Caribou Gear

Losses at the Forest Service

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You guys are so funny and about no different than the overreactions you see on Facebook.

A few actions by the right and all of a sudden its fascism. If it would have been a few actions by the left we would be hearing cries of communism.

The reality is that the USA is overall about as center of the road as it gets on the political spectrum. We have been swaying back and forth for 250 years somewhere pretty much between these two lines. The system setup at the creation of this nation pretty much ensures that it can never stray too far. That is literally the definition of a Democracy.

I am pointing out what I think is a likely outcome and what has brought us to this point.

But let's be honest. It's not western residents and their NR allocations or NR prices that have brought us to this point. Hunting and NR hunting aren't even a whispy floating afterthought in all of this. It's just caught up in it and it will evolve however it does in response to what happens. But the western resident is not at fault for seeing PLT intensify and seeing the present danger rear it's head like never before.

The seeds for PLT and public lands disposal were laid decades before the current clamoring about hunting in the west.
The seeds for PLT and public lands disposal were laid decades before the current clamoring about hunting in the west.
Agreed but it was the western residents responsible for this though back then and through to today. It isn't the representatives from eastern states proposing and pushing the ideas of PLT right? The western residents are voting these people pushing this into office.
You guys are so funny and about no different than the overreactions you see on Facebook.

A few actions by the right and all of a sudden its fascism. If it would have been a few actions by the left we would be hearing cries of communism.

The reality is that the USA is overall about as center of the road as it gets on the political spectrum. We have been swaying back and forth for 250 years somewhere pretty much between these two lines. The system setup at the creation of this nation pretty much ensures that it can never stray too far. That is literally the definition of a Democracy.

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I had eggs for breakfast, so it hasn't bottomed out.
I agree that it isn’t the sole cause, but it certainly hasn’t helped create solidarity against it.

A single rain drop never feels responsible for the flood🙂
You can solve your own problem, but you're too afraid to do it. The house across the street from me is up for sale 775K, beautiful home, awesome neighborhood. An attorney, retired Dr., retired business couple, GIS Analyst and a Biological Scientist for neighbors.

If I were a NR hunter, and I am one multiple times a year, the last thing I tend to do is piss off the Residents of the state I'm a NR of.
Same funding correct? They not both part of the USDA?
Not the same funding you haven't a clue about a lot of things, one of them being how money is allocated.

So, no, the NRCS funding has zero to do with and does not impact FS funding even though they're both under the USDA umbrella.

Its not about the money for you anyway, if only wayyyyy too obviously.
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