
Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

There is not many of these jerkoffs that are active at all in the legislative/commission process. In fact, the only "famous" people I have ever heard give comment are Randy Newberg, maybe I missed others, but I doubt it.

If I remember correctly, Matt Rinella gave comment in 2021 that started with "First off, I'd like to say that all of these proposals are absolute garbage...".
I honestly can’t tell you much about Cam’s films or media as I haven’t seen much, if any. But I think your last statement is dead wrong if you live and/or hunt in Colorado or Washington. I’m not saying overharvest and overcrowding aren’t issues but they really don’t matter when hunting is eliminated from wildlife management. Once they have successfully established a “trophy hunting” ban on one species through ballot initiative or a favorable wildlife commission, the “trophy hunting” moniker will be extended to other species (bear, sheep, deer, elk and antelope) allowing them to reach the long term goal of eliminating hunting.
You know what makes people hate hunting more, seeing dipshits on Instagram or YouTube cripple animals, shoot to far, throw spears at animals, etc. I really wish all platforms would demonetize hunting content. Make these "media producers" survive on the subscriptions and not tech conglomerate advertising dollars available for views by every human on the planet
I honestly can’t tell you much about Cam’s films or media as I haven’t seen much, if any. But I think your last statement is dead wrong if you live and/or hunt in Colorado or Washington. I’m not saying overharvest and overcrowding aren’t issues but they really don’t matter when hunting is eliminated from wildlife management. Once they have successfully established a “trophy hunting” ban on one species through ballot initiative or a favorable wildlife commission, the “trophy hunting” moniker will be extended to other species (bear, sheep, deer, elk and antelope) allowing them to reach the long term goal of eliminating hunting.
I’ve never hunted Colorado or Washington, but I guess I just don’t believe that the slope is quite that slippery. I know predator hunting is a legitimate concern in Colorado and Washington, and I hope that’s a fight they win. I don’t think Cam is the hero that’s going to turn the tide either.
You know what makes people hate hunting more, seeing dipshits on Instagram or YouTube cripple animals, shoot to far, throw spears at animals, etc. I really wish all platforms would demonetize hunting content. Make these "media producers" survive on the subscriptions and not tech conglomerate advertising dollars available for views by every human on the planet
I deplore some of the hunting content out there also. In this modern age of social media, I believe that hunters should really be discerning about the content they post. But to think that these anti-hunting activists are just going to quit if we stop posting stuff on YouTube is a bit naive. These are well-funded campaigns in places like Denver/Boulder that are propped up by national anti-hunting groups with serious fundraising power. Furthermore they are backed by the wealthy political elites here in Colorado. Regardless of what any hunter posts on Youtube, these groups are able to pump the airwaves with multimillion dollar media campaigns to push their narrative.
Overcrowding, over harvest, and hunting celeb exploitation has ensured there’s a lot less to save, that’s for sure.

If “anti-hunting” is about to win and we’re hoping a few more Cam and MeatEater followers are going to make the difference, well that’s just…

I’ve never hunted Colorado or Washington, but I guess I just don’t believe that the slope is quite that slippery. I know predator hunting is a legitimate concern in Colorado and Washington, and I hope that’s a fight they win. I don’t think Cam is the hero that’s going to turn the tide either.
I am not saying that Cam is any type of hero either, just that we as hunters do need significant positive media voices and he does have a decent following. He should probably advocate more for the institution of hunting. The way things are trending in Washington and Colorado, it could really hurt his bottom line. I am sure it would be quite easy to cast aside my concerns as merely a "slippery slope" fallacy. To be honest I used to think the same, no one would try to eliminate hunting in America, right? But then I started paying more attention to local news media outlets (Colorado Sun, Denver Post, Gazette, Colorado Politics, etc) and attending/watching CPW Commission meetings. What I saw and heard was quite disturbing, this is a long term campaign against hunting. If it wasn't a real, major concern I don't think busy folks like Randy Newberg and Andrew Mckean would dedicate their time to making 4 podcasts on the topic. Isn't an attack on predator hunting also an attack on the institution of hunting? Do we only defend hunting as a tool in wildlife management and the North American Model when it pertains to the most popular types of hunting?
Let’s not forget he’s willing to die for his passion of wounding an AK grizzly with a bow. He was very upset that he had a guide along to immediately thump that bear with a .375 H&H so it didn’t eat him.
No way that was a .375 H&H was it!?
I am not saying that Cam is any type of hero either, just that we as hunters do need significant positive media voices and he does have a decent following. He should probably advocate more for the institution of hunting. The way things are trending in Washington and Colorado, it could really hurt his bottom line. I am sure it would be quite easy to cast aside my concerns as merely a "slippery slope" fallacy. To be honest I used to think the same, no one would try to eliminate hunting in America, right? But then I started paying more attention to local news media outlets (Colorado Sun, Denver Post, Gazette, Colorado Politics, etc) and attending/watching CPW Commission meetings. What I saw and heard was quite disturbing, this is a long term campaign against hunting. If it wasn't a real, major concern I don't think busy folks like Randy Newberg and Andrew Mckean would dedicate their time to making 4 podcasts on the topic. Isn't an attack on predator hunting also an attack on the institution of hunting? Do we only defend hunting as a tool in wildlife management and the North American Model when it pertains to the most popular types of hunting?
You make some fair points, I just think on the balance the vast majority of the voices were talking about are a net negative in the long run.
Overcrowding, over harvest, and hunting celeb exploitation has ensured there’s a lot less to save, that’s for sure.

If “anti-hunting” is about to win and we’re hoping a few more Cam and MeatEater followers are going to make the difference, well that’s just…

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I don't disagree with your first statement. It has definitely had a negative impact. But I do believe the type of content that MeatEater and Randy put out helps activate new advocates for hunting and portrays a positive image towards non-hunters. MeatEater reaches a pretty large audience. You can think that anti-hunting measures in Colorado are a joke all you like, you have that luxury in Wyoming. And feel free to laugh at me all you like, that's the beauty of the internet. But seriously, that is a solid meme.
I don't disagree with your first statement. It has definitely had a negative impact. But I do believe the type of content that MeatEater and Randy put out helps activate new advocates for hunting and portrays a positive image towards non-hunters. MeatEater reaches a pretty large audience. You can think that anti-hunting measures in Colorado are a joke all you like, you have that luxury in Wyoming. And feel free to laugh at me all you like, that's the beauty of the internet. But seriously, that is a solid meme.
I think it kinda comes down to whether or not the current and ongoing impacts of the the overcrowding and exploitation are worth it for what’s gained in advocacy.

I feel that they’re largely not, and I perceive you feel they are. I certainly don’t know that I’m right, nor is it objectively measurable. Just a difference of perspective on a problem.
Nick, it was the same out west in small towns. The excitement would start building about a week before season. There was no extra money so you hunted the weekends and maybe after work close to town, couldn't afford to miss work. Reports would start trickling in about so and so getting a buck. No one criticized someone for getting a fork or a 3 point, you just tried to get a buck. If you did get a buck you cruised main street with the antlers sticking up or the tailgate down then stop at all your buddies house to show it. Go to the sporting goods store to get your polaroid picture taken for the brag board. Drive through town and see deer bags hanging from trees in the front yard. Hard to explain what it all meant to us.
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