Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

What lever gun are you thinking? (Bear mainly / possibly other big game)

It seems like there is a lot of love on HT for lever guns. A friend of mine at church today discussed bear hunting this year (fall/winter). We were both talking about different cartridges for somewhat up close bear hunting. It got me thinking of what is the best lever guns out there mainly for bears. Of course any gun can be used for other big game also. We discussed 30-30, 35, 44 mag rifle, and 45-70 although i do not know many other options.
I know that there are those of you on the East coast, and those out West that bear hunt. What say you?? Even if you don't currently own it, what would be your bucket list lever gun?

1) What is your favorite bear cartridge for up close shooting? Not thinking long range shots.
2) What brands do you own or wish you owned?
3) What has been your experience with lever guns and bears?
The new Marlins look to be really high quality and are made here in NC.
I’ll agree with everyone else about the marlins looking great. I used to have an old one in 30-30, and I terribly regret that I sold it.

These days I find myself really wanting to get my hands on a Henry long ranger in 308.
Definitely a Winchester 1886 in .50-110.
Or maybe a Win 1895 in .405?
A '71 in .348?
There's a lot to choose from, the 38-55 is making a comeback and is a neat round.
30-30 and 35 Rem are both classics. 32 Special is probably available in your area too.
.444, 45-70, and 450 Marlin are all good choices though you'll have a hard time finding 450 ammo. Same goes for 308 and 338 MX.
For pistol cartridges anything 357 mag or bigger would do fine.
Definitely a Winchester 1886 in .50-110.
Or maybe a Win 1895 in .405?
A '71 in .348?
There's a lot to choose from, the 38-55 is making a comeback and is a neat round.
30-30 and 35 Rem are both classics. 32 Special is probably available in your area too.
.444, 45-70, and 450 Marlin are all good choices though you'll have a hard time finding 450 ammo. Same goes for 308 and 338 MX.
For pistol cartridges anything 357 mag or bigger would do fine.
Right now, my first choice would be a 50-200-450, but it depends on what I have just gotten or what I feel like packing. 45-75 Winchester 1876 would be a possibility too. Or a deluxe 45-70, or a 1895 40-72 or a 1886 45-70 rifle.

Anything old and cast bullets would be my starting place…

@Bullshot I’ve never heard or shot a .444 or .450
Never seen one, I’ll have to check that out!
I have all three plus a 35 Rem and two 30-30s. All Marlins.

I really love the big bores most of all. And I don’t shoot those gummy tips in any of them. Heavy flat nose or bust. The way God intended. LOL

Photo is of a 450 vs 6.5CM. Photo of the bullets is a 127gr Barnes LRX vs a 405gr Rem. Like a Toyota Celica vs a Union Pacific locomotiveAFF2AA0C-144D-4D7D-A332-64AB07A39FC0.jpeg
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I'll only mention them because I haven't seen them in previous posts, Winchester 94 big bore in 375 or 356 Winchester would be good bear medicine as well as the previously mentioned Marlins in 375, 356, 444, 450 or 45/70.
A Marlin 1895 (the original) in .45-70 is my bear gun. Just didn't see a bear that I wanted to shoot. It will be my bear gun next time too, although I could also use an 1893 Marlin in 38-55.

Marlins have a few advantages over a Winchester '94, '86, or '71, in my opinion. The biggest one is that they come apart easily. One screw will remove the lever and from that the entire bolt comes out so you can clean from the breech. That can be a thumbscrew if you wish, so you can take it down in the field without tools. It's trigger group is one unit, which makes it a bit easier to tune. And over all, it's just a simpler gun. But these advantages are pretty minor.

You can have a good hunt looking for an 1895 Marlin. There were only ~5000 of them made, but they are out there if you enjoy hunting for them.

Here is one that I hunt for.


This is one that I bought for not much. Absolutely nothing on this gun worked. Not the wood, the trigger, the carrier, nothing. But I got it fixed up and she works well now.


1895 with big lever. I used to like the short barrels, but they give more muzzle flip so I’m back to preferring the standard barrel lengths (20” IIRC). 45/70, 450 Marlin, or 444 with a heavy hard cast with a wide meplat would be great.

So would a 336 in 308MX or 338MX. I don’t care for the XLR rifles personally, as they just don’t seem to be as svelte and nimble. I prefer the ones with the 20-22” barrels.

The former group punches a big hole with a 95% guarantee on exit wound. The latter group gives you flatter trajectory and more shock, but they just operate differently. Both groups are different but neither are necessarily better.
If you're following a pack of hounds a Model 94 or 336 that you don't mind getting torn all to hell in laurel thickets. Most guys I know carry the 30-30 and it's never failed. No scopes! My uncle took around 80 bears with a .32 Winchester over hounds before he passed away.
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