitters of Montana are confined, and rightfully so, as to how much growth we will tolerate. It's not anti Outfitter to want that industry restricted in it's growth potential.

See you at the rally, opening 800,000 acres of public lands would, or should benefit outfitters too, unless of course you want to keep that land to yourself.
I think RMEF knows that many people how value elk know that most of do it on our own. I have talked to several landowners who see wildlife as their property. In this Democrat era, it does not surprise me how entitled people are these days. Randy, you represent the common man with common sense. Keep it up.
Looks like the checkerboard issue has gotten under their skin. There also must be a couple that have checkerboard issues on their leases

I would guess that being able to keep non-guided hunters out of the checkerboard is worth a bundle in guide fees. Somebody is not going to let go of that without a fight. This appears to be avenue they chose - and probably not the last one. Whether it is effective is more important than whether it makes sense.

I have enjoyed your show since I first saw it. You have done nothing other than what most of us have to do which is DIY. Never have I heard any thing against outfitters just making the point, most of us don't have the money to use after tags and travels. I will be trying my hand at it again this coming fall in CO after watching you again. Thanks for all you do for all of us.
How slimy. Although my boy's a member, I let my membership lapse. Tomorrow, I'm also a member again - after putting together some words as to why.

Gerald, regarding your comment - I've nothing to defend of Rod Paschke. He's always been kind/generous to me after his guide tried to kick me off some property he didn't have leased. His guide, Russ Milam, known here as "Blue Yummies", didn't really have a problem with us hunting there after he found out that we were just hunting for a doe antelope for a first time hunter. Guy Eastman showed up the next week and was still able to be guided to a nice pronghorn. I've always wondered if Guy killed that buck on the place they didn't have leased. I've met some super great people and have great friends who are outfitters and guides, including a guy I ran into on a hunt in Arizona, who I recommended to Randy for a guided hunt. Brec Bundy, salt of the earth guy, even when running into a DIY hunter hot on the trail of a trophy mule deer, he'd picked out for his client. Guys like Brec Bundy are rare though, which is unfortunate. It seems like most outfitters are concerned with whatever will put the most cash in their pocket.

Everybody's got their own agenda it seems, outfitters and DIY hunters are no different. I'd be interested to hear how Rod will reply to this - if he does. I think it was a cheap shot. RMEF has way more to lose in membership and support by losing somebody like Randy, than they have to gain by those "donating" what they can write off on their income tax.

This past year I was proud to teach my son how to hunt and he did it without any handicap of cushy access to private, etc. This summer I'm going to teach him how to use a map/GPS and find corner pins. Then, while browsing websites of outfitters in eastern MT- how to select a good hunting location, with the help of: AND

Screw this MOGA group.
Makes me even more happy I renew my membership year after year. I have nothing against outfitters it just isn't my style of hunting I like to go on my own. I have said it before we are our own worst enemies. As long as hunters are against hunters we take one step forward and ten back. As stated before Randy is just a voice for the public land hunter not anything to do with anti-outfitting.
Randy, you and the RMEF both have my support. I appreciate your commitment to conservation and public lands!

I have not read this thread line by line, so this might have already been suggested, but;

My annual membership will be up in about a month. When I send in my dues, I will include a note saying “ I support the nomination of Randy Newberg for the RMEF board of directors”.
First thing first...I did not know about the letter to RMEF....2nd thing 2nd...if you read the letter carefully it does not say that MOGA is against Randy's appointment.

Do not know you but clearly you are some special kind of idiot to think anyone could fall for that lame chit after reading the letter you speak of.

but great to now know MOGA support the board appointment....
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