MOGA, RMEF, and Randy Newberg

Hmm that was easy, just a couple clicks on the mouse. I’m already a life member, probably not as big of a donation as the "Big" spender outfitter above. If RMEF sticks to their guns I'll do another $50 next week. I do wonder what the ratio of unguided vs. guided elk hunters really is across the west?

Dear Joe

Thank you for your donation to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Your financial support helps ensure the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage.

Be sure to visit often and keep up to date on our projects across the country. We're protecting and enhancing some of the best pieces of elk country and ensuring future generations have great places to hunt. With your support, we'll be able to do even more.


David Allen
President & CEO
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I've tolerated MOGA, and it's members for years. This action has crossed the line. I will work at tirelessly as I can to expose their true agenda and report their actions to all that will listen.

Every member I know will be getting a letter from me shortly.

I will now join the RMEF. They deserve my support.
This is the last straw! I let my RMEF membership lapse some time ago, but will be renewing it this week and will also C/P the OP by Randy to the MM site! I think MOGA and WYOGA have really shot themselves in the foot with this one and will pay dearly.
Looks like the checkerboard issue has gotten under their skin. There also must be a couple that have checkerboard issues on their leases
Unbelievable, I can't quit shaking my head.. I'm guessing that Randy's broad platform (and means of distribution) scares the hell out of our friends at the MOGA. I'm already a memeber of the RMEF, but this recent action ensures I continue to back them.

Keep up the good fight Randy!
I wonder if COA in Colorado will be following suit.

Keep up the good work Mr. Newberg! I'll renew early and send a note to that affect and the reasoning behind it.
First thing first...I did not know about the letter to RMEF....2nd thing 2nd...if you read the letter carefully it does not say that MOGA is against Randy's appointment. The letter states that outfitters have contacted Mac to voice their concern over Randy, and are planning on dropping their support of RMEF, perhaps all of you would have liked it better for RMEF to lose thousands of dollars in donations with no explanation? would that have been better?
As I emailed in response to an email sent to me by Randy, I do not know if he is anti-outfitter, but when you keep company w/ folks who are do not be surprised if you are percieved the same.

Ben, give me a expect the outfitting community to stand back and not put up a fight after 161? Part of the condition of the OSL was that the MOGA not go foward w/ any legislation...and we held our end of the bargain, until the trust was broken w/ passage of 161...we reap what we sow... which runs both ways, as evidenced w/ 161.
Good for you Randy. And good for RMEF. I and many Montanans had become disillusioned with RMEF the last few years. This is a sign they are getting back to their roots. I applaud them!
Mac Minard spends a lot of time schmoozing legislators. He tells montana conservation groups we need to work together but he twists a knife in our back as soon as it is turned. Moga has abandoned the public land outfitter and only testifies when they have their hand out. When science based management or FWP funding our programs comes up, they are absent. Outfitters should be questioning if they really want to be affiliated with this kind of a director and this kind of organization. Mac needs to be fired quickly before he does more damage!
It's a pretty sad deal...

I have the opportunity to work with many outfitters and many of them are good people, some are not. I have never seen or heard of Randy promoting anything but private property rights. With that said, he has done nothing but promote public property rights as well. Randy just simply wants to make sure a voice for the unguided hunter and public hunter is heard.
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MOGA will be hard pressed to explain their attack on Randy and their attempt to intimidate RMEF. Will be joining RMEF tomorrow and thanking them for their support.
As long as Minard is associated with MOGA there will be no working with them. Don't they know it is not wise to get Big Fin riled up? Really should thank Minard for putting out these emails and showing MOGA's true colors. Let the games begin!!
Eric, Mac signed the letter as ED of Moga. What do you think that means? He most certainly was representing Moga!
RMEF just gained a family membership. Dropped them years ago when their focus changed. I started paying attention when they took a stand on auction tags, now they have both my money and my support.

Landowner/Sportsmen relations have declined in direct proportion to the rise of private land outfitting. Many outfitters profit by controlling or limiting our access to our wildlife. Outfitters' arrogance and sense of entitlement has been apparent for quite some time.

Sportsmen funded the recovery of wildlife over the last century. Once wildlife populations recovered, Outfitters showed up to make a profit while steadily disenfranchising the public. Yes they donate hunts etc to RMEF and other organizations but they also got pretty good advertising out of the deal.

Mac Minard has personified this arrogance. His ever-changing and inventive statements during I-161 boggled the mind. He was quoted in 2 different publications claiming outfitters leased less than 2 millions acres in one instance and between 2 and 3 million in another. In fact he had been quoted the year before in the Montana Sporting Journal saying outfitters leased 6.2 million acres( the actual number).

His behavior during signature gathering efforts included following and harassing some of our young female signature gatherers bringing one to tears. Outfitters got so bad we pulled our signature gatherers away from this function out of concern for their safety. MOGA's handouts actually changed both the language and the intent of the initiative and were filled with not just inaccuracies but outright lies which they refused to correct for quite some time.

During a debate with MWF sponsored by the local paper in Choteau shortly before the election Mac Minard, when questioned about the fact Block Management was going broke due to declining sales and declining prices of Outfitter Sponsored Licenses, claimed Block Management had so much money FWP had taken $20 million out of the Block Management account calling it a "slush fund". When questioned he quickly claimed he got the info from an FWP employee. When she was asked about it, she made it clear Minard had invented the "fact" In fact every penny from the hunting access account was spent on some type of access.

Outfitters including Minard called large sporting good companies when their employees signed the petition to complain in much the same manner. I even had an outfitter steal several pages of signatures out of my file box at a meeting. They stupidly turned them in to the Elections Board with the complaint I wasn't watching them closely enough. The judge in the lawsuit they filed against us was upset about that stunt and laughed their case out of court.

Outfitters still haven't recognized the fact that I-161 passed in 70 of 100 legislative districts mainly because of the intense dislike of outfitters by not just sportsmen but the general public as well.

Outfitters are so arrogant right now they are currently pushing a bill to deregulate their industry and stop reporting to not just FWP but also the Board of Outfitters. HB 274 just passed the house. Besides trying to eliminate reporting, they completely gutted the basic requirements for outfitters like knowledge of firearms, knowledge of the area where they operate, written permission from public or private landowners where they plan to operate. They also have the gall to try and drop the requirement to report how many acres they lease for hunting. We finally got a few minimal requirements for reporting back in the bill. Hopefully we can kill it in the senate.

Thank you RMEF for recognizing the importance and contributions of the average sportsmen to the conservation movement in America and the damage many outfitters have done to public hunting. Thanks Randy for standing up for the little guy and opposing MOGA's continuing efforts to privatize our wildlife.
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Ben, give me a expect the outfitting community to stand back and not put up a fight after 161? Part of the condition of the OSL was that the MOGA not go foward w/ any legislation...and we held our end of the bargain, until the trust was broken w/ passage of 161...we reap what we sow... which runs both ways, as evidenced w/ 161.

The epic fit and convulsions that have followed have everybody noticing how poorly the outfitting community represents itself in the wake of I-161. Many folks, myself included, voted against I-161 on principle. Many of those same folks have stood at the legislature to defend the will of the people. Many of those folks have close friends who outfit and provide a valuable service, but most of those folks look at this and shake their head, vowing to not work with people who resort to intimidation and fear in order to advance an agenda.

It's one thing to defend your industry and advocate for it, it's another to use the tactics and strategies currently employed, unless the real goal is to isolate outfitters completely. When guys like Paul Ellis walk up to you and tell you that this session is going to be a "bloodbath" for DIY hunters, don't you think that reflects on the entire industry and causes even more resentment? When the industry website insults the oldest conservation group in the state (MWF) openly calling them fringe elements and insinuating that they are in league with animal rights groups where do you begin to repair that damage? And now, when the industry attacks a guy because he dare speak out for his beliefs and threaten to pull donations from a group like RMEF, I gotta wonder if anyone in the outfitting industry is paying attention to the broader context in which the rest of the world lives.

Having been on the receiving end of RMEF's disdain, i can assure you boys that you're not going to enjoy the fallout from his, but hey, you called down the thunder.
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Thanks Randy, and thanks RMEF. Your work sure means a lot to us on-your-own guys. mtmuley
Wow, just wow.

Randy and RMEF, you both have my respect and support. A few memberships to RMEF will be purchased by my family this week.
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