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Losses at the Forest Service

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We’ve been getting mixed info regarding this. Most folks are telling us it’s only for your first perm appointment, others say it’s any time you take a new job.

Seems like people didn’t care to research it until now.
It is and has been the same - Federal Agencies are covered under OPM. OPM has not changed their position of transfer and probationary periods. The only caveat is one must complete any probation currently in place.
We’ve been getting mixed info regarding this. Most folks are telling us it’s only for your first perm appointment, others say it’s any time you take a new job.

Seems like people didn’t care to research it until now.
It's not only your first appointment. The only time you wouldn't go on probation is if you lateral (same pay position) and maybe a few other exceptions based on different hiring authorities. Any promotions or change in agency would require a probationary period.
It's not only your first appointment. The only time you wouldn't go on probation is if you lateral (same pay position) and maybe a few other exceptions based on different hiring authorities. Any promotions or change in agency would require a probationary period.
Link? I would be interested and more than willing to stand corrected. I am a Union representative within one of the largest Federal Unions and deal with this on occasion for transfers.
It's not only your first appointment. The only time you wouldn't go on probation is if you lateral (same pay position) and maybe a few other exceptions based on different hiring authorities. Any promotions or change in agency would require a probationary period.

This bit one of our daughter's friends. Last fall she took a position with the Bureau of Reclamation. She had been with the BLM, previously. Now she's out of a job.
Link? I would be interested and more than willing to stand corrected. I am a Union representative within one of the largest Federal Unions and deal with this on occasion for transfers.
There is no probationary period for details (temp promotions to supervisor or some higher-grade role).

Transfers (I assume this is a lateral) by the reading of that sometimes you wouldn't go into probation depending on the job hiring authority as long as it is the same/similar position and same GS (pay). I believe this may also only be applicable to jobs within the same department, ie DOI, Department of Ag, etc.

I know several people who got fired because they were still in probationary status from promotions within the same agency.
We need to start by disambiguating what the problem is.

This is just more of the same. Make cuts, project the savings out 10yrs, Ask CBO to make up an increase in GDP growth from cuts, extend current tax law (and maybe even sprinkle in a few more cuts). Viola! Magic math. I think we agree it is all fugazi, at least for the average american. Just need to keep them arguing over the scraps.
Said it earlier, this is exactly what just happened in West Virginia. The new governor and the old one were both republicans. New one is bashing the old one for claiming things that were not true and leaving the state with a looming deficit.
But let's be honest. It's not western residents and their NR allocations or NR prices that have brought us to this point. Hunting and NR hunting aren't even a whispy floating afterthought in all of this. It's just caught up in it and it will evolve however it does in response to what happens. But the western resident is not at fault for seeing PLT intensify and seeing the present danger rear it's head like never before.

The seeds for PLT and public lands disposal were laid decades before the current clamoring about hunting in the west.
Reagan's sagebrush rebelllion.
It is and has been the same - Federal Agencies are covered under OPM. OPM has not changed their position of transfer and probationary periods. The only caveat is one must complete any probation currently in place.
Honest question, have you ever found inconsistency between OPM/HR/Agency? I know I certainly have.

Also, what do you know about NTE positions and probationary periods? I'm under the assumption that NTE's do not have probationary periods, however, its seems that some NTE's received emails indicating they were on probation and let go with the same letter as everyone else.

Maybe you don't deal with NTE's?
Honest question, have you ever found inconsistency between OPM/HR/Agency? I know I certainly have.

Also, what do you know about NTE positions and probationary periods? I'm under the assumption that NTE's do not have probationary periods, however, its seems that some NTE's received emails indicating they were on probation and let go with the same letter as everyone else.

Maybe you don't deal with NTE's?
Inconsistencies, yes, hence grievance procedure - in the end, OPM is the final authority over Agency HR unless it's an ambiguous - differed to the Agency for policy. MOUs are not binding if they oppose OPM, unless again, the OPM differs it to the Agency. Our agency holds NTE's and probation employees are typically not permitted through for NTE positions. NTE are typically journeymen who are moved to another location "Not To Exceed" x time frame and returned to their defined duty station. NTE are not a probationary detail or... if for some reason they permit an employee currently on probation to accept the position - then they are required to complete their probation time frame.
This is all predicated on their SF-50 status under 24.
Inconsistencies, yes, hence grievance procedure - in the end, OPM is the final authority over Agency HR unless it's an ambiguous - differed to the Agency for policy. MOUs are not binding if they oppose OPM, unless again, the OPM differs it to the Agency. Our agency holds NTE's and probation employees are typically not permitted through for NTE positions. NTE are typically journeymen who are moved to another location "Not To Exceed" x time frame and returned to their defined duty station. NTE are not a probationary detail or... if for some reason they permit an employee currently on probation to accept the position - then they are required to complete their probation time frame.
This is all predicated on their SF-50 status under 24.
Copy that, thank you.
Said it earlier, this is exactly what just happened in West Virginia. The new governor and the old one were both republicans. New one is bashing the old one for claiming things that were not true and leaving the state with a looming deficit.
Exactly. I can say that the mental gymnastics that they need to go through to make a tax extension deficit neutral is mind boggling. The biggest problem is cutting $1T in government spending cuts about 0.5-1.0% off GDP, which makes the numbers worse. They could maybe say that lower growth means lower interest rates so that expense falls. But that isn't a great political narrative. Somehow they will blame Biden or some new boogieman. Obviously the lack of these funds is going to hurt a lot of smaller communities. I have complete confidence they will find a way to sell it to the public though, and it will be bought hand over fist.
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