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Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

I’ll also say, if you really want to get excitement/entertainment/joy/etc don’t turn to the YouTube and social media hunters, try and volunteer at your local Isaac Walton League, be a mentor for a youth hunter, volunteer to go spray/control invasive weeds at your favorite hunting grounds. Get out and live it.
There is not many of these jerkoffs that are active at all in the legislative/commission process. In fact, the only "famous" people I have ever heard give comment are Randy Newberg, maybe I missed others, but I doubt it.

If I remember correctly, Matt Rinella gave comment in 2021 that started with "First off, I'd like to say that all of these proposals are absolute garbage...".
This is a huge gripe of mine too. Lots of “influencers” have moved to Montana to work in the hunting industry. I’ve only seen public comments from a couple of them, Randy being one. This current season setting, I didn’t see comments from any of them.
I actually know where those hunts took place and am quite familiar with the odds.

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I don’t care about specific units, that’s why I don’t say unit XX. I’m taking grand scheme. There are dozens of units that a guy used to be able to grab a type 1 tag with 0-2 pts that are now going for 3-6 pts. It’s not rocket science, and I’m not saying he’s the devil. What I am saying is you can’t look at these videos and the number of views and say he hasn’t made it harder for folks to draw a pronghorn tag. You can find the same videos regarding elk and elk tags. Look at WY general elk tags and how point creep has jumped in correlation to YouTube hunters and social media.
Proof is in the pudding.
We'll never convince an anti hunter. We need to be worried about Average Joe Voter. And the dumb ass shit posted all over Instagram and YouTube for free and for all to see ain't helping that case.
Last estimated stat I saw was ~15M individual licensed hunters in the US.

Total US population = ~339M

Meaning 4.4% of the US population hunts. Even if we just restrict to the Adult population (~270M), we're still talking a single-digit percentage.

We are a minority, and a pretty extreme minority at that. A lot of the antics on IG/YT/FB are not helping and many of them are hurting.
Speaking of guys that abuse the resource for personal gain (clicks), see the 4 youtube videos above on WY pronghorn.
Ur not understanding my POV. Idc how many how to videos a guy puts out or actual hunting videos. Randy fights for the resource on all levels. He explains how to fight the fight, who to contact, write letters to, meetings to attend, he just did a 4 part series on how the anti hunters are infiltrating and gaining seats at the table and not for good intention and what we can start doing about it. Most people of the 146k that follow Randy are better stewards of the resource than they were before they watched him and also well more aware of the issues facing the resource.

As for the videos above...they are boring and informative which is why they only have for example 205k views in 7 years. Cam Hanes uninformative hero shots and garbage videos get 205k views in literally hours. Cause most people don't care about boring and informative they care about hammering.

We lose people like randy and it's not gonna be good. If I was him I'd tell everyone to figure it out all the legislations and proposals yourself and go hammer and eff off starting with the likes you.
I do not disagree with the impact that hunting personalities including Mr. Newberg have had on hunting, drawing tags, access, etc. but IMO it says a ton about Mr Newberg that he allows this discussion on his platforms. Most, if not all shut down any comments and block the users that are negative to their product.

On a side note I was dropping my daughter off at gymnastics on Tuesday and one of the dads had Kiui pants and gaiters on and a Muley freak t shirt. I immediately assumed he’s a d bag.
We’ve had this conversation over and over. It’s an interesting one.

The more I think about it, I am not so convinced that hunting personalities or even social media, generally, are influencing crowding the trail heads in a meaningful way. If they disappeared today, I’d wager they’d still be packed and use continually on the rise.

What a large portion of hunting personalities and hunting social media does do though, is make hunters look like dorks to be distained. But in the same way, I’d wager that most folks who don’t like hunting would dislike it, regardless of modern media.

I know marketing and messaging absolutely influence the masses, but it’s hard to make the connection. Crowded trailHeads are not a problem solely of hunters, and when it is a problem solely of hunters, I would lay blame as much on fish and game agencies as I would meateater. That’s where I think Matt Rennella might be using his resources unwisely. If he wants less hunters in the field, the only way to do it now will be through our fishing game agencies.

To the OP, we are sort of now in a “what is hunting” discussion, and there are thresholds and gray areas. Most of us, when we first started hunting, certainly had someone hold our hand in the process - usually a father. Beyond that though, I am on the side of Matt, inso far in that if you pay someone to scout for you, to line you out, to point you to which mountain to hike, and to sometimes go with you - as a “hunter” you have skipped over some of the hardest and most meaningful parts. They are also rewarding parts - but without them, it is a beautiful process cheated. I think it’s lame.

I was trying to think of analogies to what Rogan believes his prowess in hunting to be and what his interface with it so far has been. Basically to me, he’s been ordering HelloFresh for years, and when it arrives in the mail, he follows the directions and cooks up a good meal - but he’s no chef because if it.
So if I wear my Big Hank hat, I'm a poser? LOL

I know none of the currant big video stars.
I do watch Meateater every once in a while. And Rogan. No hunt videos really.

I do know Randy.
No one around here really does. None are on HT.

The big shows come in and there is a crowd.
Seen Eastmans and some famous folks get attention when they show. Then Nada.
Half would give their left nut to carry the camp, feed or clean up after....maybe.

No one knows about HT.

But they gots their cells full of videos,pics & content and ready to sell waypoints... be one of the Crew.
I see hammering shirts and pink camo and makeup.

?...does the jewels attract elks?

Guess I have to catch up on Rinella. To stay currant.

I'll talk to Randy. After the season is over.
We’ve had this conversation over and over. It’s an interesting one.

The more I think about it, I am not so convinced that hunting personalities or even social media, generally, are influencing crowding the trail heads in a meaningful way. If they disappeared today, I’d wager they’d still be packed and use continually on the rise.

What a large portion of hunting personalities and hunting social media does do though, is make hunters look like dorks to be distained. But in the same way, I’d wager that most folks who don’t like hunting would dislike it, regardless of modern media.

I know marketing and messaging absolutely influence the masses, but it’s hard to make the connection. Crowded trailHeads are not a problem solely of hunters, and when it is a problem solely of hunters, I would lay blame as much on fish and game agencies as I would meateater. That’s where I think Matt Rennella might be using his resources unwisely. If he wants less hunters in the field, the only way to do it now will be through our fishing game agencies.

To the OP, we are sort of now in a “what is hunting” discussion, and there are thresholds and gray areas. Most of us, when we first started hunting, certainly had someone hold our hand in the process - usually a father. Beyond that though, I am on the side of Matt, inso far in that if you pay someone to scout for you, to line you out, to point you to which mountain to hike, and to sometimes go with you - as a “hunter” you have skipped over some of the hardest and most meaningful parts. They are also rewarding parts - but without them, it is a beautiful process cheated. I think it’s lame.

I was trying to think of analogies to what Rogan believes his prowess in hunting to be and what his interface with it so far has been. Basically to me, he’s been ordering HelloFresh for years, and when it arrives in the mail, he follows the directions and cooks up a good meal - but he’s no chef because if it.
Bro he’s a least a tan belt with 5 stripes
I listen to Joe Rogan quite a bit, as long as the guest isn't a celebrity hunter. Maybe in those episodes he says some off putting things, but I don't remember him saying much about hunting that I wouldn't say. Don't get me wrong, I roll my eyes at some of his bullshit everytime I listen to his broadcast, but he's always come across as even keeled. Maybe I'm just easy to please, but I have to give him props for making what he has out of his show. I'm not so sure my hunting seasons wouldn't include a lot of private land hunts if I had that kind of money. He's an entertainer, 95% show has nothing to do with hunting, mostly an overload of jujitsu with some UFO stuff sprinkled in 🤣
Nick, it was the same out west in small towns. The excitement would start building about a week before season. There was no extra money so you hunted the weekends and maybe after work close to town, couldn't afford to miss work. Reports would start trickling in about so and so getting a buck. No one criticized someone for getting a fork or a 3 point, you just tried to get a buck. If you did get a buck you cruised main street with the antlers sticking up or the tailgate down then stop at all your buddies house to show it. Go to the sporting goods store to get your polaroid picture taken for the brag board. Drive through town and see deer bags hanging from trees in the front yard. Hard to explain what it all meant to us.
Sounds like my hometown for sure. Had to hang the deer high so the neighbors dog couldn’t jump up on it. We lived across the street from the church, so I remember people coming over to look at the deer before or after service🤣
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