Yeti GOBOX Collection

Maybe this isn't a Sportsmans issue but...

Elkchsr.... I was Joking ( because of your Prior Comment about calling him). The whole thing is Funny because I posted something Harmless on an OPEN forum. I actually expected him to reply to it. But he's a Baby, How silly to write an Email for you to post, Are we in Grade School :D (Is that Scrupleasorous or am I getting sued ? Do I need a Wink here for anyone

No one ever thought you sent it to him bud, you guys act all paranoid all the time. Next thing you know you'll be building shelters in the hills and Stockpiling food.... Ohh wait.. (Do I even need a Wink guy here Russ ? ;) Lately people take what I write serious and Freak out so I wasn't sure

Truth be told I think he read it and no one sent anything to him, even a betting man would make that bet, even if he's not logged in IP link tracking still works

You could help me on the "CRUSH PAWS" statement, that one threw me for a loop :confused: And, am I on the list for getting my A$$ kicked now ? MAybe I'll have to go with Guner to one of his secret government meetings for witness relocation ? (Another spot I'm Joking and Anyone can Insert Smilies, Winks or shoulder nudges at will)

Anyways, I like Toms Definition about coming every morning religiously at 8AM, That guy has it made :D Buuuahahahah !!!
Lately people take what I write serious
:eek: :eek: :eek: Not me heehee!

...great, now we all gotta pony up to get Paws clear to Boise...thats if he gets through Gunner, Buzz, Nemont,...hell Oscar the guy be so tired won't even be able to get his foot in the air by then. You might have to settle for arm wrestling rather than ass-kickin' :rolleyes:

Maybe he'll just drive out an cook ya a nice dinner
I thought you were going to kick my ass...
In this section, things get so heated up and it is hard to tell who the good guy's or the bad guy's really are..... :eek: ;P ;)
Your right about the holes in the ground... LOL.. that is one reason I don't need to eat as I travel along, I have stashes all over the hills in pretty much all of Montana, some of them have been found and hit by Grizzly bears, Wolverines, and the homeless, but the vast majority are just sitting there for when the war hits our shores and I have to go into hiding... LOL ... :D
I have been working on these places for the last 54 years and they are all well stocked... :D
Just let me know, I have GPS'd every one of them, as I have put them in... :eek: You just never know who may need them, I am pretty close to haveing one set up for every man, woman and child that you have registered on this board... :D
P.S. I'm looking out for you and yours Man... :D
"In this section, things get so heated up and it is hard to tell who the good guy's or the bad guy's really are..... "

I'm ALWAYS the good guy ElkChsr ;)

Hey MArvB, I posted the Dough I had for the trip, Remember
Pluss, I'd love to have him cook for me. I actually sent him a Cooking apron last week. He said he didn't even open it (Timeing was bad, jsut a few days too late I guess ?) Anyways, he was gonig to Mail it back without opening it then After I posted the post about Him being a Baby he threw it away.. (Now I'm out 15 or 20 Bucks or so :( ... ;) ) Threw it out like I did our Friendship, It's all in Quotes up above that ElkChsr posted :D
sent it back :confused:
...dang and I was lookin forward to the picture of him cookin for ya in the HT apron and the bunched up panties...guess some thing weren't mean to be

You must be feeling terrible that you gald someone's nards. :D :D That has got to hurt. :cool:

It sure does gald my nards though that someone with so much potential and resources can be such a spoiled fugging brat and of virtually no redeeming value.
Profanity edited by Nemont.

Have a good 4th and God Bless America.

LOL ElkCheese ;)

Marv.. My Guess is he opened it, Said he threw it away but wears it every day :D

Nemont... Was that about me ? I thought he was talking about Gunner ? How can I be a Spoiled brat ? I have to work for my money.....
I guess I just figured you and the individual were the "friends" refered to in the email. Maybe it was EG he was refering to.
;) the no redeeming value comment would make more sense then :D :D

Either way I hope we can both agree it has to hurt someone to have their nards gald.

Respectfully Yours,

???? Knife ????
I never knew I had put one there...
Oh, yea, your imagination is playing tricks on you and your reading way more into things than are really there again.... Come on now, you need to climb out of your over imagined world and read less into things than you would like, the whole world isn't a conspiracy....
!!!!LOL!!!! :D
I would still like to see where this knife in the back thing came from or is going?
Spell it out and type slow...
Or was this just spouted like the bad back cut thing I never got a responce from? ;)
To the Top....
!!!!LOL!!!! :D
I would still like to see where this knife in the back thing came from or is going?
Spell it out and type slow...
Or was this just spouted like the bad back cut thing I never got a responce from? ;)

"You see Russ I think that they use their anonymity like a shield to enable themselves to remain aloof, shallow, and at an arm's length. For whatever reason they do not appear to be willing to take the risks that being human requires. Why then having made the decision to not step out any closer than behind their electronic barriers would they not act like ass holes and feel confident with that"

We always type slow, just so you can keep up.

Have you been playing in the tailings piles again????
I didn't realize you were the one that needed to comment on this one?... I would imagine you have to alway's type slow, you have stated in the past you do any way
It looks like you keep hearing voices and posting the same quote from your little voices in your head... How does the old saying go? "With Friends like Elkcheese, Moosie doesn't need enemies" ?????

Did you have trouble with another of your backcuts, and get bonked on the head this week?

Remember, Safety First!!!
So "Paws" aka Phil is history? Wow i thought he was much more thick-skinned than to let a bunch of rabble rowsers run him off, he must be a very sensitive guy. I bet he just needs an Elk tag! They don`t have many back east so that could change his life. If i ever take you guys sooo seriously that i leave Hunttalk, well i promise to kick my own ass!, and eat catshit for supper.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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