I talked with the individual and he said it had nothing to do with punishing any one. I definatly am not trying to make waves, only stating what I was told.
The e-mail was for the fact that if what ever had been sent weeks or months from right now, or before the sh1t hit the preverbial fan, it would have been OK, but to him at this particular moment, felt wrong and I suppose one could say ethically incorrect, or at least to him it did.
This board and a bunch of us have seen litterally hundreds of people do the same for what ever the reasons. Some we liked to see go, some just dissappeard into the wood work.
That is the life and expectancy of these types of places. Some of the rest of us are just gluttons for punishment and keep coming back like a moth to a flame.
If I was any of you, I wouln't try and read to much into it, or over evaluate it. He had his reasons and I personally would leave it at that...
The e-mail was for the fact that if what ever had been sent weeks or months from right now, or before the sh1t hit the preverbial fan, it would have been OK, but to him at this particular moment, felt wrong and I suppose one could say ethically incorrect, or at least to him it did.
This board and a bunch of us have seen litterally hundreds of people do the same for what ever the reasons. Some we liked to see go, some just dissappeard into the wood work.
That is the life and expectancy of these types of places. Some of the rest of us are just gluttons for punishment and keep coming back like a moth to a flame.
If I was any of you, I wouln't try and read to much into it, or over evaluate it. He had his reasons and I personally would leave it at that...