Kenetrek Boots

Mercenary , fur harvester or Recreational hunter

For not counting, you sure have an excellent memory,And after Hunting them as hard as you have for all those years, They are still nothing more than a Tick Infested Furball! Simply Incredible!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blaine Eddy:
Like I said, "Simply Incredible"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes you are right, Del is simply incredible
Sorry Nut! but i just dont see the Humor in delw references to one of natures most Cunning and Beautiful creatures. Sure! I hunt them relentlessly and pull their Fur, yet i maintain the Greatest of Respect for them, for what they give me in return! and i'm not talking about their Fur. It is what the Coyote has given me that causes me to respect him. I do not expect everyone to understand. It is not something easily explained. And apparently i am on my own in this, although Seldom Ever briefly touched on it in a previous post! I reckon it's late, Time to go! Blaine Eddy
Just because you hunt something and use its skin don't mean you can't respect it. I respect the way that no matter what you plan or stratigise they will fool even the best of the best. Like Blaine said
I do not expect everyone to understand. It is not something easily explained.)I just know that the coyote is one of the smartist and agile athletes in the animal kingdome.

someone said: they aren't that smart. Well step out of the burbs and hunt them in the real world and see just how smart they are. I'll tell ya these Idaho coyotes aren't trash can raiders and Poodle thief's and they won't come so easy.

HAHA blaine. You crack me up.... I just find it odd about respecting something then killing it..... YOu might be passionate about them but I find it very hard to believe to respect them... respet is a very vauge word....

The 50bmg wasnt a comment is was something I really did.... blew a freakin hole right through the back part of his/her shoulder threw him/her back 10 feet and it still kept walk like it was never hit. finally died a few yards away.....

I have no use for the fur, or any organs that it may have. I shoot them for fun(used to for profit but they quit that here in az about 18 years ago)

Ive hunted them all over this state, mainly in areas that have too many coyotes that cause problems with antelope. Not to mention rabie areas and other probelms.... Some good coyote shooting is when a ranchers finds a dead cow, hell danr and I sat on a carcass pit for 2 days shooting yotes right out of the back of a pickup truck......

I have read some boards that the guys are absolutely nuts over the yotes... so much to the effect that you will get banned if you kill one the wrong time of the year...

A yote is a varmit and has a open season here in AZ. Varmits to me = targets the more the better....

Next your going to be saying its not ethicle to shoot coyotes without using the fur or some other part of he animal. or using a gun that gives a little more pelt damage... or even a bow....

Blaine just out of curiosity... how old are you and what do you do for a living, how long have you been in utah?

Blaine is older than you are Delw,if that is a recent pic you posted in the fishing section.You don't hardly look old enough to have all the coyote hunting experience you claim,or any type hunting for that matter.I don't mean it as an insult, I'm just saying you look real young.If you're implying Blaine is a youngster because of his attitude about coyotes,the shoe is on the wrong foot,IMHO.

I am 51 years old,and I share the same attitude as Blaine does,about ALL animals,not just coyotes.They weren't put here just so we can have targets.Not even rats and snakes were.Believe it or not,there is such a thing as a balance.If enough of you catch too many of those bass in that fishing picture you posted and keep them,that lake will have it's balance seriously upset.

People say you can kill as many coyotes as you want,and they'll come back.It must be true because most states have no closed season on them.What Blaine is trying to say to you,is that he respects the coyote because of it's ability to outwit him sometimes,because of it's cunning and adaptability,and it's abilty to bounce back no matter how many you kill.Out of respect for the animal,and to protect what he considers a resource,he only hunts it in prime season,when the fur is right.If you do a little research amongst predator hunter/trapper groups on the Internet,you will find this attitude is the predominant one amongst any who harvest the fur,and many who don't.

Having respect for something doesn't mean you can't kill it.I respect all the middle Eastern doctors I've worked with in the last 25-30 years,but the first one that shows up at work with an AK47 or something taped to his waist is one dead %$#@^!&*(_)%$!

Hell,I've shot dogs I both loved and respected for there hunting ability,because they got evil for a minute and bit when they shouldn't.I respect my neighbor and his dog when it craps in my yard,but when the dog bites my grandkids or gets in my garbage,I'm going to lose respect for the neighbor,and he's going to lose a dog.Out of respect for my neighbors,my dogs don't run loose,and have been trained to crap in there own yard.

You have an attitude that some have with regards to hunting,if it moves and it's legal,kill it. I can't spite you for your particular attitude,all I can say is that it's different from my own.I don't kill something just to see how big a hole I can blow in it.Some do,and there are many shooters who enjoy the thrill of the red mist.It's there right as an American to do so.I respect there enjoyment of it,and there right to legally do so.

I, on the other hand, prefer to shoot paper for practice.It's not as messy, and I sleep better at night.I don't sleep better than someone who just killed a 1000 prairie dogs or 3 summer coyotes with a 50BMG, I sleep better than I would if I had done the same thing.So what ?

My point is,we all have different attitudes about hunting,and are passionate about them.Maybe if we tried to understand the attitude each of us have about hunting,we could find common ground and just respect each other's right to be different.
we do indeed have different views and THAT is what makes us individuals and not clones

Blaine, Seldom Ever, I have been in your main realm of thinking for many years and because of it, I have been ridiculed in my area by many of men. And then add the fact that I'm female into the mixture, well what comes out in the final wash is stereotyped.

Now I've gotten exremely hurt to the point that I almost hung up my guns. The keyword being here is ALMOST. But when it comes right down to it is this, and these are "MY" opinions only and this is what makes me "ME"

The coyotes back here are intelligent, cunning, animals. I hold the greatest respect for their ability to survive despite "Technology" overtaking the lands. I do respect all animals and their way of life and survival. Each coyote I take, I do look at it as a gift. Whether it be a gift of allowing me to take their flesh or a gift from my knowledge that I have been fortunate to learn and gain over the years or a gift of being able to protect the other species that the coyote has been killing.

I am controversary, the coyote is controversary, together we tango in the same arena. For each one I get, I learn... for each one I miss, they learn... and for that reason alone, I have learned respect for my adversary, no matter what species they may be.

Again, this is only my two cents worth, but I believe it was a well investmant for the knowledge I've gained thus far... and it ain't over yet

Welcome to a slice of my world for a moment.

Crow Woman
I am 41 going on 42(or 12 depending on how you look at it
), Ive been fortunate to have hunted since I was 8 starting in japan with pheasants. I am also fortunate to be married to someone that will let me hunt and fish the way I do.

Blaine started this wako conversation(getting to the off topic part) to begin with. I agree with what you say to a point.
I dont have a problem with the way you or anyone feels about the yote. More power to you, but just because someone else has a differnt view on a yote doesnt make them any more different than anyone else.

we wont go to the bass topic due to the fact most people dont know what balance is when it comes to fish.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My point is,we all have different attitudes about hunting,and are passionate about them.Maybe if we tried to understand the attitude each of us have about hunting,we could find common ground and just respect each other's right to be different.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thats nicely put, maybe Blaine and a few others could learn something by that.

Like I have said in the past I dont have a problem with the way others hunt just dont start ridiculing someone else.
You sure are a young looking 42.I used to be like that,and then old man ancient hit me with a knockout right, and I've been wrinkled and cantankerous ever since

Yeah,my whole point was that the world is full of different views and if we could change differing views to suit our own through the use of persuasion,intimidation,ridicule,bribery,or whatever,we'd probably find the world was a lot more boring than it used to be.

Blaine spends 3 months out of the year living with coyotes,I mean he sets up camp and lives out of a tent and hunts them during the prime fur season. I don't know how many pelts he took last year,but I've seen a pic of him with him and his hunting partner's hides and there were 190+ pelts lined up for sale to the fur buyers.He doesn't do it for profit,he does it for recreation,with profit as icing on the cake.If you count his time and equipment expense as part of the total,he has to be losing money,but only he can say for sure.All my trapping buddies say if they don't count there time invested as part of the equation,most years they break even. Anyhow,when you realize how Blaine goes about it,you begin to see through his eyes how he has learned to look at the coyote.

In my adult life,I have come to respect all the creatures on this earth.There are still some insects I'll go out of my way to crush, and a dangerous snake or two,but other than that I like them all,and have harvested most of them at one time or another,except for some of the bigger ones out West.Out of all God's creatures,the one I have the most respect for is the possum.You can laugh if you want,but they are one tough animal.They have been on this earth longer than any other living creature,they were here when the Dino's roamed.That is an extreme example of survivability and adaptability. I always stop and let them cross the road,I never shoot them or run over them. My stepson likes to grab them by the tail and throw them in the river,especially in winter
.He doesn't feel the same way I do about them,obviously,but we don't argue about it.As a matter of fact,I have to laugh at those possums,they sure can hiss at him when he does that

I don't think Blaine was ridiculing you when he said you were "something else", I think he was flabberghasted at what can only be described as your callousness towards coyotes, and that was how he expressed his incredulity ?

So,according to this thread,I guess we can classify you as a coyote " recreational mercenary" period,eh ? At least when you were hunting them,that's what you were,right ?
OK, let me see if I understand this, I teach kids how to hunt and I teach them ethics and morals and hunter responcibilitys, you know like picking up trash around the camp and around the lake, make clean kills, don't waste the meat, respect fellow hunters, respect non hunters, follow the laws of the land and all this but I'm to tell them its ok to shoot coyotes because they are flea ridden and stink and have no respect for them or their place in the ecosystem and I'm to teach them (the kids)to respect those who don't respect the wildlife.
Tell me Delw how do I do this, how do I teach them that what you think is OK? how do we teach the youth of today about honor and respect if the people they are looking up to have no respect and or honor???

I asked that this thread just be left alone, I didn't ask just one person to let it go, I asked everyone I asked it because what was being discussed here is an issue that offends many and should offend more than it does. Everyone has the right to do what ever they want within the law but don't they have a responcibility to others around them, to respect their wishes and views as well?
You want people to let you think the way you want to and act on that way of thinking as long as its legel. Does this mean that the rest of the people who think diffrantly should beForcedto accept your way of thinking?

I may be off base here but I have a hard time with the disrespectfull attitudes towards wildlife and the absence of malice.

I'm not sure what you want or where you want this to go but I think the moral issues debate is just clogging the Varmint board with hard feelings and its non-productive as I said earlier lets just let it go people.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You sure are a young looking 42.I used to be like that,and then old man ancient hit me with a knockout right, and I've been wrinkled and cantankerous ever since

He's working on me I am just putting up a fight

Thats good for blaine. I do the same thing with bass fishing but I dont live with the fish.

I guess I might now have reached that point in my age where I am going to bond with the animals before I kill them.

I dont like the word mercenery:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Main Entry: 1mer·ce·nary
Pronunciation: 'm&r-s&n-"er-E
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -nar·ies
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin mercenarius, irregular from merced-, merces wages -- more at MERCY
Date: 14th century
: one that serves merely for wages; especially : a soldier hired into foreign service <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
but according to the definition blaine would fall into that catagory

I think your taking it a little far with the kid statement, but I will give it a shot....

what do you do when you shoot coyotes? do make them eat it? Afterall you teach them not to waste meat... Have you ever shot p-dogs? what do you do with them? Thier are certain things that are just ballistic jelly plain and simple. to me coyotes and fox's are some of them...

Kids know better there are not as stupid as most think. there is a big difference between wasting a deer elk bear etc, and wasting a coyote or fox or p-dog.

I never said anyone should be forced to do things the way I do or anyone else.. Your point wont get across by impling that...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I may be off base here but I have a hard time with the disrespectfull attitudes towards wildlife and the absence of malice. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah your way off base cause the words you are using are implying that I am disrespectfull attitudes towards wildlife and the absence of malice.

what about when a treehugger says that to you for shooting or killing something? afterall you cant say that you need the meat to feed your family or the fur to make coats,cause wally world sells jackets cheaper than a box of ammo and you can get a nice steak for less than the hunting licence fees you pay every year.. so dont even go there.
you will find that most threads will be left alone if no one replies. But just because you don't like the way a thread is going doesnt mean it should stop.... After all you are the one who started this thread. Afterall the question you asked is an invite fro trouble anyway... cause its seems to me that you had your mind made up the way people should feel about or post to this thread before it started.....

All debates are productive wether someone likes the outcome or not.
OK guys I think enough is plenty, lets let this one cool off and put some of that energy to good use


Just a little fun on the Forums Slydog! I especially liked the comment about the 50bmg for use on Coyotes! And you're very welcome Nut. Moosie should feel very proud indeed to have found yourself and delw!
He is..I think

Actually he has tried to get rid of us many times... but we blackmail him into keeping us around. (Del would ban him from his own board if he tried)

It is a shame some people have no sense of humor
You find it odd to Respect something and then Kill it! Man you just dont get it do ya!I want to thank the other gents and lady for attempting to explain it to you, as i have clearly failed to do so. I'm new here and did not mean to make waves, so i will not post any further after this post, Just for the record i'm a 43 year old Cement Contractor who has lived most of his life(40yrs) in Clearfield, UT. I have two children, My Son Ian who is 16 and my Daughter Aryan who is 13. Heidi, my wife, lets me hunt and Fish all i want, as long as she gets the Fur check in February. I think this is a Great Forum with maybe just a couple loose parts to fix. HAHA did i crack you up again delw? Take Care ALL! Blaine Eddy
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