Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

Definitely. Doesn’t appear to be the case with this guy though.
It wouldn't surprise me! People aren't very bright...

Crazy to think the earth still spun on its axis daily before social media. You do know it’s not a requirement to not post and share your life via social media? You won’t stop breathing or die. In fact I will suggest you may even find life more fulfilling.
For sure. This is my most commonly used social media. Thankfully I've avoided that addiction far too many people have succumbed to.
Just Keep Hammerin' your energy drink and take you alpha brain

Just Keep Hammerin' your energy drink and take you alpha brain

Rogan did once make convincing argument about DMT. So elk blood with DMT, eh… maybe?
He blocked Hunt Quietly’s instagram account and then unblocked them to beef in their comments….. WITH THE PUBLIC

He thinks about the public, and he thinks about them a lot.

I honestly couldn’t think of a dude more opposite of Cam Hanes than Don Draper.
So Don Draper, a classic narcissist, and advertising genius, doesn't think about the public? Of course he does, but only in the most utilitarian, commodified, self serving way - just like any narcissist or advertiser.

No, I'd say they're exactly the same...
So Don Draper, a classic narcissist, and advertising genius, doesn't think about the public? Of course he does, but only in the most utilitarian, commodified, self serving way - just like any narcissist or advertiser.

No, I'd say they're exactly the same...
That’s a fair point and you’re absolutely right.

I was thinking more along the lines of Don Draper being cool and Cameron Hanes being corny.

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