Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

I’ve never hunted Colorado or Washington, but I guess I just don’t believe that the slope is quite that slippery. I know predator hunting is a legitimate concern in Colorado and Washington, and I hope that’s a fight they win. I don’t think Cam is the hero that’s going to turn the tide either.
Unfortunately, it is that slippery. And if you don't believe me/us, I would encourage you to listen in on the commission meetings and form your own opinion.
I think it kinda comes down to whether or not the current and ongoing impacts of the the overcrowding and exploitation are worth it for what’s gained in advocacy.

I feel that they’re largely not, and I perceive you feel they are. I certainly don’t know that I’m right, nor is it objectively measurable. Just a difference of perspective on a problem.
That's a pretty fair assessment of the issue. You could absolutely be right and this dramatic increase in hunting influencers and social media might be our demise. I hope not and would like to think that much of it could be utilized for hunting advocacy as a net positive. Hunting advocacy is a tricky issue itself, in some states the primary focus may be defending the institution of hunting and NAM, while in others states it may be protecting and expanding public access, and in other states it may be managing tag numbers. Or all of the above.
I deplore some of the hunting content out there also. In this modern age of social media, I believe that hunters should really be discerning about the content they post. But to think that these anti-hunting activists are just going to quit if we stop posting stuff on YouTube is a bit naive. These are well-funded campaigns in places like Denver/Boulder that are propped up by national anti-hunting groups with serious fundraising power. Furthermore they are backed by the wealthy political elites here in Colorado. Regardless of what any hunter posts on Youtube, these groups are able to pump the airwaves with multimillion dollar media campaigns to push their narrative.
We'll never convince an anti hunter. We need to be worried about Average Joe Voter. And the dumb ass shit posted all over Instagram and YouTube for free and for all to see ain't helping that case. Those four-legged mongoloids mouth breathing about "hammering" or "fire bull" aren't changing minds either.
If you did get a buck you cruised main street with the antlers sticking up or the tailgate down then stop at all your buddies house to show it. Go to the sporting goods store to get your polaroid picture taken for the brag board.
Man that was the best! Our local archery shop "Sportsmans Choice" was where we had to check in our deer. I still remember my first polaroid going up on that board with a 10 point I killed during archery season. Like being dubbed king when you were a kid. I paraded that thing around town til the tires were bald.
That's a pretty fair assessment of the issue. You could absolutely be right and this dramatic increase in hunting influencers and social media might be our demise. I hope not and would like to think that much of it could be utilized for hunting advocacy as a net positive. Hunting advocacy is a tricky issue itself, in some states the primary focus may be defending the institution of hunting and NAM, while in others states it may be protecting and expanding public access, and in other states it may be managing tag numbers. Or all of the above.
Absolutely! Hunters are better served with Randy and the Meateater team talking about cooking up the nasty bits and using every morsel and harvesting does in over populated areas than any of the You Tube studs showing off their long distance big buck skills and pay to play success.
I personally think we as hunters are gonna need Randy, Matt, Steve, Cam, Joe Rogan and every other pro-hunting voice with a media following to take on the extremely well-funded national anti-hunting movement setting up shop in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. These alternative media outlets are going to be critical in getting a positive message out to the masses. Don’t think for one second that the mainstream media will give hunters a fair shake. The mainstream media outlets will continue to parrot anti-hunting narratives and vilify hunters.
And here all along I thought wolves were put on us to end hunting by killing all the game. Now I find out it’s MSM and anti hunters.

I guess Toby had it wrong all this time.
Some rambling thoughts, none of which are even close to the "last word" on the subject (if I even understand what "the subject" is)...

I don't watch hunting shows, or listen to hunting podcasts. I've never seen one of Randy's shows, and have no idea who Cam Hanes is. Is Cam Hanes a self-serving narcissist who monetizes everything in his life in front of a camera? Is Randy a decent bloke with better than average intelligence and drive looking to expand the horizons of hunting to another generation? Dunno. I don't know either, but based on the little I've seen I know who I'd rather have a beer with, and it ain't Cam Hanes.

I grew up pouring through rifle catalogs that showed up every fall at the hardware store, and reading the hunting tales woven through the books I loved so much as a kid. But thinking about it, in this era, are these hunting shows, etc., similar to the books a I read as a kid in terms of dream weaving? Apparently no one reads anymore, so perhaps for many they are? We all find motivation and inspiration somewhere and somehow.

Having said that, there is a coarsening and dumbing-down to the lowest common denominator taking place in our culture. Seems it's socially acceptable to be an arrogant a-hole if you have enough money or Instagram followers (or whatever). It's a "look at me" culture to the highest degree. Of course that's part of human nature, but in the past it was frowned upon and not rewarded. Now it's the opposite.

Cam is a d-bag for obvious reasons. My 3 year old has worked for the BB holes in a beer can more than Rogan has ever worked for an elk. Hushin. Fire bull, enough said. Brian “Gritty Bowman” (dumbest self-given nickname ever) poaches wolves. Bowmars light pickups on fire for likes. Steve Rinelly and gang love to wax poetical and very much come off with a “holier than thou” purity score stink. Randy has exposed/burned as many units as any other. Green tree poached in national parks.
In my opinion, if they’re making any attemp to monetize their content, I’m out on them.
I am not ignorant to the fact that Randy monetizes wildlife and me being on this site benefits his bottom line, but I can respect the fact that unlike most of the other chumps I’ve listed, he is a man in the arena and has been an advocate for the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. And I don’t say this to step on toes, but for anyone out there saying he’s not partly responsible for more pickups at trailheads, astonomical point creep for pronghorn tags, etc., don’t forget that he was gifted what for an average guy would be a OIL moose tag, because the outfitter was so thankful for the influence Randy has had for his outfit.
I stopped watching youtube hunters about 4 years ago, don’t follow any of them online, and am even willing the pay full price for gear/clothes instead of using promo codes they get kickbacks from. I might be stupid for doing so, but I sleep well at night (when my kids don’t wake me up.)
You can make a case for any of them that they’re beneficial or detrimental to hunting, it’s just determined by your individual POV.
The slope is pretty slippery and certainly steep enough that when your feet slip out from under you you’ll start picking up some speed. I’m certain of that much.

Cam is basically an anti hero in all of this, no doubt.

I think it’s fair to say our perceptions of the greatest threat to hunting right now will be skewed by where we live.
I’m still not a huge fan of Matt’s stance, but this kind of stuff from Rogan and every bit of Hammering the Douche Wolf does makes me more and more sympathetic towards Matt’s cause.

Just one more thing to demonstrate that we as hunters are certainly capable of being our own worst enemies and will always struggle to present a united front.
We'll never convince an anti hunter. We need to be worried about Average Joe Voter. And the dumb ass shit posted all over Instagram and YouTube for free and for all to see ain't helping that case. Those four-legged mongoloids mouth breathing about "hammering" or "fire bull" aren't changing minds either.
But you have to have the media platforms, funding, and reach to convince the average non-hunter. It is not enough just to eliminate negative media regarding hunting. Anti-hunting proponents will spread their message across social media, television, etc. And they have plenty of money to spend......
Anyone who kills for content, I don’t believe it’s possible to offset that with good conservation/advocacy work. The acceleration of markets in hunting will push all but the wealthiest out. When there isn’t a base anymore, what pool is there to draw advocates from?

I think we’re best off shutting the whole thing down. I believe someday the use of dead and dying animals to market products and services will be seen as so distasteful it will cease to be used. I’m guessing within 5 years all the big social media platforms ban hunting and shooting content. That would be a good start.
Unfortunately, it is that slippery. And if you don't believe me/us, I would encourage you to listen in on the commission meetings and form your own opinion.
You’re right. I probably shouldn’t spout off without knowing anything about those states, and I’m sure I would feel differently if I lived there.

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