Grand poopa
Elkchsr.... I was Joking ( because of your Prior Comment about calling him). The whole thing is Funny because I posted something Harmless on an OPEN forum. I actually expected him to reply to it. But he's a Baby, How silly to write an Email for you to post, Are we in Grade School
(Is that Scrupleasorous or am I getting sued ? Do I need a Wink here for anyone
No one ever thought you sent it to him bud, you guys act all paranoid all the time. Next thing you know you'll be building shelters in the hills and Stockpiling food.... Ohh wait.. (Do I even need a Wink guy here Russ ?
Lately people take what I write serious and Freak out so I wasn't sure
Truth be told I think he read it and no one sent anything to him, even a betting man would make that bet, even if he's not logged in IP link tracking still works
You could help me on the "CRUSH PAWS" statement, that one threw me for a loop
And, am I on the list for getting my A$$ kicked now ? MAybe I'll have to go with Guner to one of his secret government meetings for witness relocation ? (Another spot I'm Joking and Anyone can Insert Smilies, Winks or shoulder nudges at will)
Anyways, I like Toms Definition about coming every morning religiously at 8AM, That guy has it made
Buuuahahahah !!!

No one ever thought you sent it to him bud, you guys act all paranoid all the time. Next thing you know you'll be building shelters in the hills and Stockpiling food.... Ohh wait.. (Do I even need a Wink guy here Russ ?

Truth be told I think he read it and no one sent anything to him, even a betting man would make that bet, even if he's not logged in IP link tracking still works

You could help me on the "CRUSH PAWS" statement, that one threw me for a loop
Anyways, I like Toms Definition about coming every morning religiously at 8AM, That guy has it made