Caribou Gear Tarp

Major Climate Change Rules the Trump Administration Is Reversing

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The amount of money changing hands and careers being made through climate change research and big green is enough make me very concerned about their "science" at this point. Doesn't mean CC isn't happening but the "world is ending in 12 years crowd" needs to look at and understand data better.
Solar activity is responsible for something along the lines of 99% of temperature variability on Earth. We had ice ages and warming periods long before man ever burned a hydrocarbon. Methane is not going to destroy the climate. If warming does happen(due to a period of increased solar activity), you won’t see vast desserts and droughts. You’ll see an expansion of tropical and sub tropical climates with increased precipitation.

A great example of “shifting baseline syndrome” is the idea that the climate we have today is the norm and that any deviation from that means something is wrong. Climatic change has been the norm on earth since it acquired an atmosphere. Sometimes changes are more dramatic, sometime less.

Hear, hear!!
You spend a lot of time with free virus software, trying to get your computer to work again, don't you?
No not really. Never had a computer crash on me. Only really use it for my golf league and downloading trail cam pics. I could send you the link from Breitbart but I didnt want anybody to need a safe space just cause the read the word Breitbart. 😉👍

Weather vs Climate

The True Climate Change debate.

Just a reminder that the science says a gradual increase over time and not an immediate impact. (Ocean levels will rise 1.24 feet in the next 30 years) (The carbon emission trajectory used in the study is the very conservative 1.5 to 2.0 degrees Celsius stabilization projected by 2050. Actual carbon emissions are much higher and more on a 3 to 4 degree Celsius trajectory )
We went from Global Warming to scare everyone to "Climate Change" to frighten folks and promote a liberal agenda. The climate has been changing continually and to blame humans for some change in the climate over the last 80-100 years is about as insane as anything I have ever heard. The green new deal is insane, I know let's replace planes, trains and automobiles with horses as transportation....wait, we can't because a horse farts to much. So all the folks in the cities who depend on America's farm/ranch communities for cheap food will have to starve, on account we won't be able to raise enough to feed them or truck it to the cities without fossil fuels.

koti, I did the same thing.
I read two pages of this and skipped to the end to save any more brain cell death related to reading this stuff.
Maybe that pain you felt was brain cell growth and not no ur right it was definitely death.
we clearly aren't availing enough dough for chithole despots and ambassadorial 3rd cousins to skim....
We went from Global Warming to scare everyone to "Climate Change" to frighten folks and promote a liberal agenda. The climate has been changing continually and to blame humans for some change in the climate over the last 80-100 years is about as insane as anything I have ever heard. The green new deal is insane, I know let's replace planes, trains and automobiles with horses as transportation....wait, we can't because a horse farts to much. So all the folks in the cities who depend on America's farm/ranch communities for cheap food will have to starve, on account we won't be able to raise enough to feed them or truck it to the cities without fossil fuels.

koti, I did the same thing.

Hi Eric! Hope you're off to a great start of the hunting season.

1.) Your first sentence says the same thing. It also ignores that climate change is the GOP talking point formulated to give republicans cover to talk about the issue with less frightening terms (Google Frank Luntz, climate change).

2.) You are ignoring the science.

3.) I don't think you've read the GND, or actually know what's in there based on your typing of basic talkers from Fox.

4.) See #3

Keep posting buddy, we miss you!
I believe we should take cow tipping to a new level... shoot 'em to avoid AOC flatulence (or the cow's belching...)

This alone should bring Earth back to a civil level of global climate neutrality.

Idk but these are the people I'm supposed to be listening to? I dont listen to friggin morons! Seriously this does not help the case for global warming.
So let me get this straight there are crazy people (Greenpeace) and sane people (climate scientists around the world), both of whom happen to agree on a topic, but you're saying that you're not going to listen to the sane ones simply because of the crazy ones also share that idea?

Just looking for some clarity, because that's how I read it.
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