
Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

While their pillow talk is funny as hell, who cares about Cam and Matt bitch slapping with their white gloves? Their influence on the future of hunting is a net 0 either way.

As we speak the North American model is beginning it’s circle of the drain. Exhibits 1-3, CA, WA, Co and more to follow soon.

How much money is being poured into social management of wildlife rather than scientific management where hunters are useful? Who is appointing the people making those decisions? Who is influencing those decisions? How did this foolish business happen?

Perhaps a serious look and honest answer to these questions would help.
While their pillow talk is funny as hell, who cares about Cam and Matt bitch slapping with their white gloves? Their influence on the future of hunting is a net 0 either way.

As we speak the North American model is beginning it’s circle of the drain. Exhibits 1-3, CA, WA, Co and more to follow soon.

How much money is being poured into social management of wildlife rather than scientific management where hunters are useful? Who is appointing the people making those decisions? Who is influencing those decisions? How did this foolish business happen?

Perhaps a serious look and honest answer to these questions would help.
Maybe the ultra conservatives that keep moving to my state should move to one of these others ones to help turn the tide instead of looking for an echo chamber
As we speak the North American model is beginning it’s circle of the drain. Exhibits 1-3, CA, WA, Co and more to follow soon.
Have you listened to any of Randy's media on the NAM? Hunting is not a requirement. You could just as easily point to MT as the prime example of a state trying to privatize wildlife, which is fundamentally opposed to ideas presented in NAM... but I digress.
Hey man, it’s Dougs.
Just wanted to let you know, if this comment is directed at me, I swear on my little brothers urn and best friends grave that I’m not van9840.
Isn’t it kinda funny that such a tolerant leader is banning multiple people a week and openly controlling the narrative tho?
I still consider you a friend and wish you the best.
@neffa3 you’re betrayal hurt the worst.
I thought we had connected as cowboys.
I guess not. 😞
It hurts me to think about the skipanionship we could’ve developed when I pass through Washington this winter.
@TOGIE homie, find your own voice and quit doing a wllm impersonation.
@AvidIndoorsman (wllm) dude, just be yourself. Quit worrying about your image. If you want to make a post in a mentally retarded voice making fun of @mttoughfitnesslab, you don’t have to delete it. Just leave it up bro.
@rjthehunter do not let these people tell you how to think! Keep Tahoe true and stay true to yourself.
@mtmuley sorry I was so mean to everybody and made them quit hunt talk.
Also, this thread is really gross and needs to be deleted.
Did you guys really just name call for 25 pages?
Are you sure Cam’s the one who’s insecure and not you?
You guys really need to get lives and get our more and find something else to focus on instead of obsessing about hunting.
Might I suggest trying skiing.

Anyways, all of you 25-45 year old “men” can now smash down the report button and run along and tattle tail to your teacher because the bad man’s scaring you with truth.

Miss you/kiss you guy!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a cucked night!!!

Not me:
View attachment 305843
Here's the response on behalf of everyone:

rite of passage​


pluralrites of passage
: a ritual, event, or experience that marks or constitutes a major milestone or change in a person's life
Rites of passage celebrate the social movement of individuals into and out of groups or into or out of statuses of critical importance to the individual and to the community. Reproduction, the achievement of manhood and womanhood, marriage, and death are the principal worldwide occasions for rites of passage.—Marvin Harris

: arguing with Buzz
Hey man, it’s Dougs.
Just wanted to let you know, if this comment is directed at me, I swear on my little brothers urn and best friends grave that I’m not van9840.
Isn’t it kinda funny that such a tolerant leader is banning multiple people a week and openly controlling the narrative tho?
I still consider you a friend and wish you the best.
@neffa3 you’re betrayal hurt the worst.
I thought we had connected as cowboys.
I guess not. 😞
It hurts me to think about the skipanionship we could’ve developed when I pass through Washington this winter.
@TOGIE homie, find your own voice and quit doing a wllm impersonation.
@AvidIndoorsman (wllm) dude, just be yourself. Quit worrying about your image. If you want to make a post in a mentally retarded voice making fun of @mttoughfitnesslab, you don’t have to delete it. Just leave it up bro.
@rjthehunter do not let these people tell you how to think! Keep Tahoe true and stay true to yourself.
@mtmuley sorry I was so mean to everybody and made them quit hunt talk.
Also, this thread is really gross and needs to be deleted.
Did you guys really just name call for 25 pages?
Are you sure Cam’s the one who’s insecure and not you?
You guys really need to get lives and get our more and find something else to focus on instead of obsessing about hunting.
Might I suggest trying skiing.

Anyways, all of you 25-45 year old “men” can now smash down the report button and run along and tattle tail to your teacher because the bad man’s scaring you with truth.

Miss you/kiss you guy!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a cucked night!!!

Not me:
View attachment 305843
You the guy that was dating a cougar?
This is where Matt Rinella is setting on the shore watching the boat sail over the horizon. Hunting quietly is not going to save deer in eastern Montana from five weeks of OTC rut hunting and doe permits by the truck load.
The biggest wave of new hunters I ever experienced was in early to mid 90's. The wave caused by Randy and others was more of a ripple on an already flooded field.
By the late 80's deer on the Custer had fully recovered from the bad winters in the late 70's and some road closures also helped. Nineteen eighty seven was the best year I ever saw. By 1989 word of quality hunting was getting out. There was no social media, other then a brag board at Big Bear. It was just word of mouth. By the mid nineties hunters were everywhere. It wasn't just roadhunters or newbies, It was hunters that got after it like @Greenhorn and @Bambistew. Would be cerious to know how they learned about the Custer without social media. Hunting quitly is not going to save us from all the advancments in technology and popultion growth. Only regulation is going to do that.
Things just happen so fast these days compared to the past.
Yeah and one other thing.
Whoever the guy was who said “he could be entertaining at times, but he has a chip on his shoulder the size and shape of the state of Colorado” when I got blocked.
That is absolutely the greatest compliment I’ve have ever received.
Thank you.
I thought that thread was pretty entertaining. Seemed like a pissed off drunk got ahold of your account there towards the end but no judgement here. Life has its ups and down, cougars will have an effect on a man. Happy skiing!
@neffa3 you’re betrayal hurt the worst.
I thought we had connected as cowboys.
I guess not. 😞
It hurts me to think about the skipanionship we could’ve developed when I pass through Washington this winter.
Dude, you're the one that quit taking their meds. I simply call it as I see it.
Doug was not Van9408. Not sure why he thinks he was.

Forums, trolling, and this kind of BS is a game with some. I’ve got a lot more important things to do than play the games when I’m on the road.

I keep this open for the value of discussions among serious hunters who are interested in conservation, policy, and advocacy. Habitual trollers take away from the value of the forum discussions and I’m not inclined to put up with the BS that detracts from that.

I get home tonight from almost three weeks on the road. I appreciate that things have been pretty civil in the last month. Thanks to those who’ve been able to disagree with maturity.

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