Caribou Gear

Maybe this isn't a Sportsmans issue but...

$50 eh ? Anyone else wanting to chip in ?

How much cat shit ? Can we take a glass of water afterwards ?!>>! Can We dig the Kitty little out of it ?!?!? :D
Too bad we don't have any one that likes cooking and making recipes..... didn't we used to have somebody that would have a recipe for these type of things... Ohh, I found one in the Recipe section, and did a little adjusting....

1 pile of cat shit
1 Pillsbury Refrigerated Pie Crust

Set the oven to 375 (350 for elevations above 2500feet)

open the dough and cut it into four sections. They'll look like a rounded (one side) pie wedge. Center a wedge in a ramiken and press it down to the bottom. Using a slotted spoon fill the dough with the meat and vegetables. There should be enough in the can to do three ramikens. Cut the last piece of dough into rectangles to cover the center of each ramiken. Place it and fold the tips from the bottom crusts over the center rectangle. No need to seal. Bake for about twenty minutes or unbtil the crust is golden brown. Feed the left over liquid from the soup to the dog! This is great!!
"You see Russ I think that they use their anonymity like a shield to enable themselves to remain aloof, shallow, and at an arm's length. For whatever reason they do not appear to be willing to take the risks that being human requires. Why then having made the decision to not step out any closer than behind their electronic barriers would they not act like ass holes and feel confident with that"
How about the Anonymity of someone Emailing another guy to have him Cut and Paste it for some guys that he doesn't even know to read....

And what the Hell is that Quote all about?

Sounds like an Anonymous Ass hole to me ?!?!?
Get to dig out our own?....yummmmm Kitty-Rocha
minus the nuts..
Damn it kids! If I have to stop this car..... :mad: You guys are cracking me up! I can just see everybody crowding to see the fight after school, just outside the sandbox.

Ok everbody, take a deep breath and
LOL Moosie...
He only had me put up the one e-mail. This one he doesn't know is on the board, unless he comes over here...
I still have all of the e-mail traffic that we have between eachother, I just haven't bothered cleaning it out yet.
What some one else say's about any one else on the board should have no bearing on the reciever...
I have never bad mouthed you to any one, I may have added you into some thing a month ago, but never stated shit to others about you. You can go back and read any of it you think I may have wronged you with. It is there for any one wanting to wade that far back to read.
What I do see is some one else sitting back, reading more into some thing than what is there and instigating nothing to make some thing.
I would even suppose you as the owner of the board can sit back and read any PM that has been posted, you will find nothing that I would have posted to even bring some one to think, (unless their lives live in a soap opera) to imply I have ever done any thing to stab you.
So again I will ask you gunner....
When is it that I have done this?
I would like to see more proof than some thing you surmise.
Or it would be no different than me accusing you of being a Pedifile and continually hitting on it every time I make a post....
Maybe I should, you have been wanting me to change my profile, maybe I will add some thing to that effect into it... ;)

Yes, that may be fun.....

But then again, I have noticed that you and Buzz have noticed that I have decided to move past such ignorance. Your silly attacks have become worse and more desperate and have gotten you no where. Well, it will just stay that way.
I will chose my battles and none of them you guy's have been coming up with as of late have even warrented the effort...

Keep trying, it will get you no where... ;)

Why don't you go back and edit your post, and remove 90% of the pronouns, and then complete most of the rest of the sentences? Then at least it could be responded to...

My guess is you might be running low on knives for hunting season, as for some reason, you stuck another one in his back....

A fine piece of work... :rolleyes:
Why don't you just answer the question?
Or should I say "questions", to be proper...

I would suppose it is because you have nothing and are again trying to dodge the subject at hand instead. The intent of what I wrote is there and is understood. That is very much well and good with me... ;)

In that entire rambling, I only see one question mark. So, properly, it would be "question", not "questions". And you might look at your earlier posts for that answer...
I thought we weren't supposed to screw with each others names?
Didn't somebody call me out on that just a couple weeks ago? And yet they still continue to do the same?
What a bunch of children
"What some one else say's about any one else on the board should have no bearing on the reciever..."



ElkChsr, I don't need to go look back, I never said you said to anyone here of in Emails or PM's that said that you said to someone else or anyone else something bad that was said to me or about me at anytime that ANYTHING was said by you or had been said or implied to be said either by you or someone else saying it was said to or about me or any of the parties involved either today or in the past.

Just wanted to clear things up... ;)

I just think it's Funny (Very Funny actually) that someone could have left the board because I yanked thier Moderator status
Then turned it around saying it was Because I hurt Delws and Buzz's feelings. Both those guys think otherwise I can Guartentee you :D

Then threatening me because I told him he was a Baby...(If that hurts your feelings if I call you a Baby Please leave the Board now !!!!! We have underage youth that aren't that big of a baby.) I think I was told once something like (And these aren't in quotes so I hope I can't get sued for Paraphrasing ;) ).. Something like... 'I'm not a Baby.. I'm not, I'm just leaveing because You're a poopoo head....'

Note : All coments above do not imply anyone in particular but could be missunderstood or taken in such fashion. Some people read things into What isn't there. That is quite obvious now. This Disclaimer nulls and voids any type of Lawsuits from someone thinking that I made a : "mistake of posting anything about "someone" that was not scrupulously true."
If a misunderstanding took place and someone feels this was pointed twards them I'll say sorry in advance. And, they are a poopoo head. Also, No Animals were hurt durring this Post....
Really ?!?! HUmmmmm What was said in the Above post was meant to be understood like 69 of the 76 posts that have happened already ;)

(In my Beavis Voice...) Uhhh HE Hehehe Uhhhhhh KEWL... Uhhhhhh eh hehe Uhhhhh He said 69 !!!!
LOL Moosie... ;) :D

I re-read what I posted and it wasn't meant to come off so harsh, sorry...

Now lets see where I could have stabbed actually any one in the back!
I will allow you to pick any one, not just one member on the board. Lets skip the grammer, it really doesn't matter and has no bearing, lets skip Dubya, he has more important things on his mind, lets skip the ATV crowd, I don't own one. Lets skip the fact you don't like me for what ever reason.

Now lets just get to the point and state your case! Your good at it when it comes to cut and paste, so this should be an easy shoe in for you. just cut and paste where your accusations are going and show your proof and I will sincerely apollogize to those I have wronged.

This should be easy, it has been opened up to 2070 people. If what you are saying is true then there should be at least one case in this amount of others to base your claim upon. Or I would suppose that Lier claim would also stick to some one, now wouldn't it... ;)
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