Maybe this isn't a Sportsmans issue but...

As I thought, you have nothing and this is the onlly straw u hav... LMAO!!!! I thought you had more in you than this... :( I am very disappointed.....
But then again, no matter how much one thinks they know, they just can't know it all.... ;)

Pride is a very dissabling trait... :eek: Even to the point of ignorance, we will stick by it rather than admit wrong or give appologies when we have wronged others....
LMAO Moosie...
Did you see who he actually has in the back ground doing the catching? :eek: ....
Well bud, It's usually the Wife that starts the Lightning.. So I'm guessing they can catch it too :D :D
Now lets see where I could have stabbed actually any one in the back!
I will allow you to pick any one, not just one member on the board. Lets skip the grammer, it really doesn't matter and has no bearing, lets skip Dubya, he has more important things on his mind, lets skip the ATV crowd, I don't own one. Lets skip the fact you don't like me for what ever reason.

Now lets just get to the point and state your case! Your good at it when it comes to cut and paste, so this should be an easy shoe in for you. just cut and paste where your accusations are going and show your proof and I will sincerely apollogize to those I have wronged.

This should be easy, it has been opened up to 2070 people. If what you are saying is true then there should be at least one case in this amount of others to base your claim upon. Or I would suppose that Lier claim would also stick to some one, now wouldn't it...
Yep, and you out right liyeing (sp for gunner) and I do know it....

So what part of this post makes you not a liar?

Because of this, can any thing you say be even considered as credible any more?
I would guess not....
No, you silly, I know you wouldn't answer them since you have of late not had answers for questions.... ;)
I know if you did answer them, you would dig yourself deeper. We all know that the great gunner could never be wrong, and even if he was, pride would prevent him from admitting to being such. ;)
So lemmme see....

You ask questions that you know nobody will answer, but then you answer them yourself....

Hmmmm.... Have you been out trying to learn how to do backcuts, without a hard hat, again?
Does it matter if I didn't have a hard hat?
I wasn't doing any thing illegal. So where you going with that, it still doesn't answer the fact that you have no idea what you are talking about and are grasping at straws cause you have nothing. That includes stabbing any one in the back, and this newest one of you costing me tons of money, your posts have holes all over in them and I for one, would have troubles beliving any thing you post any more. Maybe you should stick with the miles of cut and pastes that others have made. It is the only way you can hold credibility.... :eek:
I would suppose this bit of info holds so much truth... Unlike that which you have been feeding us... ;)
"You see Russ I think that they use their anonymity like a shield to enable themselves to remain aloof, shallow, and at an arm's length. For whatever reason they do not appear to be willing to take the risks that being human requires. Why then having made the decision to not step out any closer than behind their electronic barriers would they not act like ass holes and feel confident with that? "

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