Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Mercenary , fur harvester or Recreational hunter

My opinion is to not sweat it too much Krusty. The majority of posts here are made with tongue in cheek(especially by Moosie, the biggest chit stirrer I know).

It goes back to not being able to have facial expressions with what was typed(at least most of the it is)

You have given me a couple of ideals and some info that I had no prior knowledge of.
I enjoy your posts and all of the others also. It is diversity that makes a site good.

(Okay did that help any?
I came back in here to make my apologies for my earlier tyrade, but it appears I may be too late for that...


Thank you that does help a bit.


Thanks for your insights, I hope someday to be able to put some of your advise to use.
I doubt I could ever adopt your "devil may care" attitude... I do feel guilty using up part of this world that others might want a share of.


I dwell on this too much, but you're the one with the running count, and seem to remember each incident (some of which I dispute the existence of)???

You give yourself to much credit, to assume you ever did anything to help me... especially when it comes to call making!

I did read too much into your posts here in this thread, I will admit that, but you also confused old and irrelevant issues with this one... which got me even more mad, and I went overboard in my response.
I am sorry for my part of the misunderstanding.

Like Del said, the basics of this game are pretty simple... the dilema I am having is what to do about it if and when a critter comes, and how that will affect others.
Not about whether or not I ever hunt with anyone more experienced, or in anyone's honey hole.

I have never asked anyone to take me out, and I doubt I ever will bother. I already think I know what the answer will be (some won't want to because they just plain won't like me, too).

Go ahead and take your surveys, I'd bet as many people would like me to stay...
Other than when I occasionally butt heads with someone, I am a positive and productive member of the BBs I frequent, I am a proficient writer, and try to be as helpful as I can... posting photos for members, sending call parts to guys like Seldom Ever when he had a problem with bands on his howler, or shipping a young man some materials to make his own call with and a free call to use as a model.
For all of these things, I never asked for anything in return.

We all have our friends here and on other BBs, I don't think this is a popularity contest.

I don't back down, or away, from anything, I will make my apologies for any mistakes I have made, try to learn from them, and then I move onward and upward... you don't reach the summits in life by backing down!

If Moosies asks me to go I will pack my kit and try another mountain, there's 99 other BBs in the top 100!

LOL... slydog your getting emails now haha... sounds like dejavu to me I can tell you how this will turn out.....Been there Done that, and its not the way you think

You guys take things way to serious..... most of your guy's bickering is ameture hour...

those other boards if you disagree with someone you get banned... If you talk about shooting a yote out of the furbearing season you get scolded(keep an eye on the clock). if you dont respect the yote before you kill it you get scolded(think about this one it doesnt make sence) if you shoot one and leave it lay Oh shit your going to hell. thats being disrespectful to a coyote....Oh geeze and dont even bring up shooting one in the ass....

I just dont understand why people get thier feelings hurt about someone else's way of shooting and or leaving a coyote to rot.... Its not like its a deer or elk I mean shit you can eat those animals but do you really want to eat a coyote....

Nut I had an argument with myself that day and lost
(That was funny that night wasn't it)

so come on guys quit your bickering and post some pics.. and I dont want to see some yahoo with vodoo crap around a dead yote praying to the coyote gods and thanking them for killing such a tick infested furball......

Hey I know how about a kiss and makeup post
those are always fun...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>P.S. I have been a member of this site for a long time, I thought I knew how things went on here before Slydog the Moderator.
I will try to work under your watchful eye... as long as you'll allow me to, I had a feeling when you were made moderator my days here were numbered.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

P.S.S. I have been a member on this site longer than you and I have seen it all I guarentee it.

P.S.S.S. slydog quite bringing up this is moosies house shit it sounds like a 4 year old girl trying to pick a fight with her 13 year old brother... not only that but it will go to moosies head and we will all be put on restriction

People like yourself will NEVER understand what it is to develop a Respect for the Coyote, Because you simply have not hunted and killed enough of them to know anything about it! I had no intention of butting in here but your comments forced me to do so! In my lifetime my partner and I have taken somewhere between 1800-2000 Prime Coyotes, and whether you understand it or not, The Coyote has earned our Respect for his cunning and his abililty to adapt when so many are out to kill him! Perhaps one day you may gain enough insight or experience to then understand why myself and many others like me feel as we do toward the Coyote! Blaine Eddy
Blaine,I agree with you entirely in your views of the coyote,and I also accord the same amount of respect to every animal I hunt.I believe the Indians had it right,they practically worshipped all animals because they meant there survival,and most tribes elevated the coyote to a loftier place than others because of his cunning.All hunters should learn to be conservationists before they become hunters.Otherwise they are just killers.

But heck,ol' DelW has his own view and is entitled to express it here too.He is a good guy in his own right,just has a radically different view than our own on coyotes I guess.I hope his expressing his opinion ,as much as it may disagree with our own,will not cause you to leave the board or anything ? I enjoy your posts immensely,and I wish to continue benefiting from your knowledge of predator hunting. Heck,it's the 4th of July,we are celebrating our independence,our ability to have different views and still get along otherwise.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-04-2003 10:34: Message edited by: Seldom Ever ]</font>
Krusty, I tried Emailing ya but it bounced back. there get's to a point things get taken of the board. I think Delw Answered all your questions well. you have the lime light, do with it as ya must.

I'm not one to typ alot
so I'll let you guys keep at it. But I'm guessing we're on the downword swirl of this post though. Maybe we could get back on track ?
Personally speaking,I'd rather see this thread locked than lose any board members because of bad or hurt feelings.People are passionate about there beliefs,including me.Trouble is,we sometimes forget that others might be just as passionate about the opposing view.
Seldom, that's the problem, Some people are so Passionate they are ZEALOTS and don't even know it. Either for gut shooting or bowing down to the critter. it works both ways.

Here's my take on the subject. I could care less if someone shoots a yote, says a prayer for 4 hours, opens it up and Burns the heart to the hunting gods for a sacrifice then eats it. It's up to each person. Personally If they did something like that they'd never be able to shoot 1800-2000 Yotes in a lifetime (Blain, just a side note, I used your #'s but it wasn't an Attack, Just a little clarification, thanx) Just like the Subject of Using Hounds for deer hunting or Shooting a Elk in a Penned hunt. Fishing with a BARB or flyfishing v's Real fishing.... Traditional V's Cam archery... Rifle, Muzzleloader ... Inlines V's traditional for Smoke poles too... To each their own.

We could discuss how one should value the life of a animal and how someone should "HARVEST"/"KILL" it, but then We'd just be looking for a fight now.. Wouldn't we ? And there is always someone's feelings that would get hurt. Thats how it works. Guys like me blow off 95% of the posts we read because I've met over 50 guys from the net, and lemme tell ya, Some of the most Ethical "posters" I would never hunt with in my life EVER after seeing their ethics in real life. But then there is guys that read all the posts for Gospil too. HUmmm.. Which is the "right~er" ?
Eggzactly Moosie,eggzackly.It's ok to be passionate,but terrorists are zealots,or vice versa.No sense being a terrorist animal mercenary or terrorist conservationist either.Thing to do is avoid controversial subjects if we can't discuss them diplomatically.There are so many varied reasons why people believe the way they do. I used to be a died in the wool primitive muzzle loader proponent,until I realized just how many deer were being crippled or dieing a slow death because of it.So now I use a muzzy barrel for my Encore and a scope,and I kill them clean while still enjoying to a lesser degree the way the old timers used to hunt.

I guess we need to remember the one thing we do share,a passion for hunting, in whatever legal form we choose to do it.
Hey Seldom, Are you trying to get in the Last word ?
.. Hehe !!! J/K

If you ever want to see some Good conversations, You should have seen some of my posts on Monster Mulies when I said how I hunt the GAME farms, dropping 15k for a hunt with my 4-wheeler and Drinking a Late' coffee wearing my Oakley sunglass's with my Lazzeroni coustom rifle. Geeesh, some people take Offence to that type of hunting I guess... Or they didn't realize I was making a "FUNNY". Either way, it went no-were but I still laughed at how "MAD" people were when I said thats how I hunted
Hehehe...heck,here it is customary to spring gobbler hunt with a small caliber rifle,many even use there deer rifle.I asked on an EZBoard forum [The Cabin] I used to frequent if anyone hunted turkey with a rifle,and you would not believe the stink it caused!!

People have different customs in different areas.

Personally speaking, I will always have the utmost respect for the animals that I hunt,there cunning is what makes them so much fun to pursue.I won't coyote hunt in spring or summer,because I don't want to let pups starve that could otherwise provide more targets and fur come fall.I never kill anything just to be killing it.Someone will benefit from it or I won't do it.That is my own set of ethics.Someone else's may be different,but those are the ones that are comfortable for me to live with.
Can I call you a lier Seldom ???!!?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I never kill anything just to be killing it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're killing time right now just to be killing it... NO ?
Well,I was gonna say I was discussing profound things regarding hunter's ethics with a highly intellectual individual...but you're right,I'd have been lying,I'm just killing time....BUahahahahahahaha
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>OK straight up questions...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Straight Up Answers

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Can a moderator ban a user<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No only Admins

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So, the number of my days left here could be decided by someone other than me?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yup just like life you walk out the door and get slammed by a bus, But we dont ban anyone for not getting along... just for being a prick and youd have to be a bigger prick than me which I doubt you are

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Even Slydog?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yup even he can go

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Have I broken any rules here?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> We dont have no stinking rules

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Where did I do any "stomping"?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Stomping?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Am I actually welcome here?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> everybody is well almost everybody

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Did I make a mistake accepting an invitation to join this site?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I dont know you joined, just because you dont get along with some people does that mean its a mistake

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Is one Slydog more important than a new member?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now you sound like a fuggin child

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What will happen to this site, or this sport, if newbies aren't made to feel welcome here?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> it will go on like normal

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Do you really think Slydog represents your site well?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does it really make a difference, are you for real?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Do you know that if Slydog said we have a "little history" he's hugely underestimating the ordeal (read lying)? ...we had a huge blowout, or three, one even over the phone when I was woke up in the middle of the night.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So this is not the jerry springer show

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>There you go, eleven question marks, ten serious questions and one infoquestion ("stomping").<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> SO whats your point

you sound like a 33 year old yuppie crying cause you didnt get a fair shake.. Go back and read your questions geeze I just saw the last page(2) after this post I am going to read page one and try to figure out what is going on ... I love a good fight......
This has got to be either a joke or a bad nitemare

BAh ha ha ... this is some funny shit.....

Krusty you worry to much about what other people think..... just relax... to hunt yotes you just go out and call them in or shoot them out of the back of a truck. its no secret

Now my view on varmits (AKA Ballistic Jelly)... thats my view. varmits were made for target practice....

As far as calling in yotes to shoot them with a camera heck yeah but then kill them dead and get that on film as well.... Who cares if you educate a coyote give him a few days and you can kill him again...

I call in elk 1-4 weeks before the season even if I dont get a tag.. I do it to get them on tape... I dont give a rats ass who gets upset or not... cause number 1 its on public land and numer 2 I am doing it formyself not anyone else....#3 I just dont care....

Thats my view and no I wont ban anyone for disagreeing

It seems to me that you are not happy unless there is termoil. You will ask a question, then when someone takes the time to give you an honest answer, maybe the best they have to give you always have something negitive to through back at them. No one likes that or wants to read it all the time.
Life to short to spend it fighting.

Our troubles go back to me trying to answer one of your questions, you didn't get the answer you wanted and started in on me! That was the frst time. The seccond time was kinda the same, when the answer you got wasn't what you wanted you got a little rude with your post. The third time I was trying to help you with your call making and you turned that around on me and tried to make me out as an a$$, that pi$$ed me off and you did get a call at 11:30 to try to talk this out but instead you were rude and spent my dime yelling at me(not cool) I have tried on 5 ocations to give you good information and my help. All 5 times you have tried to turn it around to make me look like a damn fool and you have cause no one else would have given you that many chances.

You seem to like to this crap and dwell on it. No one here or anywhere else for that matter owes you anything. weather I or anyone else shairs their secrets with you is up to us, but when we do and you are pi$$y and impatient with us don't expect people to roll over and kiss your butt to get along with you. It won't happen in this world.

Now you start in on Moosie in his house, from under what rock did you crawl and just who do you think you are? You are an agitator, constantly sturring the crap and to be quite honest, if you took a servey of the people on the boards, I think you would find that most people are tired of your crap. I know that I am and the e-mails that I recive from others tell me that they are also.

If you want to remain in the house of Moosie, then I suggest you back down and show some respect to Moosie and the other members of his board. As for me, I have offered my knowledge,Help and time to you way beyond any obligation I have to you or any board. This is your warning Jeff, tread lightly here or go someplace else.

Richard Gipson
AKA slydog
Blaine Eddy ... wow I didnt know we were counting. but now that you mention it, if I counted my 4 closests coyote hunting partners I bet we could come pretty dam close to your numbers if not probally beat them... One year dad and I alone got over 280.. my dad only killed 3 or was was it 2...

You see Ive hunted yotes & fox's for over 23 years.... In AZ its hard to get drawn for biggame so I hunt varmits. I do it seriously also.... How many guys that you know would hunt yotes and walk 10-20 miles with a backpack just for yotes... Didnt think there was many... As far as prime pelts in AZ 99% of the yotes are small and have bald belly's so there is no point in keeping them....

Since you are from Ut. you probally know the st george and canebeds area pretty well.... Thats where I did most of my coyote hunting as well as the kaibab. I have shot a ton of yotes from a pickup via the drive and stalk method as well.....

I think the words of respect are funny cause you say you respect a coyote then you kill it and skin it....
I do it for the fun of the chase and the target practice myself.

Now I mainly fish for bass, but I always (almost always) carry a gun with me on the boat(my little shorty ar-15) just for yotes and fox's
The last 2 years I havent really yote hunted as much as I used to... I think last year I might have gotten a 6 and the year before maybe a dozen so my numbers are way down, I will try to bring them up this year and get some pics to

moosies right about locking threads, not to mention banning people. you do that and you will have problems(I have alot of experiance in thie
) That why Hunttalk is a great board cause we dont lock and or ban unless absolutely necc.... and I dont think you guys would ever get to that line.... If you notice hunttalk doesnt flex muscles like that.....

Well they smell bad to... but I couldnt think of a good word to use....

Actually I will never forget that year due to the amount I shot... one morning I got 6 dad wounded one I shot it the next day...
I also had a new baby at the time that I used to carry on my back while hunting yotes. she was 6-7 weeks here first time out

Most of the yotes were shot 30-45 mins from my house. 1 of them in a circle k parking lot next to a big field and an airport. A couple on a golf course 15 mins from the house....

Funny thing I live in north phx. in the city

Ive run into very few smart ones.. theres only been a few that I have called in alot that I can get shots, but we figured out ways to kill them so most dont make it... all you have to do is change calls works almost everytime.... for those that are real stubborn get a cat meowing and or a baby crying and they are a sucker everytime....
for those that just dont come to within 200 yards you just climb a power line pole(with a ladder and a 4x8 sheet of 3/4" plywood with 2 2x4s) or get on a big hill.... A 50 bmg does wonders on yotes so does a 300 win mag...

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