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Major Climate Change Rules the Trump Administration Is Reversing

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Dig into the work Dr Christy has done and let me know what you think. Biased? Maybe.


Thanks for the link. Interesting work he has been and is conducting regarding the influence of co2 on temperatures. He seems to have also made public statements regarding his views, paraphrase: anthropogenic climate change is happening but it is not at a catastrophic rate that others suggest. I don't know much about satellites but I hope he let's his data speak for itself.

If it is collected in a non-bias manner, then that should be included with the entire body of work with surface temperature, sea levels acidity and temperatures, ice sheet and glacier decline, etc.
The field of scientists as a whole does NOT subscribe to the doom & gloom prediction of the worlds imminent end. However, there is climate change, as there has been forever. But now there is broad consensus that human actions, systems, and practices are adversely impacting the earth's surface (land & oceans) and atmospheric conditions, including climate. To what extent, in what exact ways, and what can be done to mitigate are the real questions.

IMO the denial of man's impacts and the argument that the world will "not end in 7 years" is not positive nor constructive.
neither is crying wolf.
of coarse climates change they always have and always will. mankind will just have to do what we've always done and adapt or die.

all you ever hear is ,oh my god ,it's gonna be a catasrophy!!!!!

guess what ,it won't be.

of coarse if you take a temp reading on an open farm field and then twenty years later after an airport is built there , your gonna get a hotter reading . BLACKTOP gets hot when the sun hits it!

this is a perfect example of the junk science related to climate change
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neither is crying wolf.
of coarse climates change they always have and always will. mankind will just have to do what we've always done and adapt or die.

all you ever hear is ,oh my god ,it's gonna be a catasrophy!!!!!

guess what ,it won't be.

of coarse if you take a temp reading on an open farm field and then twenty years later after an airport is built there , your gonna get a hotter reading . BLACKTOP gets hot when the sun hits it!

this is a perfect example of the junk science related to climate change

Here is a paper that discusses some of these concerns and looks at the trends and differences between rural and urban sites.
I wore them last summer while pumping some gas there after floating the smith, does that count?
Nope. Take a stroll downtown after midnight on Saturday. Browning used to be a rough town. Spent some time working there in the late 80's. Spose it's better now. mtmuley
of coarse if you take a temp reading on an open farm field and then twenty years later after an airport is built there , your gonna get a hotter reading . BLACKTOP gets hot when the sun hits it!
That's is an example of silly junk rebuttal. Where have you read or heard data from temp readings of agriculture versus asphalt? Data usually relates ambient temps and weather historical data which is more regional in scope ... not pastures, parking lots, and runways! :rolleyes:
That's is an example of silly junk rebuttal. Where have you read or heard data from temp readings of agriculture versus asphalt? Data usually relates ambient temps and weather historical data which is more regional in scope ... not pastures, parking lots, and runways! :rolleyes:
No but the heat island effect is real and documented. Large amount of blacktop in cities raises urban temperatures by a couple of degrees.

A monitoring station that used to be in an agricultural area but now sits near large parking lots could show a shift upward in temperature even though there has been no change in the regional climate.
No but the heat island effect is real and documented. Large amount of blacktop in cities raises urban temperatures by a couple of degrees.

A monitoring station that used to be in an agricultural area but now sits near large parking lots could show a shift upward in temperature even though there has been no change in the regional climate.
Exactly ... and the importance is in the analysis and relative regional context and history, not in the fact that the new asphalt parking lot of the 50,000 fan capacity stadium increased the summer average temperature in that particular southside neighborhood
The "Center For Biological Diversity" is a fine example of feeding crack science to the naive populace who contribute to, "save the grey wolf" or Yvon Chouinard's funding of CBD to preserve the grizzlies who, if left to State Management, would lead "Trophy Hunters" to the griz extinction...

Science is only as valid as current human knowledge and current human knowledge is often diluted by the almighty $, care of the political dick swinging contest.

Galileo... The earth moves around the sun? Heresy, I say!
Then there are the others;

That's is an example of silly junk rebuttal. Where have you read or heard data from temp readings of agriculture versus asphalt? Data usually relates ambient temps and weather historical data which is more regional in scope ... not pastures, parking lots, and runways! :rolleyes:
point is, scientist skew their results to get the outcome they desire so they can continue to get their grants.

keeping the sheep in a perpetual state of fear, insures the benjamins keep coming. if you can't even acknowledge this as being so, there is no point in continuing.
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