Well-known member
First point, where was the empathy and understanding of my perspective in regard to accessing my public land? I don't recall getting a check in the mail when I finally got to hunt State Lands in Montana after being kicked in the crotch for all those years and being excluded from those State lands prior to Atcheson, et. al taking action. I'm not sure where or who told you that Stand Land access was brought about by "working with landowners and agencies"...but that's funny. I recall Jack Atcheson and others dragging the State through a knothole and landowners threatening to close access down to their private if State lands were opened up. Matter of fact, it was one of the issues that I first contributed time and money to. Also a big reason why I'm still advocating for public access to public lands. Those guys didn't give a chit about feelings, understanding, and empathy. They didn't sing kumbaya either. For over 35 years I'm still able to hunt State Lands in Montana too, imagine that.First & foremost, it's Kumbaya. And no, I haven't been talking to WWF on it. I've been talking to a lot of landowners as well as others who are expressing some concerns about the issue, especially the approach. I really do think that some empathy and understanding their perspective is important.
Most importantly, I appreciate your thorough response.
As to the issue of over objective units: How does throwing more hunter days on those units increase harvest? It likely won't be as large due to the effort involved. Furthermore, you're only spreading pressure out on public land which kinda doesn't have an overabundance issue, and those ranches that aren't open will still get the elk when they seek security. Corner crossing, without season structure change is just more hunter days and less success after a few years as animals learn they're not safe there anymore.
As for state lands recreation & stream access: I would respectfully disagree. Both of those are still contentious in MT, and WY doesn't have either, really. There are always going to be people trying to unring those bells, especially with stream access. The access issue around some infrastructure issue wasn't even settled until we did the bridge access bill in 09 (?), I can't remember any more. Since the Dirty Ditch bill in 11, there have been about 3 attempts to undermine stream access. I can't think that the conflict is resolved, especially with the Mitchel Slough landowners starting to talk again. State lands access was garnered by working with landowners and the various agencies. That's why it's been less contentious, and it's still being refined to this day.
Don't get me wrong Buzz, I'm glad that you guys rallied on the defense. It needed to happen. My concerns are what happens when legislatures start to overreact, especially when the politics of today are so much more toxic than yesterday. That's the loss I'm talking about as well as landowners pulling out of Block, etc. You avoid that by talking with your adversaries.
Why was nobody in Wyoming talking about access? Seems like a big misstep on the hunting groups part.
Second point, if you don't understand how CC to get to over-objective elk isn't part of the solution, maybe you should try hunting elk sometime in Wyoming. Where did I say throwing more hunter days at anything? When a hunter can corner cross, they gain access to elk that a ranch would never allow you access to. With that access you kill elk, last I checked that's the idea to reduce elk in over-objective herds. Plus, those elk get bounced to other places, both public AND private that allow access, means even more elk are killed. Meaning we put them closer to objective rather than what's going on now. Which, was paying 2 outfitters to kill 129 elk via use of a State owned tracked vehicle, and paying them $20k to do it. Or what is about to happen in unit 7, for the 'hound to have a couple of their ranch hands shoot 100 cows. Or pay a warden to shoot 40 in July on another place. I would rather those elk be shot by hunters corner crossing.
You've obviously been gone from WY too long, we have enough elk on public land and private land. We don't pound on bulls with general tags for 12 weeks.
Third point, what are State Legislatures going to do about Federal Regulations? I guess the Supremacy Clause is just a guideline? The States can over-react all they want, Federal Law still trumps State Law. Remember, this is a FEDERAL land issue, not a State land issue.
Don't think I said nobody was talking about access, that's your misinterpretation of what I actually said, "Just an FYI, access has not been talked about more in WY than since CC became an issue. Funny that, when the public actually has a chip and a chair...along with some good attorneys.
Its funny how discussions start happening when its not one-sided.
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