Just 5 cartridges

Rimfire: .22 LR is the only right answer. Anyone who says otherwise is just being eccentric...cough cough brockel
Handgun: .357 mag
Shotgun: 12 ga.
EOM/WOM: .270/300 WSM
sorry vikingsguy i stirred everything up without giving a complete answer

22 lr for sure
9 mm for sure - really only have handguns for self defense and fun, 9mm is perfect.
12 gauge - hunt damn near any bird that exists all the way up to hunting deer with slugs... now that i think about it, if i was forced to only own one gun for hunting for the rest of my life a 12 gauge could be in contention for that. hmmm.

we know my rifle answers.
OK - we did this a while back for "if you could only have 1 rifle, 1 handgun, etc". But now the premise is, you can have any number of firearms/platforms you wish, but you can only shoot 1 cartridge for each of the following, rimfire, handgun, shotgun, west of the Mississippi rifle, east of the Mississippi rifle. How to weigh power, vs shootability, vs cost, vs availability, vs handloading, vs nostalgia is in the eye of the beholder.

My list:

Rimfire: .22LR - cheap, readily available, a classic plinker
Handgun: 10mm - gives a little more "oomph" as a woods gun while still working for personal defense (but giving up 9mm and .357Mag would hurt)
Shotgun: 12ga - really the do all shotgun (hell, can cover the job of home defense handgun and east of MS rifle too)
West of Mississippi Rifle: 280AI - the most balanced NA big game choice in my opinion
East of the Mississippi Rifle: 30-30Win - a true classic, practicality and nostalgia carry the day on this one
got ya beat
22 mag henry lever action and ruger single six
357 mag Henery lever action, s&w 686, ruger stainless blackhawk
308 win Henery Longranger lever action.
12 guage Mosberg 500 pump camo
thats it!! only reload two cartrages 308, 357 mag
FYI the 686 is my carry gun😎
I have thought about playing a full round with a 7 iron and a putter. I haven't yet, but I doubt my score would change much :(
That would improve a lot people’s game; sadly probably mine too about half the time when driver’s been drinking.
I have thought about playing a full round with a 7 iron and a putter. I haven't yet, but I doubt my score would change much :(

I’m a 3-8-P guy when we go three clubs… introduced last year to polo golf, that may be my go to from now on 😉

Back to the show;
.45-70 (yet to own but building interest)

Rimfire - .22lr
Shotgun - 12 gauge, no surprises so far…
Handgun AND eastern deer - 44 mag.
Western - .308 and .300 PRC. Love my .308, can’t not have one, and really digging my CA .300 PRC so far. Having a lot of fun finding where this one goes.
Caribou Gear

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