PEAX Equipment

Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

People are so overly sensitive to death these days. Not sure how rolling an elk down a hill hurts someones feelings, but I can't say I'm surprised.
Thin skin. I remember being a young kid watching movies with my grandpa. When I saw some dude get shot in the face and just being like "uhhhh..."

Now that's such a normal part of TV and games, that I don't even think twice about it. An elk rolling down the hill is nothing compared to what a kid can do nowadays on a video game... They can literally hire a hooker, take all her money and murder her.

I accidentally come across facebook/instagram reels of people being killed. Again, an elk should be the least of everyone's worries.
Thin skin. I remember being a young kid watching movies with my grandpa. When I saw some dude get shot in the face and just being like "uhhhh..."

Now that's such a normal part of TV and games, that I don't even think twice about it. An elk rolling down the hill is nothing compared to what a kid can do nowadays on a video game... They can literally hire a hooker, take all her money and murder her.

I accidentally come across facebook/instagram reels of people being killed. Again, an elk should be the least of everyone's worries.
I love it when rhetorical analysis makes its way onto these threads.

Speaking of: if anyone listened to the xmas meateater podcast when Matt and Steve debated, it was infuriating from a rhetoric perspective: Matt, the scientist, would make an argument by placing his conclusions first and then defending them, whereas Steve, the liberal arts guy, would argue his points to reach a conclusion. They spoke a different language and because they think and argue differently, it made for an exercise in frustration from a listener standpoint.

This argument between Matt and Cam, social media call-outs and name calling, posturing and peacocking, is really two sides of the same coin. At least they are speaking the same language of lunacy, as @Nameless Range aptly described it, racing to the bottom.

It's a different kind of frustration, makes everyone involved look silly, doesn't really move the needle, and makes all hunters, from the outside looking in, look bad.

I prefer to argue here, in courtrooms, op-eds, in person, or in legislative and commission chambers. Though they can be less logical and just as full of bologna, at least, sometimes, there are rules.
Was there a shaving party beforehand?

The recent instagram of Matt in his kitchen talking smack to Cam Hanes and Rogan though - it just doesn't look good. Feels childish and petty. He's lost any efficacy he had in my mind. Also, over his left shoulder looks to be half-gallon of Canadian Mist - questionable judgement indeed.
Says the guy who posted pic of him and his buddies packing in White Claw on a backpack fishing trip. 😉
Cam is clearly overcompensating for his micropenis with excessive roid use, Rogan couldn’t kill a public land cow elk if you tied it to a tree for him, Elk Blood™ instead of beer in Utah has made for a very strange white rapper (who is clearly discovering some uncomfortable things about his own sexuality), the .270 is better than the 6.5 PRC, core lokts are better than Bergers, Tundras are better than Silveraydos, and Coors banquets are better than IPAs.

That should get us back on track.
I cant support the .270 being better than a 6.5 PRC... Marine snipers arent using the .270. Also, I have a 6.5 PRC so im biased 🤣
People are so overly sensitive to death these days. Not sure how rolling an elk down a hill hurts someones feelings, but I can't say I'm surprised.
Share that away on a private page be good for laughs from your buddy’s. Probably doesn’t need to be shared on a public profile. That’s my opinion. I am not offended but I certainly wouldn’t share it to the World Wide Web.
I cant support the .270 being better than a 6.5 PRC... Marine snipers arent using the .270. Also, I have a 6.5 PRC so im biased 🤣
Let’s unpack this. First off, let’s compare both at 140gr. Now maybe not snipers, but US front line will soon have 6.8mm (.270) as it won out in rigorous testing over 6.5mm.
The venerable .270 Weatherby crushes it in velocity several hundred fps over the aged .270 Winchester though both are flat fast shooters. But wait, both of those are long action. Well for short action, they have a .270WSM that gets real close to .270 Weatherby velocity. Anything the 6.5PRC can do, there’s already an iteration of .270 that does it better.
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