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What lever gun are you thinking? (Bear mainly / possibly other big game)

No love for the .41 mag? How about some Lehigh Defense 150 gr extreme defense bullets in a .41 mag Henry?
They work on hogs, lol.

@wytex Half of the fun of this thread is looking at the guns that you guys have, or would buy, and then researching it if I have never seen it. For example, I had to google the .41 to check it out.
Just browsed a bit on the “overpriced auction” site and there are many interesting Marlins to look at and not all at totally terrible $$. I saw a nice one yesterday at a good price including a leupold, sling, ammo sleeve and its no longer there. I was tempted but I had just succumbed to a different one (a 450) and funds (and need) are at all time low!
Ok guys. I went by one of my local shops and they had some Rossi's, Henry (Big Boy), and Marlin's. I had never felt or even heard of a Rossi.
I am leaning more toward the Marlin but I am at a point that I wanted to see what those of you that have answered think between the 45-70, vs 44 Magnum. The shop had a Henry in the 44 Mag, and they have a Marlin but did not have at that location.

What is everyone's experience between the 44 Magnum out a rifle versus the 45-70? Those are the two calibers that places that I have looked around at seemed to have in stock.

Also, for any of you that have 44 Magnum, have you shot the 44 Specials out of it, just from a cost standpoint, and what has been your thoughts??

What is everyone's experience between the 44 Magnum rifle versus the 45-70? Those are the two calibers that places that I have looked around at seemed to have in stock.

Also, for any of you that have 44 Magnum, have you shot the 44 Specials out of it, just from a cost standpoint, and what has been your thoughts on accuracy?
Thanks to everyone who contributed pictures, and your thoughts on my next lever gun. I narrowed it down and then went to my local gun shop. They had .35, .41, .357, .44, and .45-70. I narrowed it down to the 44 and the 45-70.

They probably thought I was crazy, but I spent 20 minutes shouldering, carrying, etc on the Henry, and the Marlin. I ended up with the Henry Big Boy X in 44 Magnum.

Who knows, after some time, I may have to send to @p_ham for modifications/enhancements!

Here she is!!

Thanks to everyone who contributed pictures, and your thoughts on my next lever gun. I narrowed it down and then went to my local gun shop. They had .35, .41, .357, .44, and .45-70. I narrowed it down to the 44 and the 45-70.

They probably thought I was crazy, but I spent 20 minutes shouldering, carrying, etc on the Henry, and the Marlin. I ended up with the Henry Big Boy X in 44 Magnum.

Who knows, after some time, I may have to send to @p_ham for modifications/enhancements!

Here she is!!

View attachment 283047
She could use a mag tube conversion..
At a shooter's banquet tonight, they gave away a new, just-released RugerMarlin 336 .30-30. Pretty good looking rifle and definitely better made than any other modern era Marlin. MRSP $1300. Maybe that works for someone in the new gun dept.
At a shooter's banquet tonight, they gave away a new, just-released RugerMarlin 336 .30-30. Pretty good looking rifle and definitely better made than any other modern era Marlin. MRSP $1300. Maybe that works for someone in the new gun dept.
I've had a few of the new 45-70s in the shop. Very well made rifles.
I have no love for lever guns. No need for one. I'm no advocate of fast shooting but when circumstances require I can do it well enough with my bolt action Springfield. Shot this running gemsbuck twice through the heart before it could fall over.
2019-08-24 gemsbuck.jpg
As my name suggests, it would be either my 444SS w/ 265gr Hornadys

or my Savage 99EG .308 Win, or maybe my Winchester 71 348, or my Winchester 88 .243 Win...

Choices are good to have for these hypotheticals.

Edited to add, this was my post # 348, so I guess it would be fitting for me to choose the Win 71 .348. It's Destiny.
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Thanks to everyone who contributed pictures, and your thoughts on my next lever gun. I narrowed it down and then went to my local gun shop. They had .35, .41, .357, .44, and .45-70. I narrowed it down to the 44 and the 45-70.

They probably thought I was crazy, but I spent 20 minutes shouldering, carrying, etc on the Henry, and the Marlin. I ended up with the Henry Big Boy X in 44 Magnum.

Who knows, after some time, I may have to send to @p_ham for modifications/enhancements!

Here she is!!

View attachment 283047
That's a Henry???

Great Googly!!!

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