Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

And now we return to our regularly scheduled programming.

@BuzzH and @Ben Lamb nearly took this thread into something relevant for serious discussion. We narrowly dodged a bullet there folks.
Cam is clearly overcompensating for his micropenis with excessive roid use, Rogan couldn’t kill a public land cow elk if you tied it to a tree for him, Elk Blood™ instead of beer in Utah has made for a very strange white rapper (who is clearly discovering some uncomfortable things about his own sexuality), the .270 is better than the 6.5 PRC, core lokts are better than Bergers, Tundras are better than Silveraydos, and Coors banquets are better than IPAs.

That should get us back on track.
Cam is clearly overcompensating for his micropenis with excessive roid use, Rogan couldn’t kill a public land cow elk if you tied it to a tree for him, Elk Blood™ instead of beer in Utah has made for a very strange white rapper (who is clearly discovering some uncomfortable things about his own sexuality), the .270 is better than the 6.5 PRC, core lokts are better than Bergers, Tundras are better than Silveraydos, and Coors banquets are better than IPAs.

That should get us back on track.

I'll give you 5 of 7.

You had me, right up until this blasphemy at the end
And this is one of the 5.
And now we return to our regularly scheduled programming.

@BuzzH and @Ben Lamb nearly took this thread into something relevant for serious discussion. We narrowly dodged a bullet there folks.
Buzz and Ben were arguing two sides of the same coin. Ben because he is a stickler for details and Buzz just likes to argue.
Buzz and Ben were arguing two sides of the same coin. Ben because he is a stickler for details and Buzz just likes to argue.

Buzz is a damned fine conservationist and advocate. I also consider him a friend.

Spirited and thoughtful debate is a Hallmark of a civilized society. We need more of this and less of the Kardashianizing of hunting.
Same here. Until today I had no idea there was a slim shady of the hunting world. What else don't I know about?

That there are two types of people in this world: those who hammer, and those who get hammered.

For the some in the latter category, IPA is the hammer. Others prefer a lager or ungulate juice.
Here's a good one going on. Matt Rinella posted a video of this dude (Matt Alwine) rolling down an elk with it's head cut off as an example of content that doesn't paint hunters in a good light. Alwine thinks it's "educational" content and worthy of a post. Turns out the dude is a poacher on multiple accounts and seems to lack in character/has little respect for wildlife. I saw that Brian Call (AKA seal team 6 operator wanna be/below average hunter) liked the content. I tagged him in the comments and asked why a self proclaimed "conservationist" thought this content was something worthy of a like. I might have to quit the internet for a while before my blood pressure goes to chit.


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