Is the Montefeltro played? What's the most core trap gun?

Same gun? Someone needs to tell that young lady birds see blue like it's neon. Explains why her jeans worked so poorly that day. 😉

Standing corn is a blast to hunt from because I can shoot standing up. But don't shoot them if they fall behind me in that stuff! Very difficult to find even with three dogs working. And bears hiding in it steal the birds.
At least once a year I shoot honker triples. Often several times. And at least once every year I'll take home a limit of five in as many shots. Not saying it would be impossible with a twenty or sixteen gauge, but it would be very rare. I know one shotgun editor nearly my age who has yet to shoot a honker triple ... with twelve gauge magnum.
Well that young lady is my step son so...geese don't seem to mind blue jeans anytime I shoot them wearing them either.
Apologies to him. The hood threw me off. Too young for whiskers so easy mistake to make.

Do your research on colors birds see. Same with deer. Blue is not good.
Shouldered the browning, shouldered the benelli.
The high gloss wood on the browning just wasn’t speaking to me in person like it did on the computer screen and for $370 less for the gun and a few less dollars per box in shells I decided to go with the montefeltro in 20 gauge with a 26” barrel.
Brought it home, started disassembling it for cleaning and oiling, promptly air mailed the firing pin spring into the back of my pickup.
Decided it had plenty of oil on it from the factory.
Put it back together and shot about 70 shells through it with no issues.

When I was out of shells and cleaning up this guy showed up.
I think it’s a good sign.

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