Caribou Gear Tarp

Just 5 cartridges

East of the Mississippi would be Nunavut--West, Yukon and Northwest Territories

and I use the same three regardless of which side I am on ;)

275 H & H
12 gauge

I am allowed to carry a revolver and if I did it would be a Glock 10mm

According to the regulations we are still allowed to hunt the Snowshoe Hare, Arctic Ground Squirrel and Porcupine with a sling shot, so I will take that one as my fifth :)

come to think of it my husband also only uses three 270 Weatherby, 340 Weatherby and a 12 gauge.

Brent, I know you love to hunt squirrels, what do you think--sling shot or shotgun ?:)

No question, slingshot! Shotguns are for feathered dinosaurs only. :)

I was trying to avoid this, 'cuz I'm boringly predictable by now. So what would I pick? I bet you guys could do this for me faster than I can.

.45-70 - cuz it will kill'em all, easily.
.22 LR - cuz I suck with a slingshot.
12 gauge - because it is really the only shotgun anyone should ever need.

Beyond that, I would have to add a noncartridge gun. .54 roundball, of course. And that is it. All other cartridges (and I have many), are simply superfluous extravagances.
Once upon a time I used to be that guy that said "you can buy .22, 12 gauge, 30-06 in every gas station in America."

Now I stand corrected.

So, my list.

28 guage

350 legend

27 nosler


.22 pellet gun
A different way of saying open plains antelope/mule deer/elk/bison/grizzly rifle vs wooded and cornfield white tail, hog and black bear rifles. They are different forms of hunting that lend themselves to different preferred cartridges.
12 gauge
.300 win mag
.50 muzzy
12 ga
50 BMG? .62 or .63 cal bp paper cartridges?

For eastern big game/brush see 12 ga

Interesting no mention of .223/5.56 (unless I missed it)
Lucky for me I don't have to be limited because to many not to keep that I like, but for the sake of argument:
Easy, my collection is already limited to 5. So my list is:
22lr because it’s what I have,
9mm because it’s what I have,
20ga because it’s what I have,
308 because it’s what I have,
and lastly,
5.56/.223 because it’s what I have!

If I were to change anything, I would probably get a pistol in .357, and a lever gun in .357, and make those my pistol and E. of MS rifle, and check all 5 categories with 4 cartridges.
Easy, my collection is already limited to 5. So my list is:
22lr because it’s what I have,
9mm because it’s what I have,
20ga because it’s what I have,
308 because it’s what I have,
and lastly,
5.56/.223 because it’s what I have!

If I were to change anything, I would probably get a pistol in .357, and a lever gun in .357, and make those my pistol and E. of MS rifle, and check all 5 categories with 4 cartridges.
Same same...
My choices:

Rimfire - 22 lr. I have more fun with a 22 than any other cartridge. I wouldn’t have nearly as much fun with a rimfire that shot expensive 22 magnum or 17 HMR ammo.
Handgun - 44 Remington Magnum. I have shot a bunch of stuff from ground squirrels to elk with 44s with barrels from 3” to 6.5” and I have a 2 5/8” scandium frame version I could use for concealed carry. I could also get a Marlin or Winchester lever action.
East of Mississippi - 5.56. Works in my daughter’s Tikka or in an AR-15 and is great on deer with 77 gr TMKs or 62 gr TTSXs. I would not hesitate to shoot a bear with a 5.56. If I drew another Maine or New Hampshire moose tag, I would pretend that I flunked geography and use my West of the Mississippi cartridge (or if I could figure out how to get my revolver through a bunch of liberal states between here and there - my 44).
West of the Mississippi - probably a long-throated 30 Nosler (have one on the way) My dad had a 300 Winchester Magnum when I started hunting with a 30-06. I moved up to a 7mm Remington Magnum, but, I always wanted a 30 cal magnum. Starting when I was about 20 until the current day (except for about a 10 year period of short range weapon only hunting), I have had some kind of 30 cal magnum. I have had 300 Win Mags, a 300 Weatherby, and 300 RUMs.* A 30 Nosler will be in my hands soon and I already have plans to change another 300 RUM to 30 Nosler (sorry @mtmuley, @noharleyyet).
Shotgun - 12 gauge. Duh! I am not a bird hunter but a 12 gauge in hand, loaded with 00 buck, has made me feel safe on more than one occasion.

*edit - I just remembered that I also have my dad’s 300 WSM that I leave at my mom’s for the occasional coyote I see on visits there.
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22lr - S&W M&P is ridiculously accurate and fun to shoot, and my ridiculous 10/22 target for anything sub-coyote out to 150 yards. On that note… maybe I’ll pack it on my next yote hunt.

6.5cm - Tikka T3x Wideland veil sliced and diced. Sweetest shooting rifle I’ve ever owned. No kick and easily plunks steal out to 700 with a bdc reticle. Yote to Mulie sized game.

300wm - Kampfeld Custom built off a Tikka action. I chose the classic easily available WM, but see the upside of less available 300s.

12ga - Useful for damn near anything. Don’t own a cool one…, but my Benelli does the job.

50 AE - Chrome plated Desert Eagle, gold trim, mother of pearl handles and laser sight. Makes me feel like a badass, and you know what they say about guys with these… well, I wouldn’t know. I don’t have one. I couldn’t resist messing. I have a 40 S&W M&P that’s the same frame as my 22. It’s a fun combo for teaching people to shoot. I’m not beholden to a pistol round.
East of the Mississippi would be Nunavut--West, Yukon and Northwest Territories

and I use the same three regardless of which side I am on ;)

275 H & H
12 gauge

I am allowed to carry a revolver and if I did it would be a Glock 10mm

According to the regulations we are still allowed to hunt the Snowshoe Hare, Arctic Ground Squirrel and Porcupine with a sling shot, so I will take that one as my fifth :)

come to think of it my husband also only uses three 270 Weatherby, 340 Weatherby and a 12 gauge.

Brent, I know you love to hunt squirrels, what do you think--sling shot or shotgun ?:)
Years ago, when I lived in northern Montana, one of the guys that I worked used to fish a lot just across the border in British Columbia. One day he was fishing in BC and was checked by a warden or Mountie and the warden noticed my friend's slingshot. The warden got real excited and exclaimed "That's a bloody catapult, you can't have that!" :ROFLMAO:
My choices:

Rimfire - 22 lr. I have more fun with a 22 than any other cartridge. I wouldn’t have nearly as much fun with a rimfire that shot expensive 22 magnum or 17 HMR ammo.
Handgun - 44 Remington Magnum. I have shot a bunch of stuff from ground squirrels to elk with 44s with barrels from 3” to 6.5” and I have a 2 5/8” scandium frame version I could use for concealed carry. I could also get a Marlin or Winchester lever action.
East of Mississippi - 5.56. Works in my daughter’s Tikka or in an AR-15 and is great on deer with 77 gr TMKs or 62 gr TTSXs. I would not hesitate to shoot a bear with a 5.56. If I drew another Maine or New Hampshire moose tag, I would pretend that I flunked geography and use my West of the Mississippi cartridge (or if I could figure out how to get my revolver through a bunch of liberal states between here and there - my 44).
West of the Mississippi - probably a long-throated 30 Nosler (have one on the way) My dad had a 300 Winchester Magnum when I started hunting with a 30-06. I moved up to a 7mm Remington Magnum, but, I always wanted a 30 cal magnum. Starting when I was about 20 until the current day (except for about a 10 year period of short range weapon only hunting), I have had some kind of 30 cal magnum. I have had 300 Win Mags, a 300 Weatherby, and 300 RUMs.* A 30 Nosler will be in my hands soon and I already have plans to change another 300 RUM to 30 Nosler (sorry @mtmuley, @noharleyyet).
Shotgun - 12 gauge. Duh! I am not a bird hunter but a 12 gauge in hand, loaded with 00 buck, has made me feel safe on more than one occasion.

*edit - I just remembered that I also have my dad’s 300 WSM that I leave at my mom’s for the occasional coyote I see on visits there.
Hold on to your left handed RUM'll be back
As to the OP's question,

Rimfire - .22 LR (my Rem 541 T)
Handgun - .44 Rem Mag It also shoots .44 Specials which are fun with reduced recoil (my S&W 4" 629)
Shotgun - 12 ga I can load it down to 3/4 oz target loads and up to 1 1/2 oz field loads (my Rem 870, which also has a scoped, rifled barrel)
West - my .300 Weatherby. I would use it on anything in North America
East - my .257 AI. I've used it on everything from prairie dogs to elk, and deer as close as 30 yards
Don't remember what I wrote last time, lot of stuff that can make the list.

22 Mag. Never go hungry with a 22 Mag

38 Spec but cast loads only.

250/3000. Good to go for more than I'd use it for.

30-06. Lived a long time without one and now don't know how!

28ga shotgun

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