Maybe this isn't a Sportsmans issue but...

I talked with the individual and he said it had nothing to do with punishing any one. I definatly am not trying to make waves, only stating what I was told.
The e-mail was for the fact that if what ever had been sent weeks or months from right now, or before the sh1t hit the preverbial fan, it would have been OK, but to him at this particular moment, felt wrong and I suppose one could say ethically incorrect, or at least to him it did.
This board and a bunch of us have seen litterally hundreds of people do the same for what ever the reasons. Some we liked to see go, some just dissappeard into the wood work.
That is the life and expectancy of these types of places. Some of the rest of us are just gluttons for punishment and keep coming back like a moth to a flame.
If I was any of you, I wouln't try and read to much into it, or over evaluate it. He had his reasons and I personally would leave it at that...
I got Busy, left for a while, gave away old turd P.C. But Moosie missed me so much [he called me back via missing persons] now i love him he is so wonderfull! [not in a gay way] and he still remembers i choke on small bones! :D :D
So this individual thinks he has been wronged? I agree with Moosie, he is just a big (old) baby.

I hope the individual keeps punishing us. Just without the emails to Moosie.

I will not use this as an attack, just a question....

I am still waiting on where you saw that what I did was wrong, I put the evidence up, any that you could have had. Now I would really like to see where I made my mistakes...
Or is it that you finally realized that for once, you were absolutly out classed on a topic?
You don't have to answer back snotty, just let me know....

Especially some thing as simple as a back cut, that is the most basic mundain part of cutting after being able to start a saw. Or was it you seeing if you could draw me into some silly name calling thing and stoop to such levels... I think, as if you haven't noticed, I will just take the high road.
What Individual ?!?! I was talking "in General" ;)

If you want to know the Truth, Someday I'll post it. But Paws would be shattered. I'll leave it at that for now

CJCJ I love you tooman, Glad you're back.

Chas, Fetching Awsome saying !!! I'm going to change My signature to that if i can
ElkChsr, nexttime you call PAWS, let him know that when I post "your assenine, childish comments on the board that someone would send a copy to me." it's open to the "Public" and It wasn't a Secret or Me trying to Backstab him.

He let me know today that my "SECRET" was out about me talking about him. He has a "CONTACT" that checks my board to see what I say. MUmmmmmm...

He also said I'm the Baby and not him....... That being said I think he's right so let me PUBLICALLY say that ;)

Now I might have to feel the Wrath of his Lawyers.

Please don't share anything I post on a PUBLIC board to him, It's all a Well kept secret !!!! :rolleyes:

Maybe you weren't his "SECRET FRIEND" that was Spying or him.... NOW I won't be able to sleep trying to figure it out...

Mark my word Mr. Williamson, don't make the mistake of posting anything about me that is not scrupulously true.
Will someone please let me know what "scrupulously" is ? I thought that was a Flavor to a candy bar ;)
WordNet Dictionary
Adv. 1. scrupulously - with extreme conscientiousness; "he came religiously every morning at 8 o'clock"
Synonyms: conscientiously, religiously, like a Texan
Oscar, I don't get into passing things back and forth for any one...
I guess he would have guessed you would point a finger at me for such things and sent an e-mail to post if such an occurance came about...
I honestly didn't have any thing to do with either one of you doing any thing to each other, and it was not what was talked about any way.

" Man what is your game? You absolutely knew before you posted your assenine, childish comments on the board that someone would send a copy to me. How can you possibly be so shallow? I took your friendship for what it appeared to be and dealt with you on a level field always being straightforward and honest with you. Now you set up the appearance of "back stabbing" me. Unfortunately the information regarding the "Crush Paws" statement reached me before I got to the mailbox. It won't be returned. It went in the trash; the same place you tossed our friendship. Mark my word Mr. Williamson, don't make the mistake of posting anything about me that is not scrupulously true. And you have the gall to call me a baby. Do not bother to respond."

That pretty well tightens up my relationship with that particular BB I would think. Anyway, life goes on. It sure does gald my nards though that someone with so much potential and resources can be such a spoiled $*)Q!#@$ brat and of virtually no redeeming value.

I suppose he'll figure it was you that wised me up. Actually if the subject comes up you can tell him that it was not a friend who e-mailed me; just one of the shit stirrers who would rather see things keep on bubbling!

As a matter of fact Russ, maybe you should keep this e-mail should he accuse you of ratting him out you can post this with my full permission. He'll know that I wrote it because he knows what I e-mailed to him.

Well I got to go. I'll catch you later. Keep your head up and your nose in the wind!

All I can say is it wasn't me and I have no idear who it could have been...
I really don't like being in the middle of people I like. Not this way. I wonder if any one will fess up or just let it die with wonder in every ones eye....
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