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What lever gun are you thinking? (Bear mainly / possibly other big game)

I would really like to get my hands on one of those Henry Long Ranger .308's. I am partial to my bolt guns, but could see that long ranger getting some use. I like the idea that either right or left handed child of mine could pick it up and use it too.
Any thoughts on a new Henry in .360 Buckhammer? Could be used on whitetail and black bear at lesser ranges? Not that I'm a new cartridge type of guy.... just scratching my head. Anybody able to get ammo in .360BH?
I was at a bear camp in CA this past fall (2023) and two hunters had lever guns. One was a Marlin 336 in 35Rem and the other was a new Marlin 1895 in 45/70. Both hunters harvested black bears with full pass through and from what they said the bears didn't go more than 20 yards before piling up. I could put my fist through the exit wound on the bear shot with the 45/70.

Personal note, my old Pap used a Win94 in 3030 to take the only black bear he ever shot. I own 3030's and a 35Rem and love both. Wouldn't hesitate to take either on a bear hunt so long as the shots were within 100 yards. If you're thinking the distances will be greater than that you might want to look at a different round.
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