Meth Elk


Ya got any thing else???

I knew if I posted any thing towards you or those you think your protecting, your screen saver would pop up!!!

And presto...

There it is...

Cheese, my screen saver isn't one of a retard humping a dead elk. It's actually a picture of me and my best friend, posing with a beautiful mule deer he killed on public land in Montana last fall with an amazingly scenic mountain backdrop. Although you have the looks, you don't have the smarts to land a part for a new Geico commercial - and your beastiality fetish will never make my screensaver..
Say what you want...

You don't have to hide in the closet from us any more...

You come up with more "gay or gay related" stuff on this board than every one else combined on this and 4 other boards I frequent...

Got any more tired worn out pics or quotes???

You don't have to hide in the closet from us any more...

You come up with more "gay or gay related" stuff on this board than every one else combined on this and 4 other boards I frequent...

So are you saying I put some gay or gay related pictures up? Who's in those pictures? Few cornhole dead elk like you..

I'll ask again, who's odd?
We're gonna to have ta call ya ReRun, or maybe Retred...

Get your
rallied up before I go for the day...

And start singing that same old tired song...

Notice even your minions are scowling at the repetition of it all...

I've been waiting for this post of yours for 18 minutes...

And that’s the best you have???

I can't sit and wait all day for the next bit of wit from you...

Until later

I'm glad you’re flattered

You don't seem to have much else of importance to add (as usual)

Might as well move along to better places, this thread has obviously run its course...

It also figures you wanting others to do your work or research...

I've laid the ground rules that I will be willing to help...

Including offering to show you the difference personally...

But as it goes for web searches...

Your on your own...

Does it really matter what my sourse is, you or some one else will have some thing "brilliant" to say against that individual, so you'll need to find some one else to post you a link, or find your own that you will 100% trust or will show you what you want to see, not what really is the truth...

Not for you...

1. You need to understand timber and their ecosystems first

2. I will take you to places where this practice has been done and you can either believe me or your lying eyes (I'm going to assume though, your going to let your mouth out run your brain when it comes to those you see as less competent)

3. With all your education and vast background in these topics, of all people should know that mono crops don't create diversity or better health of any thing (unless it's a short lived crop (2 years or less))

4. Your collage educated, do your own research

5. ???Need I keep going???
It's a proven fact that if a clear cut is left alone, it will come back healthier and more diverse than if man comes in and tries to "fix" it...
Just wanted it pointed out that your 'proven fact' isn't really proven, just approved of by you.
I haven't seen you post one iota of info to the contrary...

I’ll also point out the fact 'proven fact" isn't disproven, just a dead end post by you...

We can play this game as long as you like...

Again, I will state that no matter what I post from what ever source, it would still be argued to the point of ignorance

I find it better to let naysayers argue with themselves and what they want to believe, then try changing minds on semantics and theory...

Mine is learned from first hand knowledge, not following along on some slanted study that leaned in what ever direction the person doing the research wanted others to follow

I will add though, if you don't want to leave your little bungalow, call over to the coast, and ask any logging company that’s been around for any length of time which one has the better quality timber and the bigger diversity, then get back to every one with your results...

I think your right BH, it's job security for one of Buzz's minions...

Here's the quote I think that really bothers you...

If nothing is done and Mother Earth heals the land better than man, it kind of leaves you and your trades in a little bit of a lurch doesn't it...

No wonder you guys get so resenful and antagonistic when any one questions what you do...

Don't confuse me with facts, my minds made up... ;)
I don't have to post anything to the contrary as I've never said that the contrary was true. You made a statement, proclaiming it as fact, and I asked you to support that statement with evidence. You have failed to do so. If you posted information from a professional, peer reviewed source there are VERY few that would/could argue against that. Hate to break it to you, but that is how the system works, especially for those of us that manage large landscapes.

call over to the coast, and ask any logging company that’s been around for any length of time which one has the better quality timber and the bigger diversity, then get back to every one with your results...
I see now you are qualifying your 'proven fact' statement to only the coastal areas... Sorta slippery slope ain't it?

If nothing is done and Mother Earth heals the land better than man, it kind of leaves you and your trades in a little bit of a lurch doesn't it...
I do find this statement from you interesting. Here's to hoping next fire season is as kind to you as this one? ;) And by the way, I'm really not to worried about Ma Nature taking my job away from me. There's much more management to be done for at least the next 30 years. Yes, some of that will involve 'healing' of certain pieces of ground whether by Ma or through the assitance of management.
Its sure funny to watch elkcheese have his ass handed to him by 1-pointer.

All you ever hear from cheese is that peer reviewed journal articles are "slanted studies" and the like...yet we dont even see a "slanted study" of any kind to justify the cheese's junk science logger theory.

Its frickin' easier than pie to create "diversity" with artificial regeneration. I cant tell you how many multi-species tree planting units I've inspected over the years. Pretty easy to simply plant a diversity of tree isnt rocket science.

The problem the cheese has is that he is talking about mono-cultures of trees created by and for the timber industry on the coast. They dont practice multi-species regeneration for a wide variety of potential, rotation age, forest economics, etc. etc. etc.

They arent in the business of trying to recreate a multi-species natural forest, they're in the business to make money growing profitable tree species as quickly as possible.

Further, if cheese knew even the first god-damned thing about forests and forests well as forest succession...he'd realize that over time, many forests are by design, through natural processes, monoculters or heading toward a mono-culture. You dont need a friggin' degree in forestry to understand that...just take a look at any lodgepole pine forest under 80-90 years in age. Thats an example of almost a pure and completely natural mono-culture. Look at the same stand at 200 years and you'll find a decedant stand of a few remaining lodgepole with a DOMINANCE of almost a pure monoculture of sub-alpine fir.

The mosaic, multi-species forests that cheese makes you want to believe exist...are rare for many reasons, including site potential, habitat type, aspect, slope, elevation, precipitation, etc. etc. etc.

Typically certain combinations of the above items create a system where certain species are much more likely to grow on a given site than others. In other words, you wont be finding many Ponderosa pine growing on North facing slopes in Western Montana...nor will you find many grand fir or sub-alpine fir growing on south facing slopes.

Where the timber industry gets into trouble is trying to force certain more desirable species to grow on marginal sites for the species that make them the most money. Doesnt always work real well. But, thats fine as their management goals are to grow a profitable tree for a lumber mill...not to grow whats best suited for the site or what "ma nature" would regenerate the stand with.

Cheese paints management and management practices with a broad brush claiming that everything will just care of itself. Thats bullshit, in particular when companies and agencies are bound by law to provide certain things on the landscape.

Also, its fair to note that as to BHR and the Cheese's replies that I have something to gain from the above land deal. Couldnt be further from the truth as the project I work on inventories ALL lands across ALL ownerships...FS, BLM, USFWS, National Parks, State, Private, Tribal. My workload, even if I were working in Montana, wouldnt change one bit with the legacy project. Itr wont change the work-load on my peers in Montana either.

Not that it matters, but its just fun to shut up the critics...
I see now you are qualifying your 'proven fact' statement to only the coastal areas... Sorta slippery slope ain't it?

How so???

I do know why you won't look it up yourself...

1. Lazy

2. You won't find any thing and you know it, or ol' Buzzy would have PM'd you some thing you could use...

I do find this statement from you interesting. Here's to hoping next fire season is as kind to you as this one?

Now you’ll have to go back and show me where I ever said that...

Trying to be like Buzz and adding to others posts don't make you look smarter, only more desperate...

There's much more management to be done for at least the next 30 years

Well of course silly...

Monies been allocated for such projects, good or bad... ;)

This is like debating a teen ager...

Buzz- Thanks for the short lesson on forest regeneration. Let's hope some others get some 'lernin' from it...

If you were really looking for truth in information, you would go in search of your questions...

Truth is you’re looking to pick a fight to gain points with Buzz...

If it was any thing different, I'd love to pass on knowledge...

But again, that’s not your underlying intent, sooooo...

Nuff said on this topic...
There's much more management to be done for at least the next 30 years
Well of course silly...

Monies been allocated for such projects, good or bad...

Russ- I believe 'pointer is indicating that (since he's still young) that he will likely remain in that role for 30 more years...while some individual federal "projects" may require that type of long term management- the monies are far from allocated that far in advance. Typically the Federal budget process is 18-20 months from drafting to executing and at any given moment most federal agencies are working concurrently on budgets for three different fiscal years (which run Oct-Sept); the year in progress, the upcoming FY for which the budget has been submitted; and the succeeding FY for which budget estimates are being formulated. Unless things have changed since my days (and Buzz can answer that I’m sure) rarely in these days of deficit spending do you see any kind of “long term” management funding or “allocation”.
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